Pasi Vahimaa
Professor, Theoretical Optics
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 400 1594
Photonics professor. Main topic diffractive optics and optical coherence. Teacher in several courses applying various digital tools and flipped learning. Applying VR and AR. Online learning and the learning environments enabling those. Interested in the sensoring of the learning processes with the newest technology. Remembering at the whole time the huge possibilities of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as the enablers of learning.
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Wellbeing at the 21st century innovative learning environment called learning ground
Saastamoinen, Ulla; Eronen, Lasse; Juvonen, Antti; Vahimaa, Pasi. 2022. Journal of research in innovative teaching & learning. [Epub ahead of 28 June 2022]: 1-14 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fotoniikasta valoa Suomen hyvinvointiin: Selvitys alan vaikuttavuudesta ja kasvunäkymistä
Aalto, Timo; Ailisto, Heikki; Antila, Jarkko; Eklin, Tero; Haapala, Antti; Herrala, Esko; Heräjärvi, Henrik; Hirvi, Timo; Hänninen, Pekka; Jokinen, Kimmo; Keinänen, Markku; Kola, Kari; Korppi-Tommola, Jouko; Kutila, Matti; Lappalainen, Reijo; Laurila, Toni; Luukanen, Arttu; Kauranen, Martti; Oksanen, Elina; Purmonen, Juha; Räisänen, Antti; Saarinen, Jyrki; Salmelin, Eero; Salminen, Antti; Stenberg, Petri; Tokola, Timo; Turtiainen, Heikki; Uusimaa, Petteri; Vahimaa, Pasi; Vastaranta, Mikko; Visa. 2019. Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu -
Scalable fabrication of the graphitic substrates for graphene-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Kaplas Tommi, Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Suvanto Sari, Vahimaa Pasi, Svirko Yuri. 2017. Scientific reports -
Atmospheric oxidation and carbon contamination of silver and its effect on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Itkonen Tommi, Heinilehto Santtu, Puustinen Jarkko, Hiltunen Jussi, Lappalainen Jyrki, Karioja Pentti, Vahimaa Pasi. 2016. Scientific reports -
Highly active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates based on gold nanoparticles infiltrated into SiO2 inverse opals
Ankudze Bright, Philip Anish, Pakkanen Tuula T, Matikainen Antti, Vahimaa Pasi. 2016. Applied surface science -
A solution to the fabrication and tarnishing problems of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) fiber probes
Matikainen Antti, Nuutinen Tarmo, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo. 2015. Scientific reports -
High Aspect-Ratio Iridium-Coated Nanopillars for Highly Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
Kang Guoguo, Matikainen Antti, Stenberg Petri, Färm Elina, Li Peng, Ritala Mikko, Vahimaa Pasi, Honkanen Seppo, Tan Xiaodi. 2015. Acs applied materials and interfaces -
Self-organized Polymer Wrinkles: A Lithography-free Pathway for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates
Stenberg Henna, Matikainen Antti, Daniel Salman, Nuutinen Tarmo, Stenberg Petri, Honkanen Seppo, Pakkanen Tuula, Vahimaa Pasi, Suvanto Mika. 2015. Macromolecular materials and engineering -
Daylight Colored Optimal Spectra for Improved Color Discrimination
Flinkman M, Laamanen H, Silfsten P, Hauta-Kasari M, Vahimaa P. 2014. Lecture notes in computer science -
Femtosecond laser processing and spatial light modulator
Päiväsaari Kimmo, Silvennoinen Martti, Kaakkunen Jarno, Vahimaa Pasi. 2014. SPIE