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131/131 items-
Primary school students' perceived teacher support - associations with teachers' resources and contextual factors
Rautanen, Pihla; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhalto, Kirsi. 2025. Scandinavian journal of educational research. [Epub ahead of print 25 Feb 2025]: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Building Shared and Coherent Theory of Change: Lessons Learned from Finnish Core Curriculum Reform
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Tikkanen, Lotta; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. Teoksessa: Trifonas, Peter Pericles; Jagger, Susan(toim.) , 2024. Handbook of Curriculum Theory, Research, and Practice. s. 527-541. Springer D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Early Career Teachers' Professional Agency in the Classroom and Sociocontextual Burnout: A Cross-country Comparison
Yli-Pietilä, Roosa; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Toom, Auli; Kuusisto, Arniika; Soini, Tiina. 2024. International journal on studies in education. 6: 345-375 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Early Career Teachers' Sense of Professional Agency in the Classroom and Associations With Their Perception of Transformational Leadership Vision and School Size
E, Liyuan; Pyhalto, Kirsi; Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina; Toom, Auli. 2024. Journal of teacher education. [Epub ahead of print April 27, 2024]: 1-13 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Leading Complex Educational Change Via National Participative Reforms? A Case of Finnish Core Curriculum Reform Leadership
Salonen-Hakomaki, Sanna-Mari; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhalto, Kirsi. 2024. Journal of educational change. [Epub ahead of print 4 Mar 2024]: 1-24 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Professional agency in the classroom and burnout among early career teachers in China
E, Liyuan; Toom, Auli; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina; Haverinen, Kaisa; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2024. Frontiers in psychology. 15: . 1412446 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Yhtenäisen perusopetuksen kehittämisestä kaikille yhteisen perusopetuksen kehittämiseen
Huusko, Jyrki; Äärelä, Tanja; Pietarinen, Janne. Teoksessa: Johnson, Peter; Tanttu, Kimmo; Heikkinen, Mari; Maunumäki, Hanna(toim.) , 2024. Yhtenäisempi peruskoulu : Rohkeita ja kestäviä ratkaisuja yhtenäiskoulun kehittämiseen. s. 181-188. Professional Publishing Finland B2 Book section -
Alakoulun oppilaiden sosiaalisen tuen profiilien kehitys ja yhteys opiskeluhyvinvointiin ja koulumenestykseen
Ulmanen, Sanna; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Psykologia. 58: 40-66 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How do teacher support trajectories influence primary and lower-secondary school students' study well-being
Ulmanen, Sanna; Rautanen, Pihla; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Frontiers in psychology. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How is students’ well-being related to their class teacher’s professional agency in primary school?
Yli-Pietilä, Roosa; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. European journal of psychology of education. 2024; 39: 2341-2361 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Primary and lower secondary students’ learning agency and social support
Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Ulmanen, Sanna; Anttila, Henrika; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Frontline learning research. 11: 49-77 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Primary school teachers’ sense of professional agency and inadequacy in teacher–student interaction
Yli-Pietilä, Roosa; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Teacher development. 2024; 28: 278-296 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Profiles of teacher's professional agency in the classroom across time
Yli-Pietilä, Roosa; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 2024; 68: 954-968 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teacher agency in the professional community and association with burnout: a longitudinal person-centred approach
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pyhalto, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2023. Research papers in education. 2024; 39: 539-559 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Interrelation between teachers’ sense of professional agency and perceived professional recognition: five-year follow-up study of Finnish teachers
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2023. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 2024; 30: 617-634 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Building coherence and impact: differences in Finnish school level curriculum making
Soini, Tiina; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Haverinen, Kaisa; Sullanmaa, Jenni; Leskinen, Esko; Pietarinen, Janne. 2022. Curriculum perspectives. 42: 121-133 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Development of Students’ Social Support Profiles and Their Association With Students’ Study Wellbeing
Ulmanen, Sanna; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. Developmental psychology. 58: 2336-2349 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Differences in Teacher Burnout Between Schools: Exploring the Effect of Proactive Strategies on Burnout Trajectories
Tikkanen, Lotta; Haverinen, Kaisa; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2022. Frontiers in education. 7: . 858896 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dynamics between perceived social support and study engagement among primary school students: A three-year longitudinal survey
Rautanen, Pihla; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. Social psychology of education. 25: 1481-1505 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experienced burnout and teacher–working environment fit: a comparison of teacher cohorts with or without persistent turnover intentions
Räsänen, Katariina; Pietarinen, Janne; Väisänen, Pertti; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina. 2022. Research papers in education. [Epub ahead of print 19 Sept 2022]: 1-24 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experienced risk of burnout among teachers with persistent turnover intentions
Räsänen, Katariina; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina; Väisänen, Pertti; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. Teacher development. 26: 317-337 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How does teachers’ professional agency in the classroom change in the professional transition from early career teachers to more experienced ones?
