Pasi Vahimaa
Professor, Theoretical Optics
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 400 1594
Photonics professor. Main topic diffractive optics and optical coherence. Teacher in several courses applying various digital tools and flipped learning. Applying VR and AR. Online learning and the learning environments enabling those. Interested in the sensoring of the learning processes with the newest technology. Remembering at the whole time the huge possibilities of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as the enablers of learning.
151/151 items-
Wellbeing at the 21st century innovative learning environment called learning ground
Saastamoinen, Ulla; Eronen, Lasse; Juvonen, Antti; Vahimaa, Pasi. 2022. Journal of research in innovative teaching & learning. [Epub ahead of 28 June 2022]: 1-14 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fotoniikasta valoa Suomen hyvinvointiin: Selvitys alan vaikuttavuudesta ja kasvunäkymistä
Aalto, Timo; Ailisto, Heikki; Antila, Jarkko; Eklin, Tero; Haapala, Antti; Herrala, Esko; Heräjärvi, Henrik; Hirvi, Timo; Hänninen, Pekka; Jokinen, Kimmo; Keinänen, Markku; Kola, Kari; Korppi-Tommola, Jouko; Kutila, Matti; Lappalainen, Reijo; Laurila, Toni; Luukanen, Arttu; Kauranen, Martti; Oksanen, Elina; Purmonen, Juha; Räisänen, Antti; Saarinen, Jyrki; Salmelin, Eero; Salminen, Antti; Stenberg, Petri; Tokola, Timo; Turtiainen, Heikki; Uusimaa, Petteri; Vahimaa, Pasi; Vastaranta, Mikko; Visa. 2019. Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu. . D4 Published development or research report or study -
Control over aggregates of silver particles for Raman signal
Daniel Salman, Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Vahimaa Pas, Jari Turunen. 2017. European Optical Society -
Scalable fabrication of the graphitic substrates for graphene-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Kaplas Tommi, Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Suvanto Sari, Vahimaa Pasi, Svirko Yuri. 2017. Scientific reports. 7: 8561 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Atmospheric oxidation and carbon contamination of silver and its effect on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Itkonen Tommi, Heinilehto Santtu, Puustinen Jarkko, Hiltunen Jussi, Lappalainen Jyrki, Karioja Pentti, Vahimaa Pasi. 2016. Scientific reports. 6: 37192 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Highly active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates based on gold nanoparticles infiltrated into SiO2 inverse opals
Ankudze Bright, Philip Anish, Pakkanen Tuula T, Matikainen Antti, Vahimaa Pasi. 2016. Applied surface science. 387: 595-602 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Daniel Salman, Matikainen Antti, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo, Stenberg Petri, Stenberg Henna, Pakkanen Tuula, Suvanto Mika, Nuutinen Tarmo. 2015. University of Eastern Finland Library -
Daniel Salman, Matikainen Antti, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo, Stenberg Petri, Stenberg Henna, Pakkanen Tuula, Suvanto Mika, Nuutinen Tarmo. 2015. -
A solution to the fabrication and tarnishing problems of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) fiber probes
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo. 2015. Scientific reports. 5: 8320 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From silver chloride intermediate to sers applications
Tarmo Nuutinen, Antti Matikainen, Seppo Honkanen, Pasi Vahimaa. 2015. -
From silver chloride intermediate to sers applications
Nuutinen Tarmo, Matikainen Antti, Daniel Salman, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. -
High Aspect-Ratio Iridium-Coated Nanopillars for Highly Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
Kang Guoguo, Matikainen Antti, Stenberg Petri, Färm Elina, Li Peng, Ritala Mikko, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo, Tan Xiaodi. 2015. Acs applied materials and interfaces. 7: 11452-11459 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Highly reproducible, inexpensive and easily fabricated SERS substrates
Daniel Salman, Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. -
Iridium nanopillar arrays for highly reproducible surface enhanced Raman-spectroscopy (SERS)
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Kang Guoguo, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. -
Iridium nanopillar arrays for highly reproducible surface-enhanced Raman-spectroscopy (SERS)
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Kang Guoguo, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. -
Self-organized Polymer Wrinkles: A Lithography-free Pathway for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates
Stenberg Henna, Matikainen Antti, Daniel Salman, Nuutinen Tarmo, Stenberg Petri, Honkanen Seppo, Pakkanen Tuula, Vahimaa Pasi, Suvanto Mika. 2015. Macromolecular materials and engineering. 300: 386-390 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Solving the fabrication and tarnishing problems of sers fiber probes
Nuutinen Tarmo, Matikainen Antti, Daniel Salman, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. Itä-Suomen yliopisto -
The measurement repeatability of SERS substrates fabricated by different methods and materials
