Research of Teemu Sahlström focuses on developing numerical methods for imaging methods utilising coupled physics, such as photo- and thermoacoustic tomography. In his research, he utilises, for example, theory of Bayesian inverse problems, deep learning, and numerical physics and mathematics.
Research groups
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Assembly of fluorophore J-aggregates with nanospacer onto mesoporous nanoparticles for enhanced photoacoustic imaging
Xu, Wujun; Leskinen, Jarkko; Sahlström, Teemu; Happonen, Emilia; Tarvainen, Tanja; Lehto, Vesa-Pekka. 2023. Photoacoustics. 33: -
Computational methods for modelling and inverse problem of photoacoustic tomography
Sahlström, Teemu. 2023. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Science, Forestry and Technology -
Deep learning in photoacoustic tomography utilizing variational autoencoders
Sahlström, Teemu; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Kim, Chulhong; Laufer, Jan; Ntziachristos, Vasilis: Zemp, Roger J(toim.) , 2023. Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics VI. s. . SPIE -
Utilizing Variational Autoencoders in the Bayesian Inverse Problem of Photoacoustic Tomography
Sahlström, Teemu; Tarvainen, Tanja. 2023. Siam journal on imaging sciences. 16: 89-110 -
Utilizing variational autoencoders in photoacoustic tomography
Sahlström, Teemu; Tarvainen, Tanja. Teoksessa: Oraevsky, Alexander; Wang, Lihong(toim.) , 2023. Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023. s. . SPIE