E, Liyuan; Toom, Auli; Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. Learning. 8: 169-190 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Primary and Lower Secondary School Students’ Social Support Profiles and Study Wellbeing
Ulmanen, Sanna; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Rautanen, Pihla. 2022. Journal of early adolescence. 42: 613-646 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The emotional landscape of curriculum making
Anttila, Henrika; Tikkanen, Lotta; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. Curriculum journal. [First published: 28 July 2022]: 1-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The interrelationship between pre-primary and early primary school teachers’ learning in the professional community and burnout: a person-centered approach
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pietarinen, Janne; Lipponen, Lasse; Soini, Tiina; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2022. European early childhood education research journal. 30: 930-948 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The role of empathy between peers in upper secondary students’ study engagement and burnout
Tikkanen, Lotta; Anttila, Henrika; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne. 2022. Frontiers in psychology. 13: . 978546 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Crossover of burnout in the classroom - Is teacherexhaustion transmitted to students?
Tikkanen, Lotta; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne. 2021. international journal of school and educational psychology. 9: 326-339 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Emotionally engaged or feeling anxious and cynical? School experiences and links to school achievement among Finland-Swedish general and special education students
Palmgren, Marina; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Sullanmaa, Jenni; Soini, Tiina. 2021. Social psychology of education. 24: 1487-1509 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Is individual- and school-level teacher burnout reduced by proactive strategies?
Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Haverinen, Kaisa; Leskinen, Esko; Soini, Tiina. 2021. international journal of school and educational psychology. 9: 340-355 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Professional Agency for Learning as a Key for Developing Teachers' Competencies?
Toom, Auli; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2021. Education sciences. 11: 324 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Relationships between change management, knowledge sharing, curriculum coherence and school impact in national curriculum reform: a longitudinal approach
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2021. International journal of leadership in education. [Epub ahead of print 31 Aug 2021]: 1-26 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Shared Sense-Making as Key for Large Scale Curriculum Reform in Finland
Soini, Tiina; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne. Teoksessa: Priestley, Mark; Alvunger, Daniel; Philippou, Stavroula; Soini, Tiina(toim.) , 2021. Curriculum Making in Europe: Policy and Practice within and Across Diverse Contexts. s. 247-272. Emerald A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Social support experiences by pupils in finnish secondary school
Ahola, Réa; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2021. International journal of adolescence and youth. 26: 471-486 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koulun kehittämisestä opittua: Havaintoja merkityksen rakentamisen tärkeydestä
Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2020. Kasvatus. 51: 186-194 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Primary school students' perceived social support in relation to study engagement
Rautanen, Pihla; Saini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2020. European journal of psychology of education. 2021; 36: 653-672 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teacher burnout profiles and proactive strategies
Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Haverinen, Kaisa; Tikkanen, Lotta; Soini, Tiina. 2020. European journal of psychology of education. 2021; 36: 219-242 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Why leave the teaching profession? A longitudinal approach to the prevalence and persistence of teacher turnover intentions
Räsänen, Katariina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina; Väisänen, Pertti. 2020. Social psychology of education. 23: 837-859 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Curriculum coherence as perceived by district-level stakeholders in large-scale national curriculum reform in Finland
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2019. Curriculum journal. 30: 244-263 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Differences in state- and district-level stakeholders' perceptions of curriculum coherence and school impact in national curriculum reform
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2019. Journal of educational administration. 57: 210-226 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Lessons learnt from a large-scale curriculum reform: The strategies to enhance development work and reduce reform-related stress
Tikkanen, Lotta; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2019. Journal of educational change. [Epub ahead of print 16 Nov 2019]: 1-25 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Special education teachers' experienced burnout
Soini, T; Pietarinen, J; Pyhältö, K; Haverinen, K; Jindal-Snape, D; Kontu E. 2019. British educational research journal. 45: 622-639 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student teachers' and pupils' co-regulated learning behaviours in authentic classroom situations in teaching practicums
Saariaho, Emmi; Toom, Auli; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2019. Teaching and teacher education. 85: 92-104 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Trajectories of Teachers' Perceived Curriculum Coherence in the Context of Finnish Core Curriculum Reform
Sullanmaa, Jenni; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne. 2019. Curriculum and teaching. 34: 27-49 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dynamic and shared sense-making in large-scale curriculum reform in school districts
Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2018. Curriculum journal. 29: 181-200 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mikä on keskeistä hyvässä opetussuunnitelmaprosessissa?