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Kang Guoguo, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2015. University of Eastern Finland Library -
Daylight Colored Optimal Spectra for Improved Color Discrimination
Flinkman M, Laamanen H, Silfsten P, Hauta-Kasari M, Vahimaa P. Teoksessa: Abderrahim Elmoataz, Olivier Lezoray, Fathallah Nouboud, Driss Mammass(toim.) , 2014. Image and Signal Processing. s. 1-8. Springer International Publishing A4 Conference proceedings -
Femtosecond laser processing and spatial light modulator
Päiväsaari Kimmo, Silvennoinen Martti, Kaakkunen Jarno, Vahimaa Pasi. Teoksessa: Nakata, Y. Xu, X. Roth, S. Neuenschwander, B(toim.) , 2014. Laser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing (LAMOM) XIX. s. 89670F-1 - 89670F-6. SPIE A4 Conference proceedings -
Modified Young's interferometer for measuring the spatial coherence of polychromatic light
Saastamoinen Kimmo, Tervo Jani, Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi, Friberg Ari. 2014. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland : reports and studies in education, humanities, and theology -
Parallel femtosecond laser ablation with individually controlled intensity
Silvennoinen Martti, Kaakkunen Jarno, Paivasaari Kimmo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2014. Optics express. 22: 2603-2608 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Polymer and composite polymer slot waveguides
Hiltunen Marianne, Fegadolli William S, Lira Hugo L R, Vahimaa Pasi, Hiltunen Jussi, Aikoi Sanna, Almeida Vilson R, Karioja Pentti. Teoksessa: Vivien Laurent, Honkanen Seppo, Pavesi Lorenzo, Pelli Stefano, Shin Jung Hun(toim.) , 2014. Silicon Photonics and Photonics Integrated Circuits IV. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Polymeric slot waveguide interferometer for sensor applications
Hiltunen Marianne, Hiltunen Jussi, Stenberg Petri, Aikio Sanna, Kurki Lauri, Vahimaa Pasi, Karioja Pentti. 2014. Optics express. 22: 7229-7237 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Uniform distribution of Ag particles upon imprinted polymer grating for Raman signal enhancement
Daniel Salman, Matikainen Antti, Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi, Nuutinen Tarmo. 2014. Journal of colloid and interface science. 437: 119-123 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Custom made fiber tip sers probe setup for remote sensing of raman scattering
Matikainen Antti, Rahomäki Jussi, Nuutinen Tarmo, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2013. -
Efficient speckle-free laser marking using a spatial light modulator
Wlodarczyk Krystian L., Kaakkunen Jarno J.J., Vahimaa Pasi, Hand Duncan P.. 2013. Applied physics a-materials science and processing. [Epub]: x-x A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Eigenvectors of optimal color spectra
Flinkman M, Laamanen H, Tuomela J, Vahimaa P, Hauta-Kasari M. 2013. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 30: 1806-1813 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Horizontal slot waveguide channel for enhanced Raman scattering
Rahomäki Jussi, Nuutinen Tarmo, Karvonen Lasse, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2013. Optics express. 21: 9060-9068 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parallel Femtosecond Laser Processing using Intensity Modulated Diffraction Pattern Produced with Spatial Light Modulator
Kaakkunen J.J.J, Silvennoinen M, Päiväsaari K, Laakso P, Vahimaa P. Teoksessa: Laser Institute of America(toim.) , 2013. proceedings of 32st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics. s. 672-676. A4 Conference proceedings -
Parallel microstructuring using femtosecond laser and spatial light modulator
Silvennoinen M, Kaakkunen J, Päiväsaari K, Vahimaa P. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2013. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2013. s. 686 - 690. Elsevier A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Raman signal enhancement with combination of resonant waveguide grating (RWG) and metallic silver islands
Nuutinen Tarmo, Rahomäki Jussi, Matikainen Antti, Daniel Salman, Honkanen Seppo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2013. -
Resonant waveguide grating (RWG): overcoming the problem of angular sensitivity by conical, broad-band illumination for fluorescence measurements
Nuutinen Tarmo, Karvinen Petri, Rahomäki Jussi, Vahimaa Pasi. 2013. Analytical methods. 5: 281-284 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Slot waveguide operating at visible wavelength
Hiltunen Marianne, Stenberg Petri, Hiltunen Jussi, Vahimaa Pasi, Karioja Pentti. 2013. -
Spatial coherence measurement of polychromatic light with modified Young's interferometer
Saastamoinen Kimmo, Tervo Jani, Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi, Friberg Ari T.. 2013. Optics express. 21: 4061-4071 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Speckle-free laser marking of metals using liquid-crystal-based spatial light modulator
Krystian L. WLODARCZYK, Jarno J.J. KAAKKUNEN, Pasi VAHIMAA, and Duncan P. HAND. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2013. Proceedings of LAMP2013 - the 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Water spray assisted ultrashort laser pulse ablation
Silvennoinen Martti, Kaakkunen Jarno, Päiväsaari Kimmo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2013. Applied surface science. 265C: 865-869 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Changes in collagen cross-linking of articular cartilage are revealed by spectral reflectance imaging
Kinnunen Jussi, Kokkonen Harri T, Kovanen Vuokko, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Jurvelin Jukka. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2012. Proceedings of 25th IEEE International symposium on computer-based medical systems. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Control of cultured human cells with femtosecond laser ablated patterns on steel and plastic surfaces
Nuutinen Tarmo, Silvennoinen Martti, Päiväsaari Kimmo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2012. Biomedical microdevices. DOI 10.1007/s10544-012-9726-8: DOI 10.1007/s10544-012-9726-8 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Femtosecond laser pulse ablation with two-dimensional two-grating interferometer
Kaakkunen Jarno, Silvennoinen Martti, Paivasaari Kimmo, Vahimaa Pasi. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2012. 8th EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Nondestructive fluorescence-based quantification of threose-induced collagen cross-linking in bovine articular cartilage
Kinnunen Jussi, Kokkonen Harri T, Kovanen Vuokko, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Lammi Mikko J, Töyräs Juha, Jurvelin Jukka S. 2012. Journal of biomedical optics. 17: 97003 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Number of colors generated by smooth nonfluorescent reflectance spectra
Flinkman M, Laamanen H, Vahimaa P, Hauta-Kasari M. 2012. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 29: 2566-2575 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Optical Properties of Rhodium 2,2'-Biimidazole Carbonyl Complex
Chandra Balu, Laurila Elina, Lajunen Hanna, Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi, Haukka Matti. Teoksessa: European Optical Society(toim.) , 2012. Proceedings of EOS Annual Meeting EOSAM 2012. s. -. B3 Non-refereed conference proceedings -
Polymeric slot waveguide at visible wavelength
Hiltunen M, Hiltunen J, Stenberg P, Petäjä J, Heinonen E, Vahimaa P, Karioja P. 2012. Optics letters. 37: 4449-4451 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Resonant waveguide grating (RWG): overcoming the problem of angular 1 sensitivity by conical, broad-band illumination for fluorescence measurements
Nuutinen Tarmo, Karvinen Petri, Rahomäki Jussi, Vahimaa Pasi. 2012. Analytical methods. x: x-x A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Collagen cross-link modified fluorescence excitation-emission matrix of articular cartilage
Kinnunen Jussi, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Kokkonen Harri, Vahimaa Pasi, Lammi Mikko, Töyräs Juha, Jurvelin Jukka. Teoksessa: N/A(toim.) , 2011. Topical problems of biophotonics -2011, proceedings. s. 59-60. D3 Professional conference proceedings -
Imprinting the nanostructures on the high refractive index semiconductor glass
Silvennoinen M, Päiväsaari K, Kaakkunen J, Tikhomirov V K, Lehmuskero A, Vahimaa P, Moshchalkov V V. 2011. Applied surface science. 257: 6829-6832 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Linear birefringence magnitude of artificial self-assembled DNA crystals
Lehmuskero Anni, Hakulinen Nina, Lajunen Hanna, Zheng Jianping, Sha Ruojie, Bai Benfeng, Huang Lingling, Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi, Seeman Nadrian C.. 2011. Optical materials express. 1: 936-942 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Optical spectral reflectance of human articular cartilage - relationships with tissue structure, composition and mechanical properties
Kinnunen Jussi, Saarakkala Simo, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Jurvelin Jukka. 2011. Biomedical optics express. 2: 1394-1402 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Polarization effects of self-assembled DNA crystals
Lehmuskero Anni, Hakulinen Nina, Vahimaa Pasi, Nadrian C. Seeman. 2011. -
Spectral reflectance of articular cartilage
Kinnunen Jussi, Jurvelin Jukka, Mäkitalo Jaana, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Saarakkala Simo. Teoksessa: Alexey Popov, Alexander Bykov, Janne Lauri, Matti Kinnunen(toim.) , 2011. Optics days, book of abstracts. s. 83. D3 Professional conference proceedings -
Thermal behavior of Waveguide Gratings
Saleem Muhammad Rizwan, Khan Muhammad Bilal, Khan Muhammad Zaffar, Stenberg Petri, Alasaarela Tapani, Honkanen Seppo, Bai Benfeng,Turunen Jari, Vahimaa Pasi. Teoksessa: Serpengüzel Ali, C. Righini Giancarlo, Leipertz Alfred(toim.) , 2011. Integrated Photonics: Materials, Devices, and Applications (Proceedings Volume). s. 80690A. SPIE B3 Non-refereed conference proceedings -
Water-Assisted Femtosecond Laser Pulse Ablation of High Aspect Ratio Holes
Kaakkunen Jarno, Silvennoinen Martti, Päiväsaari Kimmo, Vahimaa Pasi. 2011. Physics procedia. 12: 89-93 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Controlling the hydrophobic properties of material surface using femtosecond ablation
Martti Silvennoinen, Jarno Kaakkunen, Kimmo Päiväsaari, Pasi Vahimaa and Timo Jääskeläinen. 2010. Journal of laser micro nanoengineering. 5: 97-97 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Distinguishing between deterministic and stochastic pulse broadening
Minna Surakka, Ari T. Friberg, Jari Turunen, and Pasi Vahimaa. 2010. Optics letters. 35: 157-159 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Elementary-field modeling of surface-plasmon excitation with partially coherent light
H. J. Hyvärinen , J. Turunen and P. Vahimaa. 2010. Applied physics b-lasers and optics. DOI 10.1007/s00340-010-4012-z: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Giant enhancement of second-harmonic generation in multiple diffraction orders from sub-wavelength resonant waveguide grating
A. Saari, G. Genty, M. Siltanen, P. Karvinen, P. Vahimaa, M. Kuittinen, and M. Kauranen. 2010. Optics express. 18: 12298-12303 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Optical spectral imaging of degeneration of articular cartilage
Jussi Kinnunen, Jukka S. Jurvelin, Jaana Mäkitalo, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Pasi Vahimaa, Simo Saarakkala. 2010. Journal of biomedical optics. 15: 046024-1 -8 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Shifted-elementary-mode representation for partially coherent vectorial fields
J. Tervo, J. Turunen, P. Vahimaa, and F. Wyrowski. 2010. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 27: 2004-2014 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fluorescence signal enhancement with single excitation enhancing and emission directing resonant waveguide structure
P. Karvinen, T. Nuutinen, J. Rahomäki, O. Hyvärinen and P. Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2009. Proceedings of Workshop on Partial Electromagnetic Coherence and 3D Polarization. s. 58-59. B3 Non-refereed conference proceedings -
Spectrally partially coherent propagation-invariant fields
Saastamoinen K, Turunen J, Vahimaa P, Friberg AT. 2009. Physical review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics. 80: Artivle number 053804 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Strong fluorescence-signal gain with single-excitation-enhancing and emission-directing nanostructured diffraction grating
Petri Karvinen, Tarmo Nuutinen, Jussi Rahomäki, Outi Hyvärinen, and Pasi Vahimaa. 2009. Optics letters. 34: 3208-3210 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Wire-grid polarizers in the volume plasmon region
Lehmuskero, Anni ja Bai, Benfeng ja Vahimaa, Pasi ja Kuittinen, Markku. 2009. Optics express. 17: 5481-5489 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Abnormal behavior of wire grid gratings
A. Lehmuskero, P. Vahimaa, and M. Kuittinen. 2008. -
Analysis of interferograms from a diffractive-lens-based common-path interferometer
Ismo Vartiainen, Pasi Vahimaa and Markku Kuittinen. 2008. Applied Optics. 47: 5167-5174 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Behavioral changes in wire grid gratings
Anni Lehmuskero, Markku Kuittinen, Pasi Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. Digest CD-ROM of EOS Annual Meeting 2008. Paris, France, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Design and Analysis of Compact Spectrometer for Illumination Recognition
Noora Heikkilä;Toni Saastamoinen;Pasi Vahimaa;and Markku Kuittinen. 2008. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 47: 6695-6698 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dielectric subwavelength resonant waveguide grating enhancing laser-induced fluorescence
P. Karvinen;T. Nuutinen;O. Hyvärinen and P. Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. Digest CD-ROM of EOS Annual Meeting 2008. Paris, France, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Enhancement of laser-induced fluorescence at 473 nm excitation with subwavelength resonant waveguide gratings
Petri Karvinen;Tarmo Nuutinen;Outi Hyvärinen;and Pasi Vahimaa. 2008. Optics express. 16: 16364-16370 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Independent-elementary-field model for three-dimensional spatially partially coherent sources
Jari Turunen and Pasi Vahimaa. 2008. Optics express. 16: 6433-6442 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Strong Enhancement of Local Fields and Second-Harmonic Generation in a Resonant Waveguide Grating
Mikael Siltanen;Samuli Leivo;Pauliina Armholt;Martti Kauranen;Petri Karvinen;Pasi Vahimaa;and Markku Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. Proceedings of CLEO/QELS 2008. San Jose, USA. May 4 - 9. s. QTuC2.pdf. A4 Conference proceedings -
Time-dependent physical spectrum of Gaussian Schell-model pulses
K. Saastamoinen;J. Turunen and P. Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. Digest CD-ROM of EOS Annual Meeting 2008. Paris, France, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2. s. -. A4 Conference proceedings -
Unordinary properties of wire grid polarizers
Anni Lehmuskero, Markku Kuittinen, Pasi Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2008. Techincal Digest of the 14th Microoptics Conference 2008. Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 25-29. s. 172-173. A4 Conference proceedings -
Common-path diffractive lens interferometer
Toni Saastamoinen;Henna Pietarinen;Anni Lehmuskero;Markku Kuittinen;Pasi Vahimaa. 2007. -
Compact grating based interferometer for illumination recognition
Toni Saastamoinen;Noora Heikkilä;Markku Kuittinen;Pasi Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. The 13th Microoptics Conference MOC'07. s. 256-257. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Compact spectrometer based on total internal reflection and diffractive grating
