Maria Pietilä
Postdoctoral Researcher
Human Resources Services, University Services
[email protected] | +358 46 920 5684
16/16 items-
Academic careers in Europe: a nested view
Pekkola, Elias; Siekkinen, Taru; Arnhold, Nina; Pietilä, Maria; Püttmann, Vitus; Sursock, Andrée. Teoksessa: Pekkola, Elias; Siekkinen, Taru(toim.) , 2024. Tenure Tracks in European Universities. s. 19-41. Edward Elgar A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Broadening the conception of ‘what counts’ – example of a narrative CV in a university alliance
Pietilä, Maria; Kekäle, Jouni; Rintamäki, Katri. 2024. poster -
Developing and implementing fair and rewarding tenure tracks – organisational and professional aspects
Siekkinen, Taru; Pekkola, Elias; Pietilä, Maria; Mikkonen, Marjukka. Teoksessa: Pekkola, Elias; Siekkinen, Taru(toim.) , 2024. Tenure Tracks in European Universities. s. 1-18. Edward Elgar B2 Book section -
From an Input to an Output: The Discursive Uses of External Research Funding in Academic Career Assessment
Pietilä, Maria. 2024. Higher education policy. [Epub ahead of print 9 Feb 2024]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kohti monipuolisempaa tutkijanarviointia – eurooppalaisen yliopistoallianssin portfolio tutkijarekrytointeihin
Pietilä, Maria; Kekäle, Jouni; Rintamäki, Katri. 2024. Tiedepolitiikka. 49: 17-30 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
National Policies Supporting Gender Equality in Academic Careers: Are the “Global Leaders” Doing What It Takes?
Silander, Charlotte; Reisel, Liza; Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria. 2024. Nora: nordic journal of feminist and gender research. 32: 275-291 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Report on the accreditation pilot based in Open Science criteria
Kekäle, Jouni; Pietilä, Maria; Rintamäki, Katri. 2024. . . The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) D4 Published development or research report or study -
Researchers’ views on diversity of career assessment criteria in Finland: a survey report
Pölönen, Janne; Himanen, Laura; Hyrkkänen, Anna-Kaisa; Kallio, Miki; Koivisto, Elina; Lahdenperä, Hanna; Muhonen, Reetta; Niemi, Laura; Pietilä, Maria; Sipola, Tiina; Söderman, Mira. 2024. . . Zenodo D4 Published development or research report or study -
Advancing women’s representation in top academic positions – what works?
Drange, Ida; Pietilä, Maria; Reisel, Liza; Silander, Charlotte. 2023. Studies in higher education. 48: 877-891 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teaching and research staff at Swedish universities – A view through the lens of internationalization and diversity
Silander, Charlotte; Pietilä, Maria. 2023. Högre utbildning. 13: 72-87 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research