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Oana  Velcu-Laitinen

Oana Velcu-Laitinen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Grant-Funded Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty

The Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (Finnish Cultural Foundation) funded me to study beliefs about creativity in leading digital transformations in Finland. This research project is part of the JATKOT working group, which explores various aspects of learning, creativity, and well-being in the workplace from different perspectives.

Research Group

Continuous learning in working life – JATKOT.


Source: Co-created with DALL-E

Exploring the Agentic Process of Creative Self-Beliefs in Leading Digital Transformations

In digital economies, the digital transformation of enterprise architecture has become an essential strategy for traditional companies with legacy systems to stay competitive. Individuals in the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) role are responsible for creating a new digital vision for the company and implementing emerging technologies that promise new value for customers and from redesigned business operations. 

Implementing a particular digital transformation (DT) initiative consists of changes in the existing information system, business processes and working culture to achieve the strategic goals. For DT initiatives to deliver new business opportunities, the functionalities of the digital systems must be appropriated by key users. Thus, CDOs must define digital strategies that address the customer and the key users’ needs. Moreover, they must be flexible in rethinking their plans as the DT implementation advances. As a result, the change management aspect of DT initiatives is a type of wicked problem for digital leaders: 1) it’s about introducing a new technology in the company; 2) it involves stakeholders with conflicting priorities; 3) the goals can change as the project develops; and 4) there can be more than one appropriate solution to address changing goals, each solution with its strengths and weaknesses. 

Creativity – the process of generating new and useful solutions – is a fundamental resource for solving the unanticipated challenges at decisive moments of the project, such as developing the competencies needed to implement the digital initiative, communicating compelling narratives for managers and employees about why digitisation is a desired reality in the company and creating and maintaining a continuous learning culture. How can digital leaders leverage creativity – for themselves and their teams – to enable successful digital transformations?