Reetta Kälviäinen
Chair of Neurology, University of Eastern Finland Director of Kuopio Epilepsy Center, Kuopio Uni...
Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
reetta.kalviainen@uef.fi | +358 40 583 9249
Reetta Kälviäinen is the Full Professor and Chair of Neurology in the University of Eastern Finland and the Director of the Kuopio Epilepsy Center in the Kuopio University Hospital. Her special research interest is clinical epileptology including identifying biomarkers of seizure activity, epileptogenesis, progression, and drug-resistancy in cohorts of newly diagnosed and drug-resistant chronic patients. These aspects of scientific projects are combined with therapeutic neuropharmacological interventions. She serves in the steering group of the European Reference Network for rare and complex epilepsies EpiCARE (of which Kuopio Epilepsy Center is a member) and co-chairs the Epilepsy Scientific Panel of the European Academy of Neurology. She is the chair of the steering group for the Establishment Phase of Neurocenter Finland.
Research groups
Brain Research Unit (BRU) - Clinical Trial Unit
Intracranial Aneurysm Group 01.01.2022 -
Clinical Epilepsy Research 01.01.2010 -
Clinical Research Centre (CRC) 01.01.2002 -
293/293 items-
Detection of Epileptogenic Focal Cortical Dysplasia Using Graph Neural Networks
Ripart, Mathilde; Spitzer, Hannah; Williams, Logan Z J; Walger, Lennart; Chen, Andrew; Napolitano, Antonio; Rossi-Espagnet, Camilla; Foldes, Stephen T; Hu, Wenhan; Mo, Jiajie; Likeman, Marcus; Rüber, Theodor; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Gambardella, Antonio; Guttler, Christopher; Tietze, Anna; Lenge, Matteo; Guerrini, Renzo; Cohen, Nathan T; Wang, Irene; Kloster, Ane; Pinborg, Lars H; Hamandi, Khalid; Jackson, Graeme; Tortora, Domenico; Tisdall, Martin; Conde-Blanco, Estefania; Pariente, Jose C; P. 2025. JAMA neurology. [Published online February 24, 2025]: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Access to justice in the light of everyday problems and prejudice: A pilot study on the experiences of people with epilepsy in Finland
Issakainen, Mervi; Ervasti, Kaijus; Teerikangas, Minni; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna. 2024. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy. 120: 189-193 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Brain health and national neurological societies: Results of the European Academy of Neurology survey on brain health awareness and areas of implementation for European countries
Leonardi, Matilde; Colonna, Isabella; Garcia‐Azorin, David; Bereczki, Daniel; Bodini, Benedetta; Bregman, Noa; Kälviäinen, Reetta K.; Kondybayeva, Aida; Papp, Viktoria; Vodušek, David B.; von Oertzen, Tim; Danova, Robertina; Crean, Michael; Wurm, Raphael; Bassetti, Claudio; Berger, Thomas; Boon, Paul; Kallweit, Ulf; Marson, Anthony; Moro, Elena; Rektorova, Irena; Toscano, Antonio; Leocani, Letizia. 2024. European journal of neurology. 31: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Epilepsy care pathway: The Finnish model
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Hadj‐Allal, Zakarya; Kirjavainen, Jarkko; Roivainen, Reina; Linnankivi, Tarja; Peltola, Jukka; Eriksson, Kai; Lamusuo, Salla; Lähdesmäki, Tuire; Annunen, Johanna; Vieira, Päivi; Tarkiainen, Virpi; Jutila, Leena; Saarela, Anni; Kämppi, Leena; Metsähonkala, Liisa; Gaily, Eija; Lähde, Niina; Antinmaa, Jaana; Erme, Sini; Pirttisalo, Anna‐Leena; Virolainen, Jari; Ylijoki, Milla; Kela, Laura; Komulainen‐Ebrahim, Jonna; Sorjonen, Paula; Finnish Severe Epilepsy Coordination Group. 2024. Epilepsia open. 2025; 10: 177-185 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Eurooppalaiset osaamisverkostot harvinaisten neurologisten sairauksien diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa
Martikainen, Mika H; Auranen, Mari; Palmio, Johanna; Metsähonkala, Liisa; Majamaa, Kari; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2024. Duodecim. 140: 478-484 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Exome sequencing of 20,979 individuals with epilepsy reveals shared and distinct ultra-rare genetic risk across disorder subtypes
Berkovic, Samuel F.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Zsurka, Gábor; Zizovic, Milena; Zimprich, Fritz; Zara, Federico; Zahnert, Felix; Zagaglia, Sara; Yücesan, Emrah; Yolken, Robert; Yis, Uluc; Yapıcı, Zuhal; Yamakawa, Kazuhiro; Wu, David; von Wrede, Randi; Wong, Isaac; Wolking, Stefan; Wolff, Markus; Wolf, Steven M.; Wiebe, Samuel; Widdess-Walsh, Peter; Weckhuysen, Sarah; Weber, Yvonne G.; Watts, Nick; Wagner, Ryan G.; von Spiczak, Sarah; von Brauchitsch, Sophie; Vlčková, Markéta; Vetro, Annalisa; Vari, Mar. 2024. Nature neuroscience. 27: 1864-1879 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Novel LAMC3 pathogenic variant enriched in Finnish population causes malformations of cortical development and severe epilepsy
Saarela, Anni; Timonen, Oskari; Kirjavainen, Jarkko; Liu, Yawu; Silvennoinen, Katri; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2024. Epileptic disorders. 26: 498-509 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Outcome of Epilepsy Surgery in MRI-Negative Patients Without Histopathologic Abnormalities in the Resected Tissue
Sanders, Maurits W; Van Der Wolf, Iskander; Jansen, Floor E; Aronica, Eleonora; Helmstaedter, Christoph; Racz, Attila; Surges, Rainer; Grote, Alexander; Becker, Albert J; Rheims, Sylvain; Catenoix, Hélène; Duncan, John S; De Tisi, Jane; Jacques, Thomas S; Cross, J Helen; Kalviainen, Reetta; Rauramaa, Tuomas; Chassoux, Francine; Devaux, Bertrand C; Di Gennaro, Giancarlo; Esposito, Vincenzo; Bodi, Istvan; Honavar, Mrinalini; Bien, Christian G; Cloppenborg, Thomas; Coras, Roland; Hamer, Hajo M; Mar. 2024. Neurology. 102: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Outpatient management of prolonged seizures and seizure clusters to prevent progression to a higher‐level emergency: Consensus recommendations of an expert working group
Pina‐Garza, Jesus Eric; Chez, Michael; Cloyd, James; Hirsch, Lawrence J; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Klein, Pavel; Lagae, Lieven; Sankar, Raman; Specchio, Nicola; Strzelczyk, Adam; Toledo, Manuel; Trinka, Eugen. 2024. Epileptic disorders. 26: 484-497 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Polygenic risk scores as a marker for epilepsy risk across lifetime and after unspecified seizure events
Heyne, Henrike O; Pajuste, Fanny-Dhelia; Wanner, Julian; Onwuchekwa, Jennifer I Daniel; Maegi, Reedik; Palotie, Aarno; FinnGen; Estonian Biobank research team; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Daly, Mark J. 2024. Nature communications. 15: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Providing quality care for people with CDKL5 deficiency disorder: A European expert panel opinion on the patient journey
Amin, Sam; Møller, Rikke S; Aledo‐Serrano, Angel; Arzimanoglou, Alexis; Bager, Patrick; Jóźwiak, Sergiusz; Kluger, Gerhard Josef; López‐Cabeza, Sandra; Nabbout, Rima; Partridge, Carol‐Anne; Schubert‐Bast, Susanne; Specchio, Nicola; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2024. Epilepsia open. 9: 832-849 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
TWINGEN: protocol for an observational clinical biobank recall and biomarker cohort study to identify Finnish individuals with high risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Vuoksimaa, Eero; Saari, Toni T; Aaltonen, Aino; Aaltonen, Sari; Herukka, Sanna-Kaisa; Iso-Markku, Paula; Kokkola, Tarja; Kyttälä, Aija; Kärkkäinen, Sari; Liedes, Hilkka; Ollikainen, Miina; Palviainen, Teemu; Ruotsalainen, Ilona; Toivola, Auli; Urjansson, Mia; Vasankari, Tommi; Vähä-Ypyä, Henri; Forsberg, Markus M; Hiltunen, Mikko; Jalanko, Anu; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Kuopio, Teijo; Lähteenmäki, Jaakko; Nyberg, Pia; Männikkö, Minna; Serpi, Raisa; Siltanen, Sanna; Palotie, Aarno; Kaprio, Jaakko; Runz. 2024. BMJ open. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Which terms should be used to describe medications used in the treatment of seizure disorders? An ILAE position paper
Perucca, Emilio; French, Jacqueline A; Aljandeel, Ghaieb; Balestrini, Simona; Braga, Patricia; Burneo, Jorge G; Felli, Augustina Charway; Cross, J Helen; Galanopoulou, Aristea S; Jain, Satish; Jiang, Yuwu; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Lim, Shih Hui; Meador, Kimford J; Mogal, Zarine; Nabbout, Rima; Sofia, Francesca; Somerville, Ernest; Sperling, Michael R; Triki, Chahnez; Trinka, Eugen; Walker, Matthew C; Wiebe, Samuel; Wilmshurst, Jo M; Wirrell, Elaine; Yacubian, Elza Márcia; Kapur, Jaideep. 2024. Epilepsia. 65: 533-541 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
A FinnGen pilot clinical recall study for Alzheimer’s disease
Julkunen, Valtteri; Schwarz, Claudia; Kalapudas, Juho; Hallikainen, Merja; Piironen, Aino-Kaisa; Mannermaa, Arto; Kujala, Hanna; Laitinen, Timo; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Paajanen, Teemu I.; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Hiltunen, Mikko; Herukka, Sanna-Kaisa; Kärkkäinen, Sari; Kokkola, Tarja; Urjansson, Mia; FinnGen; Perola, Markus; Palotie, Aarno; Vuoksimaa, Eero; Runz, Heiko. 2023. Scientific reports. 13: . 12641 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cenobamate in refractory epilepsy: Overview of treatment options and practical considerations
Schmitz, Bettina; Lattanzi, Simona; Vonck, Kristl; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Nashef, Lina; Ben‐Menachem, Elinor. 2023. Epilepsia open. 8: 1241-1255 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Detecting negative myoclonus during long-term home measurements using wearables
Sinokki, Aku; Säisänen, Laura; Hyppönen, Jelena; Silvennoinen, Katri; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Mervaala, Esa; Karjalainen, Pasi A; Rissanen, Saara M. 2023. Clinical neurophysiology. 156: 166-174 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
EPM1-taudin arvoitusten äärellä
Silvennoinen, Katri; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2023. Epilepsialehti. : 16-17 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
ERN-verkostot kokoavat harvinaissairauksien osaajat yhteen
Lempainen, Johanna; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Heiskanen-Kosma, Tarja. 2023. Lääkärilehti. 78: 1931-1934 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Epilepsian toimiva hoitoketju Suomessa
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2023. Epilepsialehti. : 9-11 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
FinnGen provides genetic insights from a well-phenotyped isolated population
Kurki, Mitja I.; Karjalainen, Juha; Palta, Priit; Sipilä, Timo P.; Kristiansson, Kati; Donner, Kati M.; Reeve, Mary P.; Laivuori, Hannele; Aavikko, Mervi; Kaunisto, Mari A.; Loukola, Anu; Lahtela, Elisa; Mattsson, Hannele; Laiho, Päivi; Della Briotta Parolo, Pietro; Lehisto, Arto A.; Kanai, Masahiro; Mars, Nina; Rämö, Joel; Kiiskinen, Tuomo; Heyne, Henrike O.; Veerapen, Kumar; Rüeger, Sina; Lemmelä, Susanna; Zhou, Wei; Ruotsalainen, Sanni; Pärn, Kalle; Hiekkalinna, Tero; Koskelainen, Sami; Paaja. 2023. Nature. 613: 508-518 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
GWAS meta-analysis of over 29,000 people with epilepsy identifies 26 risk loci and subtype-specific genetic architecture
International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies. 2023. Nature genetics. 55: 1471-1482 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (UEFi004-A) from a patient with progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1 (EPM1)
Singh, Shekhar; Plotnikova, Lidiia; Karvonen, Kalle; Ryytty, Sanna; Hyppönen, Jelena; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Hämäläinen, Riikka H.. 2023. Stem cell research. 73: . 103248 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
In depth behavioral phenotyping unravels complex motor disturbances in Cstb−/− mouse, a model for progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1
Pollari, Eveliina; Tegelberg, Saara; Björklund, Harry; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Lehesjoki, Anna Elina; Haapalinna, Antti. 2023. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. 17: . 1325051 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Suicidality in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Focal Epilepsy: An Analysis of a Complex Comorbidity
Kanner, Andres M.; Saporta, Anita S; Kim, Dong H; Barry, John J; Altalib, Hamada; Omotola, Hope; Jette, Nathalie; O'Brien, Terence J.; Nadkarni, Siddhartha; Winawer, Melodie R.; Sperling, Michael; French, Jacqueline A; Abou-Khalil, Bassel; Alldredge, Brian; Bebin, Martina; Cascino, Gregory D; Cole, Andrew J.; Cook, Mark J.; Detyniecki, Kamil; Devinsky, Orrin; Dlugos, Dennis; Faught, Edward; Ficker, David; Fields, Madeline; Gidal, Barry; Gelfand, Michael; Glynn, Simon; Halford, Jonathan J.; Haut,. 2023. Neurology. 100: e1123-e1134 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pitkittyneen epilepsiakohtauksen hoidossa tarvitaan päättäväistä ja varhain aloitettua lääkehoitoa
Sairanen, Joni; Kantanen, Anne-Mari; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2023. Duodecim. 139: 689-691 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1 (EPM1) patients present with abnormal 1H MRS brain metabolic profiles associated with cognitive function
Hyppönen, Jelena; Paanila, Vili; Äikiä, Marja; Koskenkorva, Päivi; Könönen, Mervi; Vanninen, Ritva; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Hakumäki, Juhana. 2023. Neuroimage : clinical. 39: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The burden of chronic drug-refractory focal onset epilepsy: Can it be prevented?
Ben-Menachem, Elinor; Schmitz, Bettina; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Rhys, Thomas; Klein, Pavel. 2023. Epilepsy and behavior. 148: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
When is it time for palliative and end-of-life care in status epilepticus?
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Allal, Zakarya; Kantanen, Anne-Mari. 2023. Epilepsy and behavior. 141: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Comorbidities in patients with Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1)
Sipilä, Jussi OT; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2022. Acta neurologica scandinavica. 146: 690-693 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Geneettiset epilepsiat
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Saarela, Anni; Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina . 2022. Lääkärilehti. 77: 134-137 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Impact of drug treatment and drug interactions in post-stroke epilepsy
Zhao, Lanqing; Li, Jinwei; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Jolkkonen, Jukka; Zhao, Chuansheng. 2022. Pharmacology and therapeutics. 233: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Integration of questionnaire-based risk factors improves polygenic risk scores for human coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes
Tamlander, Max; Mars, Nina; Pirinen, Matti; Palotie, Aarno; Daly, Mark; Riley-Gills, Bridget; Jacob, Howard; Paul, Dirk; Runz, Heiko; John, Sally; Plenge, Robert; Maranville, Joseph; Okafo, George; Lawless, Nathan; Salminen-Mankonen, Heli; McCarthy, Mark; Hunkapiller, Julie; Ehm, Meg; Auro, Kirsi; Longerich, Simonne; Fox, Caroline; Mälarstig, Anders; Klinger, Katherine; Raipal, Deepak; Green, Eric; Graham, Robert; Yang, Robert; O’Donnell, Chris; Mäkelä, Tomi; Kaprio, Jaakko; Virolainen, Petri; H. 2022. Communications biology. 5: . 158 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Interpretable surface-based detection of focal cortical dysplasias: a Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection study
Spitzer, Hannah; Ripart, Mathilde; Whitaker, Kirstie; D'Arco, Felice; Mankad, Kshitij; Chen, Andrew A.; Napolitano, Antonio; De Palma, Luca; De Benedictis, Alessandro; Foldes, Stephen; Humphreys, Zachary; Zhang, Kai; Hu, Wenhan; Mo, Jiajie; Likeman, Marcus; Davies, Shirin; Guttler, Christopher; Lenge, Matteo; Cohen, Nathan T.; Tang, Yingying; Wang, Shan; Chari, Aswin; Tisdall, Martin; Bargallo, Nuria; Conde-Blanco, Estefania; Pariente, Jose Carlos; Pascual-Diaz, Saul; Delgado-Martinez, Ignacio; . 2022. Brain. 145: 3859–3871 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Protocol for the development of an international Core Outcome Set for treatment trials in adults with epilepsy: the EPilepsy outcome Set for Effectiveness Trials Project (EPSET)
Mitchell, James W.; Noble, Adam; Baker, Gus; Batchelor, Rachel; Brigo, Francesco; Christensen, Jakob; French, Jacqueline; Gil-Nagel, Antonio; Guekht, Alla; Jette, Nathalie; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Leach, John Paul; Maguire, Melissa; O’Brien, Terence; Rosenow, Felix; Ryvlin, Philippe; Tittensor, Phil; Tripathi, Manjari; Trinka, Eugen; Wiebe, Samuel; Williamson, Paula R.; Marson, Tony. 2022. Trials. 23: . 943 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Reasons and consequences of diagnostic delay in focal epilepsy
Parviainen, Laura; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2022. Epilepsy Professional. Summer 2022: 16-19 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Short‐ and long‐interval intracortical inhibition in EPM1 is related to genotype
Silvennoinen, Katri; Säisänen, Laura; Hyppönen, Jelena; Rissanen, Saara M; Karjalainen, Pasi A; D’Ambrosio, Sasha; Jimenez‐Jimenez, Diego; Zagaglia, Sara; Rothwell, John C; Balestrini, Simona; Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Julkunen, Petro; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2022. Epilepsia. 2023; 64: 208-217 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Structural network alterations in focal and generalized epilepsy assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study follow axes of epilepsy risk gene expression
Larivière, Sara; Royer, Jessica; Rodríguez-Cruces, Raúl; Paquola, Casey; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Gambardella, Antonio; Concha, Luis; Keller, Simon S.; Cendes, Fernando; Yasuda, Clarissa L.; Bonilha, Leonardo; Gleichgerrcht, Ezequiel; Focke, Niels K.; Domin, Martin; von Podewills, Felix; Langner, Soenke; Rummel, Christian; Wiest, Roland; Martin, Pascal; Kotikalapudi, Raviteja; O’Brien, Terence J.; Sinclair, Benjamin; Vivash, Lucy; Desmond, Patricia M.; Lui, Elaine; Vaudano, Anna Elisabetta; Mel. 2022. Nature communications. 13: . 4320 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A survey of the European Reference Network EpiCARE on clinical practice for selected rare epilepsies
Baumgartner, Tobias; Carreño, Mar; Rocamora, Rodrigo; Bisulli, Francesca; Boni, Antonella; Brázdil, Milan; Horak, Ondrej; Craiu, Dana; Pereira, Cristina; Guerrini, Renzo; San Antonio-Arce, Victoria; Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas; Zuberi, Sameer M; Hallböök, Tove; Kalviainen, Reetta; Lagae, Lieven; Nguyen, Sylvie; Quintas, Sofia; Franco, Ana; Cross, J Helen et al.. 2021. Epilepsia open -
A systems-level analysis highlights microglial activation as a modifying factor in common epilepsies
Altmann, A; Ryten, M; Di Nunzio, M; Ravizza, T; Tolomeo, D; Reynolds, RH; Somani, A; Bacigaluppi, M; Iori, V; Micotti, E; Di Sapia, R; Cerovic, M; Palma, E; Ruffolo, G; Botía, JA; Absil, J; Alhusaini, S; Alvim, MKM; Auvinen, P; Bargallo, N; et al. [Incl. Kälviäinen, R]. 2021. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology -
Adult-Onset Epilepsy Incidence in Finland over 34 Years: a nationwide registry-study
Sipilä, Jussi OT; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2021. European journal of neurology -
Artificial intelligence for classification of temporal lobe epilepsy with ROI-level MRI data: A worldwide ENIGMA-Epilepsy study
Gleichgerrcht, E; Munsell, BC; Alhusaini, S; Alvim, MKM; Bargalló, N; Bender, B; Bernasconi, A; Bernasconi, N; Bernhardt, B; Blackmon, K; Caligiuri, ME; Cendes, F; Concha, L; Desmond, PM; Devinsky, O; Doherty, CP; Domin, M; Duncan, JS; Focke, NK; Gambardella, A; et al; [incl. Kälviäinen, R]. 2021. Neuroimage : clinical -
Atlas of lesion locations and postsurgical seizure freedom in focal cortical dysplasia: A MELD study
Wagstyl, Konrad; Whitaker, Kirstie; Raznahan, Armin; Seidlitz, Jakob; Vértes, Petra E.; Foldes, Stephen; Humphreys, Zachary; Hu, Wenhan; Mo, Jiajie; Likeman, Marcus; Davies, Shirin; Lenge, Matteo; Cohen, Nathan T.; Tang, Yingying; Wang, Shan; Ripart, Mathilde; Chari, Aswin; Tisdall, Martin; Bargallo, Nuria; Conde-Blanco, Estefanía; et al. [Incl. Liu, Yawu; Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2021. Epilepsia -
Cognitive functioning in progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1 (Unverricht-Lundborg Disease, EPM1)
Äikiä, Marja; Hyppönen, Jelena; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2021. Epilepsy and behavior -
Distinct gene-set burden patterns underlie common generalized and focal epilepsies
Koko, Mahmoud; Krause, Roland; Sander, Thomas; Bobbili, Dheeraj Reddy; Nothnagel, Michael; May, Patrick; Lerche, Holger; Epi25 Collaborative [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta; Auvinen, Pia; Saarela, Anni]. 2021. EBioMedicine -
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Pesonen, Tuula, Äikiä, Marja. 2021. Duodecim -
Epilepsian leikkaushoito
Jutila, Leena; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Miettinen, Riia; Immonen, Arto. 2021. Pinsetti -
Exome sequencing reveals predominantly de novo variants in disorders with intellectual disability (ID) in the founder population of Finland
Järvelä, Irma; Määttä, Tuomo; Acharya, Anushree; Leppälä, Juha; Jhangiani, Shalini N; Arvio, Maria; Siren, Auli; Kankuri-Tammilehto, Minna; Kokkonen, Hannaleena; Palomäki, Maarit; Varilo, Teppo; Fang, Mary; Hadley, Trevor D; Jolly, Angad; Linnankivi, Tarja; Paetau, Ritva; Saarela, Anni; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Olme, Jan; Nouel-Saied, Liz M et al.. 2021. Human genetics -
Jaettu päätöksenteko epilepsian hoidossa
Kuusisto, Hanna; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Jylhä, Virpi; Saranto, Kaija. 2021. Epilepsialehti -
Status epilepticus: Practice variation and adherence to treatment guideline in a large community hospital
Sairanen, Joni J; Kantanen, Anne-Mari; Hyppölä, Harri T; Kälviäinen, Reetta K. 2021. Journal of the neurological sciences -
Sub-genic intolerance, ClinVar, and the epilepsies: A whole-exome sequencing study of 29,165 individuals
Epi25 Collaborative [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta; Timonen, Oskari]. 2021. American journal of human genetics -
Topographic divergence of atypical cortical asymmetry and atrophy patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy
Park, Bo-yong; Larivière, Sara; Rodríguez-Cruces, Raul; Royer, Jessica; Tavakol, Shahin; Wang, Yezhou; Caciagli, Lorenzo; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Gambardella, Antonio; Concha, Luis; Keller, Simon S; Cendes, Fernando; Alvim, Marina K M; Yasuda, Clarissa; Bonilha, Leonardo; Gleichgerrcht, Ezequiel; Focke, Niels K; Kreilkamp, Barbara A K; Domin, Martin; von Podewils, Felix; Langner, Soenke; Rummel, Christian; Rebsamen, Michael; Wiest, Roland; Martin, Pascal; Kotikalapudi, Raviteja; Bender, Benjam. 2021. Brain. 145: 1285-1298 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Unverricht-Lundborgin taudin epidemiologia Suomessa
Sipilä, Jussi; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2021. Duodecim -
Wearable monitoring of positive and negative myoclonus in progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1
Rissanen, Saara M; Hyppönen, Jelena; Silvennoinen, Katri; Säisänen, Laura; Karjalainen, Pasi A; Mervaala, Esa; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2021. Clinical neurophysiology -
Analysis of shared common genetic risk between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy
Schijven, Dick; Stevelink, Remi; McCormack, Mark; van Rheenen, Wouter; Luykx, Jurjen J; Koeleman, Bobby PC; Veldink, Jan H; Project MinE ALS GWAS Consortium; International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. Neurobiology of aging -
Automatic assessment of the myoclonus severity from videos recorded according to standardized Unified Myoclonus Rating Scale protocol and using human pose and body movement analysis
Hyppönen, J; Hakala, A; Annala, K; Zhang, H; Peltola, J; Mervaala, E; Kälviäinen, R. 2020. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Cognitive functioning in new-onset juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Raatikainen, M; Kälviäinen, R; Jutila, L; Äikiä, M. 2020. Epilepsy and behavior -
Epilepsian digihoitopolku auttaa saaman yhteyden hoitopaikkaan silloin kun on tarve
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Epilepsialehti -
Epilepsiat (aikuiset)
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Ansakorpi, Hanna; Immonen, Arto; Keränen, Tapani; Komulainen, Jorma; Komulainen, Sanna; Lamusuo, Salla; Peltola, Jukka. 2020. Duodecim -
Epilepsy and cannabidiol: a guide to treatment
Arzimanoglou, Alexis; Brandl, Ulrich; Cross, Helen J; Gil-Nagel, Antonio; Lagae, Lieven; Johannessen Landmark, Cecilie ; Specchio, Nicola; Nabbout, Rima; Thiele, Elizabeth A; Gubbay, Oliver; The Cannabinoids International Experts Panel, Collaborators [Incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. Epileptic disorders -
Epilepsy subtype-specific copy number burden observed in a genome-wide study of 17 458 subjects
Niestroj, Lisa-Marie; Perez-Palma, Eduardo; Howrigan, Daniel P; Zhou, Yadi; Cheng, Feixiong; Saarentaus, Elmo; Nürnberg, Peter; Stevelink, Remi; Daly, Mark J; Palotie, Aarno; Lal, Dennis; Epi25 Collaborative (incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta; Auvinen, Pia; Saarela, Anni). 2020. Brain -
Etävastaanottoihin vauhtia koronakeväänä
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Epilepsialehti -
Focal nonmotor versus motor seizures: The impact on diagnostic delay in focal epilepsy
Pellinen, Jacob; Tafuro, Erica; Yang, Annie; Price, Dana; Friedman, Daniel; Holmes, Manisha; Barnard, Sarah; Detyniecki, Kamil; Hegde, Manu; Hixson, John; Haut, Sheryl; Kälviäinen, Reetta; French, Jacqueline. 2020. Epilepsia -
Harvinaisepilepsiat - mistä on kyse?
Vaikean epilepsian kansallinen koordinaatioryhmä; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Epilepsialehti -
Impact of diagnostic delay on seizure outcome in newly diagnosed focal epilepsy
Parviainen, Laura; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Jutila, Leena. 2020. Epilepsia open -
Lacosamide in Patients With Epilepsy of Cerebrovascular Etiology
Rosenow, Felix; Brandt, Christian; Bozorg, Ali; Dimova, Svetlana; Steiniger-Brach, Björn; Zhang, Ying; Ferrò, Bruno; Holmes, Gregory; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Acta neurologica scandinavica -
Lääkkeiden saatavuushäiriöt ovat lisääntyneet merkittävästi
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Epilepsialehti -
Network-based atrophy modeling in the common epilepsies: A worldwide ENIGMA study
Larivière, Sara; Rodríguez-Cruces, Raúl; Royer, Jessica; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Gambardella, Antonio; Concha, Luis; Keller, Simon S; Cendes, Fernando; Yasuda, Clarissa; Bonilha, Leonardo; Gleichgerrcht, Ezequiel; Focke, Niels K; Domin, Martin; von Podewills, Felix; Langner, Soenke; Rummel, Christian; Wiest, Roland; Martin, Pascal; Kotikalapudi, Raviteja; O'Brien, Terence J; et al. [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. Science advances -
Outcome of status epilepticus and the predictive value of the EMSE and STESS scores: A prospective study
Sairanen, JJ; Kantanen, AM; Hyppölä, HT; Kälviäinen, RK. 2020. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Type 1: 2004 Jun 24 [Updated 2020 Jul 2]
Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Genereviews -
Seizure outcome and use of antiepileptic drugs after epilepsy surgery according to histopathological diagnosis
Lamberink, Herm J; Otte, Willem M; Blümcke, Ingmar; Braun Kees P J; Aronica, Eleonora; Coras, Roland; Blumcke, Ingmar; Hamer, Hajo; Rössler, Karl; Bien, Christian G; Cloppenborg, Thomas; Grote, Alexander; Schramm, Johannes; Becker, Albert; Elger, Christian; Duncan, John S; De Tisi, Jane; Thom, Maria; Chassoux, Francine; Devaux, Bertrand [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. The Lancet Neurology -
The ENIGMA-Epilepsy working group: Mapping disease from large data sets
Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Whelan, Christopher D; Hatton, Sean N; Huynh, Khoa; Altmann, Andre; Ryten, Mina; Vezzani, Annamaria; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Labate, Angelo; Gambardella, Antonio; Ives-Deliperi, Victoria; Meletti, Stefano; Munsell, Brent C; Bonilha, Leonardo; Tondelli, Manuela; Rebsamen, Michael; Rummel, Christian; Vaudano, Anna Elisabetta; Wiest, Roland; Balachandra, Akshara R et al. [incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. Human brain mapping -
The role of polygenic risk and susceptibility genes in breast cancer over the course of life
Mars, Nina; Widén, Elisabeth; Kerminen, Sini; Meretoja, Tuomo; Pirinen, Matti; Parolo, Pietro della Briotta; Palta, Priit; FinnGen, Palotie, Aarno; Kaprio, Jaakko; Joensuu, Heikki; Daly, Mark; Ripatti, Samuli [incl. Hiltunen, Mikko; Heikkinen, Sami; Julkunen, Valtteri; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Mannermaa, Arto; Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2020. Nature communications -
Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1) in Finland: A nationwide population-based study
Sipilä, Jussi O T; Hyppönen, Jelena; Kytö, Ville; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2020. Neurology -
Assessing the genetic association between vitamin B6 metabolism and genetic generalized epilepsy
Stevelink, Remi; Pangilinan, Faith; Jansen, Floor E; Braun, Kees PJ; Molloy, Anne M; Brody, Lawrence C; Koeleman, Bobby PC; International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies [Incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2019. Molecular genetics and metabolism reports -
Biopankki osana terveydenhuollon toimintaa - miksi se on myös potilaan perusoikeus
Heinonen, Seppo; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Duodecim -
Ca2+ -kanaviin vaikuttavat epilepsialääkkeet
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Coordinating Care with Mining Patient's Well-being Data from Electronic Health Records
Kivekäs, Eija; Kinnunen, Ulla-Mari; Auvinen, Marko; Huhta, Markus; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Saranto, Kaija. 2019. European Health Management Association -
Declining malformation rates with changed antiepileptic drug prescribing: An observational study
Tomson, Torbjörn; Battino, Dina; Bonizzon,i Erminio; Craig, John; Lindhout, Dick; Perucca, Emilio; Sabers, Anne; Thomas, Sanjeev V; Vajda Frank; for The EURAP Study Group [incl. Kälviäinen, R]. 2019. Neurology -
Economic Value of Adjunctive Brivaracetam Treatment Strategy for Focal Onset Seizures in Finland
Väätäinen, S; Soini, E; Peltola, J; Charokopou, M; Taiha, M; Kälviäinen, R. 2019. Advances in therapy -
Epielpsian Käypä hoito -suositukset on päivitetty
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Epilepsialehti -
Epilepsia sairautena
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Epilepsian hoidon kehitys
Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Epilepsialehti -
GABAergiseen hermovälitykseen vaikuttavat epilepsialääkkeet
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease
Tabassum, Rubina; Ramo, Joel T; Ripatti, Pietari; Koskela, Jukka T; Kurki, Mitja; Karjalainen, Juha; Palta, Priit; Hassan, Shabbeer; Nunez-Fontarnau, Javier; Kiiskinen, Tuomo T J; Söderlund, Sanni; Matikainen, Niina; Gerl, Mathias J; Surma, Michal A; Klose, Christian; Stitziel, Nathan O; Laivuori, Hannele; Havulinna, Aki S; Service, Susan K; Salomaa, Veikko et al. (Incl Mannermaa, Arto; Heikkinen, Sami; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Soininen, Hilkka; Kälviäinen, Reetta). 2019. Nature communications -
Incidence of the different stages of status epilepticus in Eastern Finland: A population-based study
Kantanen, Anne-Mari; Sairanen, Joi; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Epilepsy and behavior -
Management of prolonged epileptic seizures and status epilepticus in palliative care patients
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Reinikainen, Matti. 2019. Epilepsy and behavior -
Muilla mekanismeilla vaikuttavat epilepsialääkkeet
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Na+ -kanavaan vaikuttavat epilepsialääkkeet
Keränen, Tapani; Kälviäinen, Reetta. 2019. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Perampanel for treatment of status epilepticus in Austria, Finland, Germany and Spain
Strzelczyk, A; Knake, S; Kälviäinen, R; Santamarina, E; Toledo, M; Willig, S; Rohracher, A; Trinka, E; Rosenow, F. 2019. Acta neurologica scandinavica -
Polygenic burden in focal and generalized epilepsies
Leu, Costin; Stevelink, Remi; Smith, Alexander W; Goleva, Slavina B; Kanai, Masahiro; Ferguson, Lisa; Campbell, Ciaran; Kamatani, Yoichiro; Okada, Yukinori; Sisodiya, Sanjay M; Cavalleri, Gianpiero L; Koeleman, Bobby PC; Lerche, Holger; Jehi, Lara; Davis, Lea K; Najm, Imad M; Palotie, Aarno; Epi25 Consortium (incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta; Auvinen, Pia; Saarela, Anni). 2019. Brain -
Standardized Brain MRI Acquisition Protocols Improve StatisticalPower in Multicenter Quantitative Morphometry Studies
George, Allan; Kuzniecky, Ruben; Rusinek, Henry; Pardoe, Heath R.; French, Jacqueline; Lowenstein, Daniel; Cristofaro, Sabrina; McKenna, Kevin; Mays, Vickie; Shack, Darrell; Barnard, Sarah; Burke, Cheryl; Hegde, Manu; Glauser, Tracy; O'Brien, Terence; Pollard, John; Ting, Tricia; Meador, Kimford; Darby, David; Morrison, Chris et al (Incl Kälviäinen, Reetta). 2019. Journal of neuroimaging -
The provision of epilepsy care across Europe 2017: A 17-year follow-up survey
Zelano, Johan; Klecki, Judith; Christensen, Jakob; Tomson, Torbjörn; Malmgren, Kristina; The ESBACE consortium Collaborators (incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta). 2019. Epilepsia open -
Treatment delay in status epilepticus - more effective prehospital symptom recognition warranted
Sairanen, JJ; Kantanen, AM; Hyppölä, HT; Kälviäinen, RK. 2019. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine -
Abnormal motor cortical adaptation to external stimulus in Unverricht-Lundborg disease (progressive myoclonus type 1, EPM1)
Julkunen, Petro; Löfberg, Olli; Kallioniemi, Elisa; Hyppönen, Jelena; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Mervaala, Esa. 2018. Journal of neurophysiology -
Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain
Anttila, V; Bulik-Sullivan, B; Finucane, HK; Walters, RK; Bras, J; Duncan, L; Escott-Price, V; Falcone, GJ; Gormley, P; Malik, R; Patsopoulos, NA; Ripke, S; Wei, Z; Yu, D; Lee, PH; Turley, P; Grenier-Boley, B; Chouraki, V; Kamatani, Y; Berr, C; et al [Incl Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2018. Science -
Antiepileptic drug treatment of generalized tonic-clonic seizures: An evaluation of regulatory data and five criteria for drug selection
Shorvon, SD; Bermejo, PE; Gibbs, AA; Huberfeld, G; Kälviäinen, R. 2018. Epilepsy and behavior -
Comparable indicators of therapeutic misconception between epilepsy or Parkinson's disease patients between those with clinical trial experience and trial non-participants.