Toni Saastamoinen;Noora Heikkilä;Pasi Vahimaa and Markku Kuittinen. 2007. -
Compact spectrometer for illumination recognition
T. Saastamoinen;N. Heikkilä;P. Vahimaa and M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. Proceedings of EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2007. Barcelona, Spain. Nov. 20 - 23. s. 225-226. B2 Book section -
Comparison of optical constants of thin Al and Ir films between deposition techniques and thicknesses
Anni Lehmuskero. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. Proceedings of EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2007. Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 20 - 23. s. 94-95. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Dependence of optical properties of thin aluminium and iridium films on deposition technique and thickness
Anni Lehmuskero et al. 2007. -
Dependence of refractive indexes and extinction coefficients of Al and Ir films on deposition technique and thickness
Anni Lehmuskero et al. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. Program & Abstracts of 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, June, 11-15.. s. 35. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Enhancing second-harmonic generation by all-dielectric sub-wavelength resonant waveguide grating
P. Karvinen;M. Siltanen;S. Leivo;P. Voima;M. Kauranen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. Proceeding of EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2007. Barcelona, Spain. Nov. 20 - 23. s. 176-177. B2 Book section -
Injection moulding integration of a red VCSEL illuminator module for a hologram reader sensor
Kimmo Keränen;Toni Saastamoinen;Jukka-Tapani Mäkinen;Mikko Silvennoinen;Ilpo Mustonen;Pasi Vahimaa;Timo Jääskeläinen;Ari Lehto;Anneli Ojapalo;Marcus Schorpp;Pekka Hoskio;and Pentti Karioja. Teoksessa: Francesco Baldini;Jiri Homola;Robert A. Lieberman;Miroslav Miler (eds.)(toim.) , 2007. Proceedings of SPIE: Optical Sensing Technology and Applications. s. 658503-658512. B2 Book section -
Inspection of micro injection molded lenses by means of common-path interferometer
Ismo Vartiainen;Henna Pietarinen;Markku Kuittinen and Pasi Vahimaa. 2007. -
Anni Lehmuskero. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2007. Technical digest of MOC '07. s. 204-205. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Refractive index and extinction coefficient dependence of thin Al and Ir films on deposition technique and thickness
Anni Lehmuskero;Markku Kuittinen and Pasi Vahimaa. 2007. Optics express. 15: 10744-10752 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Strong enhancement of nonlinearity in resonant waveguide grating
Mikael Siltanen;Samuli Leivo;Pauliina Voima;Petri Karvinen;Pasi Vahimaa;Markku Kuittinen and Martti Kauranen. 2007. -
Strong enhancement of second-harmonic generation in all-dielectric resonant waveguide grating
Mikael Siltanen;Samuli Leivo;Pauliina Voima;Martti Kauranen;Petri Karvinen;Pasi Vahimaa and Markku Kuittinen. 2007. Applied physics letters. 91: 111109-1 - 3 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Time-dependent physical spectra of Gaussian Schell-model pulses
Kimmo Saastamoinen;Jari Turunen;Pasi Vahimaa. 2007. Optics communications. 271: 309-315 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Beaming light from a subwavelength slit in a corrugated environment
H. Hyvärinen;T. Saastamoinen;P. Vahimaa and J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2006. Proceedings of the ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics 2006. St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 4-7, 2006. s. 433-434. B2 Book section -
Common-path diffractive lens interferometer
A. Lehmuskero;H. Elfström;T. Saastamoinen;M. Kuittinen and P. Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2006. Proceedings of the ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics 2006. St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 4-7, 2006. s. 432. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Common-path interferometer with diffractive lens
Henna Elfström;Anni Lehmuskero;Toni Saastamoinen;Markku Kuittinen;and Pasi Vahimaa. 2006. Optics express. 14: 3847-3852 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Diffractive lens interferometer
A. Lehmuskero;H. Elfström;T. Saastamoinen;and P. Vahimaa. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2006. Northern Optics 2006 Technical Digest. Bergen, Norway. June 14-16.. s. 64. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Electromagnetic field computation in semiconductor laser resonators
Tuomas Vallius;Jani Tervo;Pasi Vahimaa;and Jari Turunen. 2006. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 23: 906-911 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Electromagnetic modal approach to analyzing microcavities
T. Vallius;J. Tervo;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen. 2006. -
Enhancing light-matter interaction by sub-wavelength resonance gratings
P. Karvinen;H. Immonen;H.J. Hyvärinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen and M. Kauranen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2006. EOS Topical meeting on micro-optics, diffractive optics and optical MEMS. Paris, France, Oct. 16-19.. s. 72-73. B2 Book section -