Kivioja, Alina; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2018. Kasvatus. 49: 310-325 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Socially embedded academic emotions in school
Anttila, Henrika; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina. 2018. Journal of education and learning. 7: 87-101 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student teachers' emotional landscapes in self- and co-regulated learning
Saariaho, Emmi; Anttila, Henrika; Toom, Auli; Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2018. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 24: 538-558 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student teachers' proactive strategies for avoiding study-related burnout during teacher education
Väisänen, Sanna; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Toom, Auli; Soini, Tiina. 2018. European journal of teacher education. 41: 301-317 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From anxiety to enthusiasm: emotional patterns among student teachers
Anttila Henrika, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne. 2017. European journal of teacher education. 40: 447-464 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How does the learning environment in teacher education cultivate first year student teachers' sense of professional agency in the professional community?
Toom Auli, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2017. Teaching and teacher education. 63: 126-136 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Intensive studying or restlessness in the classroom: Does the quality of control matter?
Westling Suvi Krista, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2017. Teaching and teacher education. 67: 361-369 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Interrelations between principals' risk of burnout profiles and proactive self-regulation strategies
Tikkanen Lotta, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2017. Social Psychology of Education. 20: 259-274 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Osallistamista oppimassa : kohti yhtenäistä ja ymmärrettävää perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmaa
Soini Tiina, Kinossalo Maiju, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. Teoksessa: Korhonen Vesa, Annala Johanna, Kulju Pirjo(toim.) , 2017. Kehittämisen palat, yhteisöjen salat : näkökulmia koulutukseen ja kasvatukseen. s. 35-58. Tampere University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Primary determinants of a large-scale curriculum reform National board administrators' perspectives
Tikkanen Lotta, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne. 2017. Journal of educational administration. 55: 702-716 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Shared sense making strategies in curriculum reform: District level perspective
Soini, Tiina; Pietarinen, Janne; Pyhältö, Kirsi. 2017. Improving schools. 2018; 21: 111-126 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Shared sense-making in curriculum reform - orchestrating the local curriculum work
Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina. 2017. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 2019; 63: 491-505 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student Teachers' Proactive Strategies and Experienced Learning Environment for Reducing Study-Related Burnout
Väisänen Sanna, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Toom Auli, Soini Tiina. 2017. Journal of education and learning. 2018; 7: 208-222 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student-teachers' strategies in classroom interaction in the context of the teaching practicum
Heikonen Lauri, Toom Auli, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2017. Journal of education for teaching. 43: 534-549 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Students' Engaging School Experiences: A Precondition for Functional Inclusive Practice
Palmgren Marina Helena, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne. 2017. International journal of whole schooling. 13: 26-49 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Early career teachers' sense of professional agency in the classroom: Associations with turnover intentions and perceived inadequacy in teacher-student interaction
Heikonen Lauri, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Toom Auli, Soini Tiina. 2016. Asia-pacific journal of teacher education. [epub ahead of print 7 Apr 2016]: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How does it feel to become a teacher? Emotions in teacher education
Anttila Henrika, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne. 2016. Social Psychology of Education. [epub ahead of print 9 May 2016]: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Large-scale curriculum reform in Finland - exploring the interrelation between implementation strategy, the function of the reform, and curriculum coherence
Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina. 2016. Curriculum journal. [epub ahead of print 13 May 2016]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Leading a school through change - principals' hands-on leadership strategies in school reform
Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2016. School leadership and management. [epub ahead of print 31 Jul 2016]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding Bioenergy among Science Teachers in Finland and India
Halder Pradipta, Pietarinen Janne, Havu-Nuutinen Sari, Pöllänen Sinikka, Pelkonen Paavo. 2016. Biofuels. 7: 131-139 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Perceptions of bioenergy: Is there a need to improve them among instructors and young learners?
