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Ambre  Ayats

Ambre Ayats

Postdoctoral Researcher

Researcher in user-centric AI and ethics of AI

School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology | +358 50 435 1214

I am H Ambre Ayats (she/her or they/them). I am a French postdoctoral researcher, working at University of Eastern Finland, as part of the Algorithmic Data Analysis group in Kuopio, Finland.

My postdoctoral project, titled DaTHum: From Data-centered To Human-centered AI, is financed by the YUFE4Postdoc initiative and is supervised by Prof. Pauli Miettinen (School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio (Finland)) and Prof. Dagmar Borchers (Department 9 – Cultural Studies, Universität Bremen, Bremen (Germany)). This project, interleaving computer science and philosophy, aims to study the data-centered paradigma in artificial intelligence, from its emergence to its contemporary consequences, and to sketch the possibility a human-centered – or user-centered – paradigma.

Find more about my profile on my personal page.