Finite-elementary-source model for partially coherent radiation
P. Vahimaa and J. Turunen. 2006. Optics express. 14: 1376-1381 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Highly directional light transmission from a subwavelength slit in metallic screen surrounded by dielectric grating
H.J. Hyvärinen;T. Saastamoinen;P. Vahimaa and J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2006. EOS Topical meeting on micro-optics, diffractive optics and optical MEMS. s. 78-79. B2 Book section -
Independent-elementary-pulse representation for non-stationary fields
P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen. 2006. Optics express. 14: 5007-5012 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Propagation of spatially partially coherent emission from a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
M. Peeters;G. Verschaffelt;J. Speybrouck;H. Thienpont;J. Danckaert;J. Turunen;P. Vahimaa. 2006. Optics letters. 31: 1178-1180 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Replicated data-matrix array generators
P. Pelli;H. Elfström;K. Jefimovs;J. Aikio;M. Karppinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen. 2006. Optics communications. 260: 329-336 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Waveguide resonance gratings for ultra-short NIR-pulses
H. Immonen;P. Karvinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen and M. Kauranen. 2006. -
White LED light coupling into light guides with diffraction gratings
Samuli Siitonen;Pasi Laakkonen;Pasi Vahimaa;Markku Kuittinen;and Noora Tossavainen. 2006. Applied Optics. 45: 2623-2630 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Analysis of laser resonator with grating theory
T. Vallius;J. Tervo;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of Diffractive Optics Conference 2005, Warsaw, Poland 3.9.2005-7.9.2005. s. . A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Comparison between the variable dose control and the four level mask technology
H. Elfström;P. Pelli;K. Jefimovs;J. Aikio;M. Karppinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2005, MNE 2005 Vienna, Austria 19.9.2005-22.9.2005. s. . B2 Book section -
Coupling of partially coherent light into planar waveguides
T. Saastamoinen;M. Kuittinen;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen;and J. Tervo. Teoksessa: I. A. Sukhoivanov(toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of CAOL 2005 \-\- 2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers. s. 264-266. IEEE B2 Book section -
Coupling of partially coherent light into planar waveguides
T. Saastamoinen;M. Kuittinen;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen;and J Tervo. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Optics Days - Optiikan päivät Proceedings 2005, Jyväskylä 12.5.2005-13.5.2005. s. 57. B2 Book section -
Electromagnetic approach to laser resonator analysis
T. Vallius;J. Tervo;P. Vahimaa;and J. Turunen. 2005. Optics express. 13: 5994-5999 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Focusing of partially coherent light into planar waveguides
T. Saastamoinen;M. Kuittinen;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen and J. Tervo. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. ICOL-2005 Conference Proceedings. Dehrandun, India 12.-15.12.2005. s. PP-FIO-19. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Optical activity in chiral gold nanogratings
K. Jefimovs;N. Saito;Yu. Ino;T. Vallius;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen;R. Shimano;M. Kauranen;Yu. Svirko;and M. Kuwata-Gonokami. 2005. Microelectronic engineering. 78-79: 448-451 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Partial spectral coherence of pulses
H. Lajunen;J. Tervo;P. Vahimaa;and J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Optics Days - Optiikan päivät Proceedings 2005, Jyväskylä 12.5.2005-13.5.2005. s. 40. Suomen Optiikan Seura B2 Book section -
Propagation of spatially partially coherent vertical-cavity surface emitting laser emission
M. Peeters;G. Verschaffelt;J. Speybrouck;J. Danckaert;H. Thienpont;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of Diffractive Optics Conference 2005, Warsaw, Poland 3.9.2005-7.9.2005. s. . B2 Book section -
Resonator analysis with rigorous diffraction theory
Tuomas Vallius;Jani Tervo;Pasi Vahimaa;and Jari Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings fo International Conference on Optics & Optoelectronics. s. . A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Spectrally partially coherent pulse trains in dispersive media
H. Lajunen;J. Turunen;P. Vahimaa;J. Tervo;and F. Wyrowski. 2005. Optics communications. 255: 12-22 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Theory of spatially and spectrally partially coherent pulses
H. Lajunen;P. Vahimaa;and J. Tervo. 2005. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 22: 1536-1545 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
To be or not to be continuous
H. Elfström;P. Pelli;K. Jefimovs;J. Aikio;M. Karppinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of Diffractive Optics Conference 2005, Warsaw, Poland 3.9.2005-7.9.2005. s. . B2 Book section -
To be or not to be continuous
