Marjo Tuomainen
Project Researcher
Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
[email protected] | +358 50 314 2408
35/35 items-
Metabolic changes in response to varying whole-grain wheat and rye intake
Koistinen, Ville M; Haldar, Sumanto; Tuomainen, Marjo; Lehtonen, Marko; Klåvus, Anton; Draper, John; Lloyd, Amanda; Beckmann, Manfred; Bal, Wendy; Ross, Alastair B; Brandt, Kirsten; Fawcett, Lee; Seal, Chris; Hanhineva, Kati. 2024. npj science of food. 8: . 8 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Suolistomikrobiston syntetisoima indolipropionihappo metabolisissa sairauksissa
Tuomainen, Marjo; Uusitupa, Matti; Männistö, Ville; Lindström, Jaana; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Hanhineva, Kati. 2024. Duodecim. 140: 1506-1514 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Cold-stimulated brown adipose tissue activation is related to changes in serum metabolites relevant to NAD+ metabolism in humans
U-Din, Mueez; de Mello, Vanessa D; Tuomainen, Marjo; Raiko, Juho; Niemi, Tarja; Fromme, Tobias; Klåvus, Anton; Gautier, Nadine; Haimilahti, Kimmo; Lehtonen, Marko; Kristiansen, Karsten; Newman, John W; Pietiläinen, Kirsi H; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Amri, Ez-Zoubir; Klingenspor, Martin; Nuutila, Pirjo; Pirinen, Eija; Hanhineva, Kati; Virtanen, Kirsi A. 2023. Cell reports. 42: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Topical pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone suspensions in the rabbit eye: Bioavailability comparison
Naageshwaran, Vatsala; Ranta, Veli-Pekka; Toropainen, Elisa; Tuomainen, Marjo; Gum, Glenwood; Xie, Enli; Bhoopathy, Siddhartha; Urtti, Arto; del Amo, Eva M. 2022. International journal of pharmaceutics. 615: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Understanding dexamethasone kinetics in the rabbit tear fluid: Drug release and clearance from solution, suspension and hydrogel formulations
Balla, Anusha; Ruponen, Marika; Valtari, Annika; Toropainen, Elisa; Tuomainen, Marjo; Alvarez-Lorenzo, Carmen; del Amo, Eva M.; Urtti, Arto; Vellonen, Kati-Sisko. 2022. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics. 172: 53-60 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Indole-3-Propionic Acid, a Gut-Derived Tryptophan Metabolite, Associates with Hepatic Fibrosis
Sehgal, Ratika Ilha, Mariana Vaittinen, Maija Kaminska, Dorota Männistö, Ville Kärjä, Vesa Tuomainen, Marjo Hanhineva, Kati Romeo, Stefano Pajukanta, Päivi Pihlajamäki, Jussi de Mello, Vanessa D.. 2021. Nutrients. 13: 3509 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"notame": Workflow for Non-Targeted LC-MS Metabolic Profiling
Klåvus, Anton; Kokla, Marietta; Noerman, Stefania; Koistinen, Ville M; Tuomainen, Marjo; Zarei, Iman; Meuronen, Topi; Häkkinen, Merja R; Rummukainen, Soile; Farizah Babu, Ambrin; Sallinen, Taisa; Kärkkäinen, Olli; Paananen, Jussi; Broadhurst, David; Brunius, Carl; Hanhineva, Kati. 2020. Metabolites. 10: 135 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Side-stream products of malting: a neglected source of phytochemicals
Koistinen, Ville M; Tuomainen, Marjo; Lehtinen, Pekka; Peltola, Petri; Auriola, Seppo; Jonsson, Karin; Hanhineva, Kati. 2020. npj science of food. 4: 21 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Quantitative assessment of betainized compounds and associations with dietary and metabolic biomarkers in the randomized study of the healthy Nordic diet (SYSDIET)
Tuomainen, M; Kärkkäinen, O; Leppänen, J; Auriola, S; Lehtonen, M; Savolainen, MJ; Hermansen, K; Risérus, U; Åkesson, B; Thorsdottir, I; Kolehmainen, M; Uusitupa, M; Poutanen, K; Schwab, U; Hanhineva, K. 2019. American journal of clinical nutrition. 110: 1108-1118 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Associations of serum indolepropionic acid, a gut microbiota metabolite, with type 2 diabetes and low-grade inflammation in high-risk individuals
Tuomainen, Marjo; Lindström, Jaana; Lehtonen, Marko; Auriola, Seppo; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Peltonen, Markku; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Uusitupa, Matti; de Mello, Vanessa D; Hanhineva, Kati. 2018. Nutrition and diabetes. 8: 35 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research