Reijula, Emmi; Halkoaho, Arja; Pietilä, Anna-Maija; Selander, Tuomas; Martikainen, Kirsti; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Keränen, Tapani. 2018. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Comparative risk of major congenital malformations with eight different antiepileptic drugs: a prospective cohort study of the EURAP registry
Tomson, T; Battino, D; Bonizzoni, E; Craig, J; Lindhout, D; Perucca, E; Sabers, A; Thomas, SV; Vajda, F; Faravelli, F; Pantaleoni, C; Robert-Gnansia, E; Cabral-Lim, L; Cebular, B; De Marinis, A; Kälviäinen, R; Khomeriki, K; Kiteva-Trencevska, G; Kochen, S; EURAP Study Group; et al.(incl. Kälviäinen Reetta). 2018. The Lancet Neurology -
Declining trend in valproate use in Finland among childbearing-aged females in 2012-2016 - a nationwide registry-based outpatient study
Virta, LJ; Kälviäinen, R; Villikka, K; Keränen, T. 2018. European journal of neurology -
Etiologies and characteristics of refractory status epilepticus cases in different areas of the world: Results from a global audit
Ferlisi, M; Hocker, S; Trinka, E; Shorvon, S; International Steering Committee of the StEp Audit (incl. Singh, G; Kälviäinen, R; Kramer, U; Godoy, D; Newton, C; O'Brien, T; Cook, M; Rossetti, A; Groppa, S; Kumlien, E; Ercegovac, M; Yasiry, Z; Guecht, A; Wu, T; Nabbout, R; Tripathi, M; et al.). 2018. Epilepsia -
European trends in epilepsy surgery
Baud, Maxime O; Perneger, Thomas; Racz, Attila; Pensel, Max C; Elger, Christian; Rydenhag, Bertil; Malmgren, Kristina; Cross, J Helen; McKenna, Grainne; Tisdall, Martin; Lamberink, Herm J; Rheims, Sylvain; Ryvlin, Philippe; Isnard, Jean; Mauguiere, Francois; Arzimanoglou, Alexis; Akkol, Serdar; Deniz, Kaancan; Ozkara, Cigdem; Lossius, Morten et al. [Incl Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2018. Neurology -
Genome-wide mega-analysis identifies 16 loci and highlights diverse biological mechanisms in the common epilepsies
The International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies; [Incl. Kälviäinen, Reetta]. 2018. Nature communications -
No Evidence of a Causal Role of Antiepileptic Drug Treatment with Regard to the Development of Dementia
Helmstaedter, Christoph; Beghi, Ettore; Elger, Christian E; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Malmgren, Kristina; May, Theodor W; Perucca, Emilio; Trinka, Euden; Witt, Juri-Alexander. 2018. Journal of the american geriatrics society -
No proof of a causal relationship between antiepileptic drug treatment and incidence of dementia. Comment on: Use of antiepileptic drugs and dementia risk - An analysis of Finnish health register and German health insurance data
Helmstaedter, Christoph; Beghi, Ettore; Elger, Christian E; Kälviäinen, Reetta; Malmgren, Kristina; May, Theodor W; Perucca, Emilio; Trinka, Euden; Witt, Juri-Alexander. 2018. Epilepsia -
Reducing valproate use in women with epilepsy
Kälviäinen, Reetta; Straus, Sabine; Dogne, Jean-Michel; Bakchine, Serge; Haas, Manuel. 2018. The Lancet Neurology -
Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study
Whelan, CD; Altmann, A; Botía, JA; Jahanshad, N; Hibar, DP; Absil, J; Alhusaini, S; Alvim, MKM; Auvinen, P; Bartolini, E; Bergo, FPG; Bernardes, T; Blackmon, K; Braga, B; Caligiuri, ME; Calvo, A; Carr, SJ; Chen, J; Chen, S; Cherubini, A; et al [Incl. Kälviäinen, R]. 2018. Brain -
Variants p.Q1236H and p.E1143G in mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma POLG1 are not associated with increased risk for valproate-induced hepatotoxicity or pancreatic toxicity: A retrospective cohort study of patients with epilepsy
Hynynen, J; Pokka, T; Komulainen-Ebrahim, J; Myllynen, P; Kärppä, M; Pylvänen, L; Kälviäinen, R; Sokka, A; Jyrkilä, A; Lähdetie, J; Haataja, L; Mäkitalo, A; Ylikotila, P; Eriksson, K; Haapala, P; Ansakorpi, H; Hinttala, R; Vieira, P; Majamaa, K; Rantala, H; et al. 2018. Epilepsia -
Aikuisen epilepsian hoito
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2017. Duodecim -
Clinical features of Parkinson's disease patients are associated with therapeutic misconception and willingness to participate in clinical trials
Reijula E, Pietilä AM, Halkoaho A, Selander T, Martikainen K, Kälviäinen R, Keränen T. 2017. Trials -
Co-morbidity and clinically significant interactions between antiepileptic drugs and other drugs in elderly patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy
Bruun Emmi, Virta Lauri J, Kälviäinen Reetta, Keränen Tapani. 2017. Epilepsy and behavior -
Cost savings and improved patient outcomes from best management of epilepsy
Marson AG, Bolan A, Mahon J, Little A, Dickson R, Boon P, Depondt C, Martikainen J, Ryvlin P, Kälviäinen R. 2017. EBC Research Project -
Current standards of neuropsychological assessment in epilepsy surgery centers across Europe
Vogt VL, Äikiä M, del Barrio A, Boon P, Borbély C, Bran E, Braun K, Carette E, Clark M, Cross JH, Dimova P, Fabo D, Foroglou N, Francione S, Gersamia A, Gil-Nagel A, Guekht A, Harrison S, Hecimovic H, Heminghyt E et al. 2017. Epilepsia -
Early Intervention : Bridging the Early Diagnosis and Treatment Gap - a policy white paper towards optimizing research and care for brain disorders
Mohr P, Ieven A, Arteel P, Winkler P, La Park A, Boyer P, Galderisi S, Karkkainen H, Wasserman D, Gaebel W,Jaarsma J, Dauvilliers Y, Ferri R, Rijsman R, Sakkas GK, Trenkwalder C, Oertel W, Ahmerkamp-Böhme J, Petersen G, Deuschl G, Michler F et al (incl. Kälviäinen R, Martikainen J). 2017. -
Epilepsy-associated long-term mortality after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Huttunen J, Lindgren A, Kurki MI, Huttunen T, Frösen J, Koivisto T, von und zu Fraunberg M, Immonen A, Jääskeläinen JE, Kälviäinen R. 2017. Neurology -
Epileptisen kohtauksen saaneen potilaan tutkiminen
Kälviäinen Reetta, Mervaala Esa. 2017. Duodecim -
Etiology, syndrome diagnosis, and cognition in childhood-onset epilepsy: A population-based study
Sokka Arja, Olsen Päivi, Kirjavainen Jarkko, Harju Maijakaisa, Keski-Nisula Leea, Räisänen Sari, Heinonen Seppo, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2017. Epilepsia open -
European Stroke Organisation guidelines for the management of post-stroke seizures and epilepsy
Holtkamp Martin, Beghi Ettore, Benninger Felix, Kälviäinen Reetta, Rocamora Rodrigo, Christensen Hanne. 2017. European stroke journal -
Hippocampal Sclerosis and Epilepsy in Elderly Population
Rauramaa Tuomas, Solomon Alina, Pikkarainen Maria, Kälviäinen Reetta, Alafuzoff Irina. 2017. Journal of Alzheimer's disease & Parkinsonism -
Long-term outcome of refractory status epilepticus in adults: A retrospective population-based study
Kantanen A-M, Reinikainen M, Parviainen I, Kälviäinen R. 2017. Epilepsy research -
Pitkittyneen epilepsiakohtauksen ja status epilepticuksen hoito
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2017. Duodecim -
Predictors of hospital and one-year mortality in intensive care patients with refractory status epilepticus: a population-based study
Kantanen A-M, Kälviäinen R, Parviainen I, Ala-Peijari M, Bäcklund T, Koskenkari J, Laitio R, Reinikainen M. 2017. Critical care -
Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy at age 25: Where are we now and where we are going?
