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Pieter  Dhondt

Pieter Dhondt

Head of Department

University Lecturer

Head of the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies.

Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 598 8192

As senior lecturer and adjunct professor in general history, my current research focuses on the history of university celebrations, student revolts, and on medical history, including the development of medical education at universities and colleges of higher education and changing attitudes towards medical uncertainty. My publications deal with, among other themes, the intercultural transfer of university ideas within Europe in the nineteenth century and the history of academic mobility.

Currently I am in charge of two projects dealing with “Changing attitudes towards medical uncertainty in the training of physicians from the 1880s” (NOS-HS, 2019-2022 and Academy of Finland project, 2019-2024).

Yearly I am teaching five to six courses, such as “World history since 1600”, “History of historiography and theory of history”, “History of ideas and cultural history”, “History of colonisation and decolonisation of (Central) Africa”, “History of the Baltic Sea Region”, “History of Medicine”, and Bachelor dissertation seminar.

For a complete list of publications, see


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