PLURI: Plurilingualism for better education, cohesion and linguistic diversity
Main funder

Other funders

CERV Programme
Alicja Fajfer
Project ResearcherKarelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
“Plurilingualism for better education, cohesion and linguistic diversity” (PLURI) targets the development of the European language policy, as an important driver of European integration and identity. The EU has always recognized the role of language in advancing the European integration, and the promotion of multilingualism has always been its priority.
The everyday school experience shows that educators and students need support to harness the full potential of plurilingual education. Therefore, this project cooperates with parents, teachers and local authorities to create an enthusiastic community of innovators and adopters, using the framework of Participatory Action Research. We provide training for educators on implementing translanguaging and plurilingualism. We also organize interactive community events to raise awareness about these frameworks and challenge harmful language stereotypes that persist in European societies. We are mindful of the milestones in the development of plurilingualism (e.g. the CEFR framework) to create a roadmap for advancing multilingual and bias-free societies.
While Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits language-based discrimination, practice shows that protection is difficult to enforce. We believe that the European language Policy (ELP) has laid strong foundations for equity for plurilingual individuals in European societies. However, practitioners have not sufficiently embraced it.
The target groups have high multiplier potential in two ways. First, individual educators usually have relatively large social networks. Second, education has a firm role in socializing new generations into social norms. The involvement of educators thus holds a key to securing lasting impact. Whereas the involvement of families helps build a positive language climate, and enhance trust between important stakeholder groups. This project is also concerned with the voice of students, as they are at the most affected by the policy.
PLURI website goes live
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Olesya Chayka
Koopkultur operates since 2018. Koopkultur e.V. is a non-profit association and a network of intercultural artists, scientists, authors, urbanists and activists working in the areas of education and (art) education. Together they work on projects that transcend different disciplines and are committed to more equitable and holistic education and communication. Through our collaboration and mutual exchange, we create a platform to carry out targeted interventions in the educational landscape.
Sami Tanskanen
Joensuu district multicultural association (JoMoni) is an organization founded at the beginning of 2009. JoMoni promotes multiculturalism in Joensuu and nearby regions. JoMoni fights against racism and looks after the interests of immigrants. We want to promote respect between people and the ability to communicate. JoMoni is open to everyone.
Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur
For over 20 years, ELAR has also been supporting communities and scholars through advice and training in the creation, curation and archiving of audiovisual collections. ELAR uses its many years of expertise to promote modern digital language documentation and further develop best practices. Current instructions for relevant tools and workflows are also available to researchers, teachers and other interested parties in a material collection.