H. Elfström;P. Pelli;J. Aikio;M. Karppinen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. Proceedings of Optics Days 2005, Jyväskylä 12.5.2005-13.5.2005. s. . B2 Book section -
White LED Light Incoupling Using Different Refractive Index Radial Gratings
S. Siitonen;P. Laakkonen;P. Vahimaa;N. Tossavainen and M. Kuittinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2005. MOC 05 Technical Digest of The Eleventh Microoptics Conference, Tokyo, Japan 30.10.2005-2.11.2005. s. 102-103. The Microoptics Group, The Optical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Coupling of light from an LED into a thin light guide by diffractive gratings
S. Siitonen;P. Laakkonen;P. Vahimaa;K. Jefimovs;M. Kuittinen;M. Parikka;K. Mönkkönen and A. Orpana. 2004. Applied Optics. 43: 5631-5636 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Diffractive LED coupler for lightguide applications
S. Siitonen;P. Laakkonen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen;M. Parikka and K. Mönkkönen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Optics Days - Optiikan päivät Proceedings 2004. s. 61. B2 Book section -
Electromagnetic approach to the thin element approximation
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa;and Marko Honkanen. 2004. Journal of modern optics. 51: 2079-2092 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Exact self-imaging of transversely periodic fields
T. Saastamoinen;J. Tervo;P. Vahimaa;and J. Turunen. 2004. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 21: 1424-1429 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Focusing of partially coherent light into planar waveguides
T. Saastamoinen;M. Kuittinen;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen;and J. Tervo. 2004. Optics express. 12: 4511-4522 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Inductive grid filters for rejection of infrared radiation
Konstantins Jefimovs;Tuomas Vallius;Ville Kettunen;Markku Kuittinen;Jari Turunen;Pasi Vahimaa;Matti Kaipiainen;and Seppo Nenonen. 2004. Journal of modern optics. 51: 1651-1661 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
LED light coupling into a lightguide with gratings
S. Siitonen;P. Laakkonen;P. Vahimaa;M. Kuittinen;M. Parikka and K. Mönkkönen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Frontiers in Optics, the 88th OSA Annual Meeting, Laser Science XX. s. DMC6. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Loss in the grids: analysis of inductive grid filters of X-ray detectors
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa and Jari Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Optics Days - Optiikan Päivät Proceedings 2004. s. 72. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
On soft X-ray and ultraviolet optical properties of metallic gratings
T. Vallius;P. Vahimaa;and J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Proceedings of the XXXVIII annual conference of the Finnish Physical Society. s. 294. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Optical activity of chiral metallic nanoparticles
K. Jefimovs;T. Vallius;P. Vahimaa;J. Turunen;Yu. Svirko;N. Saito;R. Shimano;and M. Kuwata-Gonokami. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Proceedings of the XXXVIII annual conference of the Finnish Physical Society. s. . A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Overall coherence and coherent-mode expansion of spectrally partially coherent plane-wave pulses
H. Lajunen;J. Tervo;and P. Vahimaa. 2004. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 21: 2117-2123 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rigorous and approximate analysis of metallic gratings in soft X-ray and EUV regions
Tuomas Vallius;Jari Turunen;and Pasi Vahimaa. 2004. Journal of modern optics. 51: 2047-2057 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rigorous and approximate analysis of metallic gratings in soft X-ray and EUV regions
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa and Jari Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Photon Management. s. 327-332. SPIE A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Rigorous justification of the thin element approximation
T. Vallius;P. Vahimaa;and J. Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Proceedings of the XXXVIII annual conference of the Finnish Physical Society. s. 295. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Thin element approximation and rigorous diffraction theory
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa and Marko Honkanen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Optics Days - Optiikan Päivät Proceedings 2004. s. 71. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Time-independent perturbation theory for modeling channel waveguides
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa;Jani Tervo;and Jari Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Technical Digest of 2004 ICO International Conference, Optics & Photonics in Technology Frontier. s. 179-180. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Unified measures for optical fields: degree of polarization and effective degree of coherence
P. Vahimaa and J. Tervo. 2004. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 6: S41-S44 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
X-rays and microstructures: can we trust the methods of the optical region?
