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  • Image:  Konstantin  Ivanov

    Konstantin Ivanov

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Mariia  Ivanova

    Mariia Ivanova

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Joshua Izegaegbe

    Postdoctoral Researcher

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  • Enni Jacobsson

    UEF Ambassador

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  • Image:  Kaustubh  Jadhav

    Kaustubh Jadhav

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Sana  Jahangir

    Sana Jahangir

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Image:  Aapo  Jahkonen

    Aapo Jahkonen

    Academic Affairs Specialist


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  • Mikko Jakonen


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  • Abolfazl Jalali


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  • Pasi Jalava



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  • Aaro Jalkanen

    University Lecturer


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  • Pasi Jalkanen

    Laboratory Engineer

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  • Prithvi Jallu

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Zunaira Jamil

    Grant-funded Researcher

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  • Image:  Hille  Janhonen-Abruquah

    Hille Janhonen-Abruquah


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  • Katja Janhunen

    Visiting Researcher

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  • Simona Jankova

    UEF Ambassador

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  • Image:  Raihanatul  Jannat

    Raihanatul Jannat

    Doctoral Researcher

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  • Rainer Jansson

    Technical Crafts Instructor


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  • Esa Jantunen

    Professor, Emeritus


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