Halder Pradipta, Pietarinen Janne, Havu-Nuutinen Sari, Pöllänen Sinikka, Pelkonen Paavo. 2016. International journal of advances in science engineering and technology. 4: 79-81 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Social support as a contributor to student teachers' experienced well-being
Väisänen Sanna, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Toom Auli, Soini Tiina. 2016. Research papers in education. 2017; 32: 41-55 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Students' experiences of the development of emotional engagement
Ulmanen Sanna, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2016. International journal of educational research. 79: 86-96 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teacher's professional agency - a relational approach to teacher learning
Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina. 2016. Learning. [epub ahead of print 16 May 2016]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The anatomy of adolescents' emotional engagement in schoolwork
Ulmanen Sanna, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2016. Social Psychology of Education. [epub ahead of print 20 May 2016]: 1-20 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The way ahead for Finnish comprehensive school? Examining state-level school administrators' theory of change
Salonen-Hakomäki Sanna-Mari, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2016. Journal of curriculum studies. 48: 671-691 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What if teachers learn in the classroom?
Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2016. Teacher development. 20: 380-397 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Becoming a Teacher - Student Teachers' Learning Patterns in Teacher Education
Ahonen Elsi, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2015. Journal of education and training studies. 3: 89-101 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student teachers' key learning experiences - mapping the steps for becoming a professional teacher
Ahonen Elsi, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2015. International journal of higher education. 4: 151-165 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student teachers' self- and co-regulation of learning during teacher education
Saariaho Emmi, Pyhältö Kirsi, Tom Auli, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2015. Learning. [epub ahead of print 29 Oct 2015]: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teachers' professional agency and learning - from adaption to active modification in the teacher community
Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2015. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 21: 811-830 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Theory of Planned Behavior Model and Students' Intentions to Use Bioenergy: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Halder Pradipta, Pietarinen Janne, Havu-Nuutinen Sari, Pöllänen Sinikka, Pelkonen Paavo. 2015. Renewable energy. 2016; 89: 627-635 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What contributes to first-year student teachers' sense of professional agency in the classroom?
Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Toom Auli, Pyhaltö Kirsi. 2015. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 21: 641-659 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
When teaching gets tough - Professional community inhibitors of teacher-targeted bullying and turnover intentions
Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2015. Improving schools. 18: 263-276 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Strategies for academic engagement perceived by Finnish sixth and eighth graders.
Ulmanen Sanna, Soini Tiina, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne. 2014. Cambridge journal of education. 44: 425-443 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Strategies for well-being and ethically sustainable problem-solving in teacher-student interaction
Soini T, Pietarinen J, Pyhältö K, Tirri K. Teoksessa: Divya Jindal-Snape and Elizabeth F.S. Hannah(toim.) , 2014. Exploring the dynamics of personal, professional and interprofessional ethics. s. 69-83. Policy press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Student's emotional and cognitive engagement as the determinants of well-being and achievement in school
Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina, Pyhältö Kirsi. 2014. International journal of educational research. 67: 40-51 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Subject Knowledge and Perceptions of Bioenergy among School Teachers in India: Results from a Survey
Halder Pradipta, Havu-Nuutinen Sari, Pietarinen Janne, Zyadin Anas, Pelkonen Paavo. 2014. Resources. 3: 599-613 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Teachers' professional beliefs about their roles and the pupil's roles in the school
Ahonen Elsi, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2014. Teacher development. 18: 177-197 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Comprehensive school teachers' professional agency in large-scale educational change
Pyhältö K, Pietarinen J, Soini T. 2013. Journal of educational change. -: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Design research approach in the large scale educational innovations
Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi. Teoksessa: Ian R. Haslam, Myint Swe Khine and Issa M. Saleh (EDS)(toim.) , 2013. Large scale reform and social capital building. s. 70-92. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
How do ninth-graders perceive their involvement in the most meaningful episodes of their school career?
Westling Suvi Krista, Pyhältö Kirsi, Pietarinen Janne, Soini Tiina. 2013. International journal of educational research. 58: 25-35 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Reducing teacher burnout: A socio-contextual approach
Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Salmela-Aro Katariina. 2013. Teaching and teacher education. 35: 62-72 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Validity and Reliability of the Socio-Contextual Teacher Burnout Inventory (STBI)
Pietarinen Janne, Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Salmela-Aro Katariina. 2013. Psychology. 4: 73-82 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
International Survey on Bioenergy Knowledge, Perceptions, and Attitudes Among Young Citizens
Pradipta Halder, Pavol Prokop, Chun-Yen Chang, Muhammet Usak, Janne Pietarinen, Sari Havu-Nuutinen, Paavo Pelkonen,Mustafa Cakir. 2012. Bioenergy research. 5: 247-261 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes as determinants of youth's intentions to use bioenergy - a cross-national perspective
Halder P, Havu-Nuutinen S, Pietarinen J, Pelkonen P, Prokop P, Chang C-Y and Usak M. 2012. International journal of green energy. -: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mitä jos opettaja etääntyy työstään?
Soini, T., Pietarinen, J., Pyhältö, K., Westling, S-K., Ahonen, E. & Järvinen S.. 2012. Nuorisotutkimus. 30: 5-20 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A systemic perspective on school reform ¿ Principals¿ and chief education officers¿ perspectives on school development.
Pyhältö, K., Soini, T & Pietarinen, J.. 2011. Journal of educational administration. 49: 46-61 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bio-energy and youth: Analyzing the role of school, home, and media from the future policy perspectives
Pradipta Halder, Sari Havu-Nuutinen, Janne Pietarinen and Paavo Pelkonen. 2011. Applied energy. 88: 1233-1240 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Comprehensive school teachers' perceptions of the pupil's role in the school community.
Pyhältö, K., Ahonen, E., Pietarinen, J. & Soini, T.. Teoksessa: B. Hudson & M.A. Meyer(toim.) , 2011. Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe.. s. 177-189. Verlag Barbara Budrich A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Do Comprehensive School Teachers Perceive Themselves as Active Agents in School Reforms?
Pyhältö, K., Pietarinen, J. & Soini, T. 2011. Journal of educational change. DOI 10.1007/s10833-011-9171-0: Online first A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pedagogisen hyvinvoinnin aarteita ja sudenkuoppia peruskoulupolulla.
Pyhältö, K., Pietarinen, J. Soini, T. & Westling S-K.. Teoksessa: R. Rinne, J. Tähtinen, A. Jauhiainen & M, Broberg.(toim.) , 2011. Koulutuspolitiikan käytännöt kansallisessa ja ylikansallisessa kehyksessä. s. 437-460. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Teacher - working-environment fit as a framework for burnout experienced by Finnish teachers
Pyhältö, K., Pietarinen, J. & Salmela-Aro, K.. 2011. Teaching and teacher education. 27: 1101-1110 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A Horizontal approach to school transitions: a lesson learned from the Finnish 15-year-olds.
Pietarinen, J., Pyhältö, K. & Soini, T.. 2010. Cambridge journal of education. 40: 229-245 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Learning and well-being in transitions : how to promote pupils' active learning agency?
Pietarinen, J. Soini, T. & Pyhältö, K.. Teoksessa: D. Jindal-Snape(toim.) , 2010. Educational Transitions. Moving stories from around the world. s. 143-158. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pedagogical Well-being: Reflecting learning and well-being in teachers' work
Soini, T., Pyhältö, K., & Pietarinen, J.. 2010. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 16: 765-782 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pedagogista hyvinvointia rakentamassa päiväkodin ja peruskoulun rajapinnalla
Pyhältö Kirsi, Soini Tiina, Pietarinen Janne & Havu-Nuutinen Sari. Teoksessa: Ubani Martin, Kallioniemi Arto Luodeslampi Juha(toim.) , 2010. Kokonaisvaltainen kasvatus, lapsi ja uskonto. s. 188-206. Lasten keskus D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Pupils' pedagogical well-being in comprehensive school : Significant positive and negative school experiences of Finnish ninth graders
Pyhältö, K., Soini, T., & Pietarinen, J.. 2010. European journal of psychology of education. 25: 207-221 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Young citizen's knowledge and perceptions of bioenergy and future policy implications
Halder Pradipta, Pietarinen Janne, Havu-Nuutinen Sari & Pelkonen Paavo. 2010. Energy Policy. 38: 3058-3066 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rakenteet ja pedagogiikka koulun kehittämisessä - Vuoropuhelua vai kaksintaistelua?
Soini, Tiina; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Huusko, Jyrki. 2009. Hallinnon tutkimus. 28: 27-42 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Small rural primary schools in Finland: a pedagogically valuable part of the school network
Kalaoja, Esko ja Pietarinen, Janne. 2009. International journal of educational research. 48: 109-116 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Active and Passive ¿ Stages in the Careers of Teachers in the Context of Small Rural Schools.
Pietarinen, J. & Meriläinen, M.. 2008. Studia paedagogica. 13: 65¿84 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Luokan-, aineen- ja erityisopettajat yhtenäisen perusopetuksen rakentajina
Kirsi Pyhältö;Janne Pietarinen;Tiina Soini ja Jyrki Huusko. 2008. Kasvatus. 39: 218-234 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pedagoginen hyvinvointi - uutta ja tuttua koulun arjesta
Janne Pietarinen; Tiina Soini; Kirsi Pyhältö. Teoksessa: Kristiina Lappalainen; Matti Kuittinen; Matti Meriläinen(toim.) , 2008. Pedagoginen hyvinvointi. s. 53-74. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia 41 A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pedagoginen hyvinvointi peruskoulun opettajien työssä
Tiina Soini; Janne Pietarinen; Kirsi Pyhältö. 2008. Aikuiskasvatus. 28: 244-257 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mistä yhtenäisessä perusopetuksessa on kyse?
Pyhältö Kirsi;Soini Tiina;Huusko Jyrki;Pietarinen Janne. Teoksessa: Asta Pietilä & Erja Vitikka(toim.) , 2007. Tarinoita yhtenäisestä perusopetuksesta. Yhtenäisen perusopetuksen kehittämishanke. s. 14-29. Opetushallitus B2 Book section -
Stress a Barrier to Professional Development
Meriläinen;M & Pietarinen;J.. Teoksessa: Jan Löwstedt;Pär Larsson;Sjoerd Karsten & Rolf Van Dick(toim.) , 2007. From Intensified Work to Professional Development. s. 111-128. P.I.E. Peter Lang A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Yhtenäisyyttä rakentava peruskoulu - yhtenäisen perusopetuksen ehdot ja mahdollisuudet
Huusko Jyrki;Pietarinen Janne;Pyhältö Kirsi & Soini Tiina. 2007. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia. 1. Tekijät ja Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura C1 Book -
Renewing teacher education curriculum in the European context
Kari Sormunen & Janne Pietarinen. Teoksessa: Kari Sormunen(toim.) , 2006. The Bologna Process in Science and Mathematics Higher Education in North-Eastern Europe: Tendencies, Perspectives and Problems. s. 19-39. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
Yhtenäinen perusopetus mitä yhtenäisyys on?
Pietarinen Janne. Teoksessa: P. Holopainen;T. Ojala;K. Miettinen ja T. Orellana (toim.)(toim.) , 2005. Siirtymät sujuviksi ehyttä koulupolkua rakentamassa.. s. Moniste 6/2005, 914. B2 Book section -
Opettajankoulutus yhtenäisen perusopetuksen asettamiin koulutushaasteisiin vastaamassa
Pietarinen Janne. Teoksessa: Atjonen Päivi & Väisänen Pertti(toim.) , 2004. Osaava opettaja. Keskustelua 2000-luvun opettajankoulutuksen ydinaineksesta. s. 47 58. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
Peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman perusteet uudistuivat uudistuuko peruskoulu?
Pietarinen Janne. 2004. Ostiensis. Tiedettä ja tutkimusta Joensuun yliopistosta. : 22-25 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
The SALTSA Project on Work Organisation and School Work-life: how do schools as organisations facilitate professional development and well-being?
Meriläinen Matti ja Pietarinen Janne. 2003. European educational research journal. Volume 2: 594-603 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Characteristics of Finnish small rural schools - what can we learn from learning and instruction by researching small rural schools?
Kalaoja;E. & Pietarinen;J. Teoksessa: E. Kalaoja (toim. )(toim.) , 2002. Näkökulmia kyläkouluihin ja niiden kehittämiseen.. s. . B2 Book section -
Concept Map as a Tool for Meaningful Learning and Assesment in an Introductory Statistics Course
Haapala Anu;Pietarinen Janne;Rautopuro Juhani;Valtonen Esko;Väisänen Pertti. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2002. . s. . B2 Book section -
How to overcome stumbling blocks in learning applied statistics? The effect of concept mapping
Haapala Anu;Pietarinen Janne;Rautopuro Juhani;Väisänen Pertti. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2002. . s. . B2 Book section -
Koulu sosiaalisena ympäristönä yläasteelle siirtymisen vaiheessa: näkökulma sosiaalisen kehitykseen.
Pietarinen;J. & Rantala;S.. Teoksessa: M.-L. Julkunen (toim.)(toim.) , 2002. Opetus, oppiminen, vuorovaikutus. s. 227-241. WSOY B2 Book section -
Onko oppilailla sijaa koulun kehittämisessä?
Pietarinen;J.. Teoksessa: J. Huusko & J. Pietarinen (toim.)(toim.) , 2002. Yhä parempi paikka kasvaa ja oppia - punnittua puhetta koulun kehittämisestä.. s. 34-49. B2 Book section -
Systeeminen koulunkehittäminen - koulun kehittämisen kokonaisvaltaisuus
Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne. Teoksessa: Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne(toim.) , 2002. Yhä parempi paikka kasvaa ja oppia - punnittua puhetta koulun kehittämisestä. s. 105-108. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
Where we are going from here? - Research methodological reflections in the field of educational research.
Pietarinen;J.. Teoksessa: K. Julkunen;S. Havu-Nuutinen & J. Pietarinen (toim.).(toim.) , 2002. Learning and Instruction in Multiple Contexts and Settings III. Proceedings of the Fourth Joensuu symposium on Learning and Instruction.. s. 177-178. B2 Book section -
Opetusmoniste kasvatustieteen perusopintojen kurssille Johdatus kasvatuksen tutkimukseen
Kantelinen Ritva;Meriläinen Matti;Pietarinen Janne. 2001. . . - D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Improving School with Teachers and Community Around School
Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2000. . s. . B2 Book section -
Transfer to and Study at Secondary School in Finnish School Culture: Developing School on the Basis of Pupils' Experiences.
Pietarinen Janne. 2000. International journal of educational research. 33: 383 400 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Yhtenäinen peruskoulu - pedagoginen vai hallinnollinen koulun kehittämistehtävä
Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne. Teoksessa: Vanhalakka-Ruoho;Marjatta(toim.) , 2000. Sillanrakentajan opas. Toimintamalleja koulun kehittämiseen. s. 23-48. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
Koulun kehittämisen perustaa: Opettajien vuorovaikutuskulttuuri ja oppilaiden kokemukset
Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne. Teoksessa: Vanhalakka-Ruoho;Marjatta(toim.) , 1999. Kohti yhteistä oppimista. Kannanottoja koulun kehittämiseen. s. 55-81. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
Peruskoulun yläasteelle siirtyminen ja siellä opiskelu oppilaan kokemana.
Pietarinen Janne. 1999. -
Towards an Undivided Comprehensive School
Huusko;Jyrki & Pietarinen;Janne. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 1998. . s. . B2 Book section