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Elina  Siltanen

Elina Siltanen

University Lecturer

University Lecturer, English Language and Culture

School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty | +358 50 491 1465

I work as University Lecturer of English Language and Culture from August 1, 2023.

Previously I have worked at UEF in 2020-2021.

My research focuses on contemporary American experimental poetry. I am currently doing research under the title Affective Border-Crossings: Reading for Human-Nature-Culture Connections in Anglophone Literatures. My previous project Difficult Relations: Reading for Emotion in Recent American Experimental Poetry was  funded by the Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, the Kone Foundation and the Emil Aaltonen Foundation. I worked on this project at the Department of English, University of Turku. In the project, I wrote several articles. My monograph, Experimentalism as Reciprocal Communication in Contemporary American Experimental Poetry: John Ashbery, Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman, was published by John Benjamins in 2016.

Previously, I have worked in substitute teaching positions at the Department of English, University of Turku, Lund University, and at Luleå University of Technology. I have a double doctoral degree/PhD from the University of Turku and Luleå University of Technology (2014).

More information and my complete list of publications on my website


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