The team of Professor Tanja Tarvainen investigates and develops computational methods for optical and ultrasonic inverse problems such as tomographic imaging and therapy in the framework of Bayesian inverse problems. The tomographic methods include purely light based modalities such as diffuse optical tomography and coupled physics imaging such as photoacoustic tomography. In addition, modelling and computational methods for light transport and ultrasound propagation are studied, and prototype instrumentation for the techniques are developed.
Research groups
Research groups
- Computational Physics and Inverse Problems Group
- Biomedical Optical Imaging and Ultrasound Laboratory (OPUS)
- Center for Photonics Sciences
- Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK
- Collaborator in CUQI – Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems, DTU Compute, Denmark
- Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling (FAME), Research Council of Finland’s Flagship, 2024-2031
- Doctoral Education Pilot for Mathematics of Sensing Imaging and Modelling, Doctoral Education Pilot of the Ministry of Education and Culture, 2024-2027
- Quantitative Tomography Using Coupled Physics of Waves (QUANTOM), ERC-CoG project, 2021-2025
- COmputatioNal Imaging as a training Network for Smart biomedical dEvices (CONcISE), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks, 2023-2027
- Centre of Excellence in Inverse Modelling and Imaging, Academy of Finland, 2018-2025
- PREIN – the Finnish Flagship on Photonics Research and Innovation
- Nanotheranostics based on light, RADDESS Academy Programme, Academy of Finland, 2018-2021
Research interests
- ValoMC – a Monte Carlo software and MATLAB toolbox for simulating light transport in biological tissue
- Inverse problems
- Uncertainty quantification
- Optical tomography
- Photoacoustic tomography
- Radiative transfer
- PhD thesis: Computational methods for light transport in optical tomography
Teaching Activities
- Current teaching: Optimisation
- Past teaching (lectures): Finite element methods, Modelling II, Tieteellinen viestintä fysiikassa
- Past teaching (exercises): Statistical inverse problems, Mathematical modelling, Finite element methods, Optimization, Estimation theory, Modelling II, Physics A, Physics III
3 itemsPublications
125/125 items-
A Bayesian approach for consistent reconstruction of inclusions
Afkham, B. M.; Knudsen, K.; Rasmussen, A. K.; Tarvainen, T.. 2024. Inverse problems. 40: . 045004 -
Estimating absorption and scattering in quantitative photoacoustic tomography with an adaptive Monte Carlo method for light transport
Hänninen, Niko; Pulkkinen, Aki; Arridge, Simon; Tarvainen, Tanja. 2024. Inverse problems and imaging. 18: 1052-1077 -
Single-stage approach for estimating optical parameters in spectral quantitative photoacoustic tomography
Suhonen, Miika; Pulkkinen, Aki; Tarvainen, Tanja. 2024. Journal of the optical society of america a: optics image science and vision. 41: 527-542 -
Stochastic Gauss-Newton method for estimating absorption and scattering in optical tomography with the Monte Carlo method for light transport
Kangasniemi, Jonna; Mozumder, Meghdoot; Pulkkinen, Aki; Tarvainen, Tanja. 2024. Biomedical optics express. 15: 4925-4942 -
Assembly of fluorophore J-aggregates with nanospacer onto mesoporous nanoparticles for enhanced photoacoustic imaging
Xu, Wujun; Leskinen, Jarkko; Sahlström, Teemu; Happonen, Emilia; Tarvainen, Tanja; Lehto, Vesa-Pekka. 2023. Photoacoustics. 33: -
Background-oriented schlieren sensitivity in terms of geometrical parameters of measurement setup
Koponen, Eero; Leskinen, Jarkko; Tarvainen, Tanja; Pulkkinen, Aki. 2023. Journal of the acoustical society of america. 154: 3726-3736 -
Deep learning in photoacoustic tomography utilizing variational autoencoders
Sahlström, Teemu; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Kim, Chulhong; Laufer, Jan; Ntziachristos, Vasilis: Zemp, Roger J(toim.) , 2023. Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics VI. s. . SPIE -
Diffuse optical tomography setup using a nanosecond laser
Mozumder, Meghdoot; Leskinen, Jarkko; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Contini, Davide; Hoshi, Yoko; O'Sullivan, Thomas D(toim.) , 2023. Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging IX. s. 1-3. -
Image reconstruction in quantitative photoacoustic tomography using adaptive optical Monte Carlo
Hänninen, Niko; Pulkkinen, Aki; Arridge, Simon R; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Oraevsky, Alexander A; Wang, Lihong V(toim.) , 2023. Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023. s. . SPIE -
One-step estimation of spectral optical parameters in quantitative photoacoustic tomography
Suhonen, Miika; Pulkkinen, Aki; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Kim, Chulhong; Laufer, Jan; Ntziachristos, Vasilis: Zemp, Roger J(toim.) , 2023. Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics VI. s. . SPIE