Marko Piipponen
Doctoral Researcher
M.A. (Finnish history), doctoral researcher of Law. Historical criminology, legal history
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies | +358 50 534 6285
In my doctoral dissertation, I study the birth of Finnish technical crime investigation in Finland in the 1920s and its integration into the Finnish police and legal system. I am specializing in Finnish police history, Finnish 20th-century criminal and legal history, and historical criminology. I have also studied the neo-Nazi Pekka Siitoin and the activities of the Finnish far-right during the Cold War.
I work at the UEF Law School as a grant researcher in the role of a research assistant.
Research groups
3/3 items-
Tapaustutkimus: Lähdekriittisyys sanomalehtiaineistossa historiallisessa kriminologiassa
Piipponen, Marko. 2024. Intellectual history archive. I: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fasistien salaliitto vai kommunistien provosointi? – Vuoden 1977 kirjapaino Kursiivin murhapolton määrittely sanomalehdissä
Piipponen, Marko. 2023. Kriminologia. 3: 73-93 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fasismia, terrorismia vai nallipyssynatsien leikkiä? Julkinen keskustelu Isänmaallisen Kansanrintaman toiminnasta loppuvuodesta 1977
Piipponen, Marko. 2022. G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis