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Jessica  Rosa

Jessica Rosa

Visiting Researcher

I am a Brazilian neuropharmacologist enjoying science & life in Finland.

A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences

Since my undergraduate studies, I have been working in the basic research area to evaluate fear-related memories. Memory itself is a great part of my journey! My scientific path has been driven by a deep passion for understanding how the brain works and the underlying cognitive processes involved in memory formation and emotions. One of my goals as a scientist is to contribute to a world where fear is better understood and managed.
I concluded my master’s in health sciences – Neuroscience (2012-2014) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Center for Memory Research, Brain Institute, BraIns). Afterward, I was invited to join the Pharmacology PhD program at one of the most prestigious Universities in Brazil, the University of Sao Paulo, with a full fellowship (2014-2019). During this time, I investigated the long-lasting effects of acute stress and the role of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in the prefrontal cortex on memory extinction. In addition, I received a research grant for a 1-year internship in Italy at the University of Milan (UniMi; 2018-2019). For my first postdoc research in Brazil, I expanded my interests to include how sex differences are involved or could influence stress responses and memory (2019-2021).
In my current position in Finland, I have been navigating this fascinating and enigmatic magnetic resonance world! I was welcomed on board the Metabolic MR Imaging Group in 2021 to work on the “Hyperpolarised Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Ischaemia at High and Low Magnetic Fields” project (2021-2024) led by the Research Director and Associate Professor Mikko Kettunen. The most thrilling aspect of this project was developing and validating a new setup and protocol to investigate dynamic cerebral metabolism using an imaging strategy in collaboration with a research group in Italy. I have also been working with 2 Ph.D. students, interacting with them through their scientific journey.


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