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Outi  Ratamäki

Outi Ratamäki

Senior University Lecturer

Dr. (Soc.Sc./LL.D) Empirical legal research Environmental law and policy

Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies | +358 50 465 1592

My research focuses on how humans, animals, nature and environment(s) co-produce (un)shared realities and how this production is controlled or steered in societies and communities through institutional, material and socio-cultural arrangements. I am interested in the multidimensional and multilevel nature of politics and policies. I have analysed e.g. on wolf policies, development of modern animal policy and law and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem services. I have a strong interest towards interdisciplinary work; my research reaches out from social sciences towards humanities and law. I teach about empirical legal research and animal law and policy. I coordinate sustainability studies at the University of Eastern Finland and also a national level network for sustainability studies.


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