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa and Jari Turunen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2004. Optics Days - Optiikan Päivät Proceedings 2004. s. 13. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Optical activity in subwavelength-period arrays of chiral metal particles
Tuomas Vallius;Konstantins Jefimovs;Jari Turunen;Pasi Vahimaa;Yuri Svirko. 2003. Applied physics letters. 83: 234-236 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Optical activity of chiral nanogratings
Konstantins Jefimovs;Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa;Jari Turunen;Yuri Svirko. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2003. Proceedings of Northern Optics 2003. s. 23. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Polarization control by arrays of chiral metallic nanoparticles
Vallius Tuomas;Svirko Yuri;Vahimaa Pasi;Jefimovs Konstantins;Turunen Jari. Teoksessa: Friesem Asher;Turunen Jari(toim.) , 2003. Proceedings ICO Topical Meeting on Polarization Optics (Polvijärvi, Finland, 2003). s. 196-197. B2 Book section -
Spectral coherence properties of temporally modulated stationary light sources
Lajunen Hanna;Tervo Jani;Turunen Jari;Vahimaa Pasi;Wyrowski Frank. 2003. Optics express. 11: 1894-1899 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
General vectorial decomposition of electromagnetic fields with application to propagation-invariant and rotating fields
Pääkkönen Pertti;Tervo Jani;Vahimaa Pasi;Turunen Jari;Gori Franco. 2002. Optics express. 10: 949-959 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of arrays of noncentrosymmetric gold nanoparticles
Hemmo Tuovinen;Konstantins Jefimovs;Pasi Vahimaa;Tuomas Vallius;Yuri Svirko;Jari Turunen;Nikolai V. Tkachenko;Helge Lemmetyinen;Martti Kauranen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2002. Proceedings of Optics Days 2002. s. 30. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Linear and second order nonlinear optical properties of arrays of noncentrosymmetric gold nanoparticles
Hemmo Tuovinen;Konstantins Jefimovs;Pasi Vahimaa;Tuomas Vallius;Jari Turunen;Nikolai V. Tkachenko;Helge Lemmetyinen;Martti Kauranen. 2002. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics. 11: 421-432 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
On propagation-invariant and self-imaging intensity distributions of electromagnetic fields
Tervo Jani;Vahimaa Pasi;Turunen Jari. 2002. Journal of modern optics. 49: 1537-1543 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Partially coherent Gaussian pulses
Pertti Pääkkönen;Jari Turunen;Pasi Vahimaa;Ari T. Friberg;and Frank Wyrowski. 2002. Optics communications. 204: 53-58 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Polarization diffractive optics of chiral nanogratings
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa;Jari Turunen;Yuri Svirko. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2002. Proceeding of the International Technical Digest of the International Quantum Electronics Conference. s. 363. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pulse deformations at guided-mode resonance filters
Tuomas Vallius;Pasi Vahimaa;Jari Turunen. 2002. Optics express. 10: 840-843 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bragg waveguide-grating analysis by quasi-rigorous approach based on Redheffer's star product
Tervo Jani;Kuittinen Markku;Vahimaa Pasi;Turunen Jari;Aalto Timo;Heimala Päivi;Leppihalme Matti. 2001. Optics communications. 198: 265-272 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Electromagnetic modeling of longitudinally periodic diffractive waveguide elements by Redheffer's star product approach
Tervo Jani;Kuittinen Markku;Vahimaa Pasi;Turunen Jari;Aalto Timo;Heimala Päivi;Leppihalme Matti. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2001. Diffractive Optics. s. 138-139. European Optical Society A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Linear and non-linear optical properties of rectangular arrays of L-shaped metal nanoparticles
Konstantins Jefimovs;Jari Turunen;Pasi Vahimaa;Tuomas Vallius;Martti Kauranen;Hemmo Tuovinen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2001. EOS Topical Meeting Digest Series. s. 136-137. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Polarization Dependent Diffractive Devices
Markku Kuittinen;Pasi Vahimaa;Pertti Pääkkönen. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 1999. 3rd Finnish Optics Days Proceedings. s. . Suomen optiikan seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Iterative model for wave propagation in Kerr media
Pertti Pääkkönen;Pasi Vahimaa;Ari T Friberg and Jari Turunen. 1998. Pure and Applied Optics. 7: 1033-1042 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research