Nihay Laham Karam
Research Director
Next Generation Gene Therapy
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences
I am a researcher actively developing viral vectors for improved gene therapies. My focus in recent years has been to address the unmet need for targeted vectors that can regulate gene expression in specific cell lines. We use elements from super-enhancers which are clusters of enhancers in the genome, to regulate the expression of transgenes to endothelial cells. Our interest in endothelial cells goes hand-in-hand with our aim to improve angiogenic gene therapy for the treatment of ischemic diseases. In addition, to the translational projects that I manage, we are also pursuing new therapeutic targets for angiogenesis. For this endeavour, we are studying the non-coding genome. Our aim is to better understand the different regulatory roles of non-coding RNAs (including enhancers, small and circular RNAs) in affecting gene expression. Gained knowledge and new discoveries will open new avenues for therapeutic developments.
Research groups
33/33 items-
Epigenetic drug screening identifies enzyme inhibitors A-196 and TMP-269 as novel regulators of sprouting angiogenesis
Beter, M.; Pulkkinen, HH.; Örd, T; Sormunen, A; Kilpeläinen, L; Dunford, JE; Kaikkonen, MU; Aavik, E; Laham-Karam, N; Oppermann, U; Laakkonen, JP; Ylä-Herttuala, S. 2025. Scientific reports. 15: . 1628 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Caridac vein retroinjections provide an efficient approach for global left ventricular gene transfer with adenovirus and adeno-associated virus
Lampela, Jaakko; Pajula, Juho; Jarvelainen, Niko; Siimes, Satu; Laham-Karam, Nihay; Kivela, Antti; Mushimiyimana, Isidore; Nurro, Jussi; Hartikainen, Juha; Yla-Herttuala, Seppo. 2024. Scientific reports. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cell-Specific Targeting of the Endothelium in the CardioRenal Syndrome
Laham-Karam, Nihay; Laakkonen, Johanna P; Ylä-Herttuala, Seppo; Aroor, Annayya; Jia, Guanghong; Whaley-Connell, Adam. 2024. Cardiorenal medicine. 14: 129–135 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Establishment and characterization of cytochrome P450 1A1 CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout Bovine Foetal Hepatocyte Cell Line (BFH12)
Iori, Silvia; D’Onofrio, Caterina; Laham-Karam, Nihay; Mushimiyimana, Isidore; Lucatello, Lorena; Lopparelli, Rosa Maria; Gelain, Maria Elena; Capolongo, Francesca; Pauletto, Marianna; Dacasto, Mauro; Giantin, Mery. 2024. Cell biology and toxicology. 40: . 18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Generation and characterization of cytochrome P450 3A74 CRISPR/Cas9 knockout bovine foetal hepatocyte cell line (BFH12)
Iori, Silvia; D'Onofrio, Caterina; Laham-Karam, Nihay; Mushimiyimana, Isidore; Lucatello, Lorena; Montanucci, Ludovica; Maria Lopparelli, Rosa; Bonsembiante, Federico; Capolongo, Francesca; Pauletto, Marianna; Dacasto, Mauro; Giantin, Mery. 2024. Biochemical pharmacology. 224: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Proteomics on human cerebral cavernous malformations reveals novel biomarkers in neurovascular dysfunction for the disease pathology
Jauhiainen, Suvi; Onyeogaziri, Favour C; Lazzaroni, Francesca; Conze, Lei Liu; Laakkonen, Johanna P.; Karam, Nihay Laham; Laakso, Aki; Niemelä, Mika; Jahromi, Behnam Rezai; Magnusson, Peetra U.. 2024. Biochimica et biophysica acta: molecular basis of disease. 1870: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The mineralocorticoid receptor in diabetic kidney disease
Jia, Guanghong; Lastra, Guido; Bostick, Brian P; LahamKaram, Nihay; Laakkonen, Johanna P; Ylä-Herttuala, Seppo; Whaley-Connell, Adam. 2024. American journal of physiology-renal physiology. 327: F519-F531 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
BMP2 gene transfer induces pericardial effusion and inflammatory response in the ischemic porcine myocardium
Pulkkinen, HH; Kivistö-Rahnasto, A; Korpela, H; Heikkilä, M; Järveläinen, N; Siimes, S; Kilpeläinen, L; Laham-Karam, N; Ylä-Herttuala, S; Laakkonen, JP. 2023. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. 10: . 1279613 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Comparison of Automated and Traditional Western Blotting Methods
Sormunen, Aino; Koivulehto, Emma; Alitalo, Kari; Saksela, Kalle; Laham-Karam, Nihay; Ylä-Herttuala, Seppo. 2023. Methods and protocols. 6: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Critical limb-threatening ischemia and microvascular transformation: clinical implications
Tarvainen, Santeri; Wirth, Galina; Juusola, Greta; Hautero, Olli; Kalliokoski, Kari; Sjöros, Tanja; Nikulainen, Veikko; Taavitsainen, Jouni; Hytönen, Jarkko; Frimodig, Crister; Happonen, Krista; Selander, Tuomas; Laitinen, Tomi; Hakovirta, Harri H; Knuuti, Juhani; Laham-Karam, Nihay; Hartikainen, Juha; Mäkinen, Kimmo; Ylä-Herttuala, Seppo; Korpisalo, Petra. 2023. European heart journal. 2024; 45: 255-264 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research