Petra Kuivala
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor of Global Christianity
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 339 2902
Petra Kuivala, Doctor of Theology, works as an Assistant Professor of Global Christianity at the School of Theology, University of Eastern Finland.
Previously, Kuivala has worked as a postdoctoral researcher of Area and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Art and as a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki (2014-2023). In 2020-2023, she held an appointment as a Visiting Scholar and an Associate at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, at Harvard University. In 2016-2017, Kuivala held an appointment as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Cuban Research Institute, Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs, at Florida International University. She has received fellowships and research grants from the Academy of Finland, University of Helsinki, the Lutheran World Federation, The Osk. Huttunen Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Aune Vappula Fund, and The Research Center of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland.
Dr. Kuivala’s research and teaching intersect with the study of religion, history, Cuban studies, and Latin American studies, addressing Christianity in the Americas, with a particular focus on religion in Cuba, the Cuban Revolution, and socialist society.
Kuivala’s dissertation (2019), Never a Church of Silence: The Catholic Church in Revolutionary Cuba, 1959-1986, focused on Catholicism in socialist Cuba, drawing on archival and oral sources as well as ethnographic work conducted in Cuba. During the fieldwork for her dissertation, Dr. Kuivala became the first scholar to access previously unstudied archives of the Catholic Church in Cuba, working on classified sources dating to the revolutionary period. In total, she perused more than 40,000 pages of previously unexplored documents in nine Cuban archives.
Most recently, Kuivala has written about religious material culture and lived religion in Cuba, and religious moral authority confronting totalitarian state power in Latin America. Her articles have been published in, among others, Cuban Studies, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, and the International Journal of Cuban Studies. Kuivala is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Yearbook of the Finnish Society of Church History.
Dr. Kuivala’s current research project, The Revolution, Religion, and Social Experience in Cuba, 1961–1991, funded by the Academy of Finland, analyzes the intersections of vernacular religion and lived experience in the social histories of the Cuban Revolution.
4/4 items-
Esipuhe : Kristinusko ja nationalismi Suomessa
Kuivala, Petra; Sevillano, Annaleena. Teoksessa: Kuivala, Petra; Sevillano, Annaleena(toim.) , 2023. Kristinusko ja nationalismi : Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran vuosikirja 2023. s. . Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura B2 Book section -
God and Communism: Cuba’s Constitution, Socialist Construction, and Religion, 1959–1992
Kuivala, Petra. Teoksessa: Holzer, Shannon(toim.) , 2023. The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State Volume II: Global Perspectives. s. 741-758. Palgrave Macmillan A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Interviews in Global Catholicism: Dr. Petra Kuivala
Kuivala, Petra. 2023. Journal of global catholicism. 8: 72-80 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kristinusko ja nationalismi : Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran vuosikirja 2023
Kuivala, Petra; Sevillano, Annaleena. 2023. Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran vuosikirja. . Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal