Matthieu Roussey
Experimental Photonics
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 442 3436
I am working in Integrated Optics, nano- and micro-structures on/in waveguide, new waveguide concepts, and other light manipulators. I am involved in applications of photonics for everyday life use. Typically: detection of micro and nanoplastic in water, atmospheric sensing, telecom on-chip components. I am also working on more fundamental topics related to dielectric surface waves, smart PICs…
Research groups
89/89 items-
Optical beam steering and distance measurement experiments through an optical phased array and a 3D printed lens
Muntaha, Sidra Tul; Hokkanen, Ari; Harjanne, Mikko; Cherchi, Matteo; Roussey, Matthieu; Aalto, Timo. 2025. Optics express. 33: 3685-3696 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Coupling light into a guided Bloch surface wave using an inversely designed nanophotonic cavity
Tang, Zongyuan; Guo, Tian-Long; Augenstein, Yannick; Troia, Adriano; Liu, Yanjun; Roussey, Matthieu; Rockstuhl, Carsten; Descrovi, Emiliano. 2024. Applied physics letters. 125: . 181103 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Detection of stress biomarkers cortisol and creatinine with a grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance sensor
Ranta-Lassila, Anni; Le, Duc; Sipola, Teemu; Karppinen, Mikko; Petäjä, Jarno; Kehusmaa, Minna; Aikio, Sanna; Guo, Tian Long; Roussey, Matthieu; Hiltunen, Jussi; Popov, Alexey. Teoksessa: Andrews, David L; Bain, Angus J; Ambrosio, Antonio(toim.) , 2024. Nanophotonics X. s. . SPIE A4 Conference proceedings -
Determination of mode strengths in channel waveguide from the complex electric field
Doughan, Isaac; Halder, Atri; Reduto, Igor; Koivurova, Matias; Aalto, Timo; Roussey, Matthieu; Turunen, Jari. 2024. Scientific reports. 14: . 28665 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
High-performance portable grating-based surface plasmon resonance sensor using a tunable laser at normal incidence
Le, Duc; Ranta-Lassila, Anni; Sipola, Teemu; Karppinen, Mikko; Petäjä, Jarno; Kehusmaa, Minna; Aikio, Sanna; Guo, Tian Long; Roussey, Matthieu; Hiltunen, Jussi; Popov, Alexey. 2024. Photonics research. 12: 947-958 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
High-performance, robust, and compact grating-based surface plasmon resonance sensor for biosensing: utilizing a tunable laser
Le, Duc; Ranta-Lassila, Anni; Sipola, Teemu; Karppinen, Mikko; Petäjä, Jarno; Kehusmaa, Minna; Aikio, Sanna; Guo, Tian Long; Roussey, Matthieu; Hiltunen, Jussi; Popov, Alexey. Teoksessa: Andrews, David L; Bain, Angus J; Ambrosio, Antonio(toim.) , 2024. Nanophotonics X. s. . SPIE A4 Conference proceedings -
Hybrid Graphene–Silicon Arrayed Waveguide Gratings for On-Chip Signal–Frequency Conversion
Tippinit, Janvit; Kuittinen, Markku; Roussey, Matthieu. 2024. Photonics. 11: . 302 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hyperspectral imaging for identification of irregular-shaped microplastics in water
Gebejes, A; Hrovat, B; Semenov, D; Kanyathare, B; Itkonen, T; Keinänen, M; Koistinen, A; Peiponen, K-E; Roussey, M. 2024. Science of the total environment. 944: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hyperspectral imaging of irregular-shaped black microplastics in water
Gebejes, Ana; Mubarak, Hafiz Ramzan; Semenov, Dmitri; Koistinen, Arto; Peiponen, Kai Erik; Roussey, Matthieu. 2024. EPJ web of conferences abstract -
Multiple Bloch surface wave excitation with gratings
Asilevi, Atsu L.; Descrovi, Emiliano; Pesonen, Henri; Roussey, Matthieu; Turunen, Jari. 2024. Journal of the european optical society: rapid publications. 20: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research