Reuber Markus, Kälviänen Reetta. 2017. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
TMS combined with EEG in Genetic Generalized Epilepsy: A phase II diagnostic accuracy study
Kimiskidis Vasilios K, Tsimpiris Alkiviadis, Ryvlin Philippe, Kalviainen Reetta, Koutroumanidis Michalis, Valentin Antonio, Laskaris Nikolaos, Kugiumtzis Dimitris. 2017. Clinical neurophysiology -
The value of treatment for brain disorders
Quoidbach V, Esposito G, Destrebecq F, Kramer S, Tinelli M, Knapp M, Guldemond N, Dodel R, Gaebel W, Kälviäinen R, Kehler U, Mitsikostas D, Sørensen PS, Trenkwalder C, Vanhooren G, Visser PJ. 2017. -
Tuberoosiskleroosi - suomalainen diagnoosi- ja seurantasuositus
Metsähonkala L, Alapulli H, Arvio M, Hiippala A, Hodgson U, Immonen A, Kananen K, Karvonen M, Kataja J, Kälviäinen R, Leppävirta J, Lähdesmäki T, Nisen H, Pöyhönen M, Vanninen R, Vasara K, Vieira P. 2017. Lääkärilehti -
25 years of advances in the definition, classification and treatment of status epilepticus
Trinka Eugen, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2016. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Antidepressant Use After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Population-Based Case-Control Study
Huttunen Jukka, Lindgren Antti, Kurki Mitja I, Huttunen Terhi, Frösen Juhana, von und zu Fraunberg Mikael, Koivisto Timo, Kälviäinen Reetta, Räikkönen Katri, Viinamäki Heimo, Jääskeläinen Juha E, Immonen Arto. 2016. Stroke -
Current practices in long-term video-EEG monitoring services: A survey among partners of the E-PILEPSY pilot network of reference for refractory epilepsy and epilepsy surgery
Kobulashvili T, Höfler J, Dobesberger J, Ernst F, Ryvlin P, Cross JH, Braun K, Dimova P, Francione S, Hecimovic H, Helmstaedter C, Kimiskidis VK, Lossius MI, Malmgren K, Marusic P, Steinhoff BJ, Boon P, Craiu D, Delanty N, Fabo D et al. 2016. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Current use of imaging and electromagnetic source localization procedures in epilepsy surgery centers across Europe
Mouthaan BE, Rados M, Barsi P, Boon P, Carmichael DW, Carrette E, Craiu D, Cross JH, Diehl B, Dimova P, Fabo D, Francione S, Gaskin V, Gil-Nagel A, Grigoreva E, Guekht A, Hirsch E, Hecimovic H, Helmstaedter C, Jung et al, E-PILEPSY consortium (incl. Kälviäinen R). 2016. Epilepsia -
Kälviäinen Reetta, Järviseutu-Hulkkonen Mirja, Keränen Tapani, Rantala Heikki. 2016. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt: status epilepticus)
Kälviäinen R, Bendel S, Jonsson H, Keränen T, Kurola J, Salmi T, Tuunainen A. 2016. -
Functionality of Triggers for Epilepsy Patients Assessed by Text and Data Mining of Medical and Nursing Records
Kivekäs Eija, Kinnunen Ulla-Mari, Paananen Pekka, Kälviäinen Reetta, Haatainen Kaisa, Saranto Kaija. 2016. Studies in health technology and informatics -
Myoclonus and seizures in progressive myoclonus epilepsies: pharmacology and therapeutic trials
Michelucci Roberto, Pasini Elena, Riguzzi Patrizia, Andermann Eva, Kälviäinen Reetta, Genton Pierre. 2016. Epileptic disorders -
Outcome of initial antiepileptic drug treatment in elderly patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy
Bruun Emmi, Kälviäinen Reetta, Keränen Tapani. 2016. Epilepsy research -
Status epilepticus: Käypä hoito -suositus päivitetty
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2016. BestPractice Psykiatria/neurologia: lääketieteen asiantuntijoiden ammattilehti -
Testing of triggers by data mining of epilepsy patients' structured nursing records
Kinnunen Ulla-Mari, Kivekäs Eija, Paananen Pekka, Kälviäinen Reetta, Saranto Kaija. 2016. Studies in health technology and informatics -
The future of medicine will be dark without international collaboration
Reuber M, Helmstaedter C, Liao W, Loddenkemper T, Thomas R, Kälviäinen R, Mann M. 2016. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Unverricht-Lundborg disease
Crespel Arielle, Ferlazzo Edoardo, Franceschetti Silvana, Genton Pierre, Gouider Riadh, Kälviäinen Reetta, Korja Miikka, Lehtinen Maria K, Mervaala Esa, Simonato Michele, Vaarmann Annika. 2016. Epileptic disorders -
Unverricht-Lundborgin tauti eli etenevä myoklonusepilepsia tyyppi 1 (EPM1)
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2016. Epilepsialehti -
Brivaracetam in Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1): Results from two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies
Kälviäinen Reetta, Genton Pierre, Andermann Eva, Andermann Frederick, Magaudda Adriana, Frucht Steven J, Schlit Anne-Françoise, Gerard Danielle, de la Loge Christine, von Rosenstiel Philipp. 2015. Epilepsia -
Choice of the first anti-epileptic drug in elderly patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy: A Finnish retrospective study
Bruun Emmi, Virta Lauri J, Kälviäinen Reetta, Keränen Tapani. 2015. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Dose-dependent teratogenicity of valproate in mono- and polytherapy : An observational study
Tomson Torbjörn, Battino Dina, Bonizzoni Erminio, Craig John, Lindhout Dick, Perucca Emilio, Sabers Anne, Thomas Sanjeev V, Vajda Frank for the EURAP Study Group (incl. Reetta Kälviäinen). 2015. Neurology -
Epilepsy after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A population-based, long-term follow-up study
Huttunen Jukka, Kurki Mitja I, von und zu Fraunberg Mikael, Koivisto Timo, Ronkainen Antti, Rinne Jaakko, Jääskeläinen Juha E, Kälviäinen Reetta, Immonen Arto. 2015. Neurology -
Epilepsy priorities in Europe: A report of the ILAE-IBE Epilepsy Advocacy Europe Task Force
Baulac Michel, de Boer Hanneke, Elger Christian, Glynn Mike, Kälviäinen Reetta, Little Ann, Mifsud Janet, Perucca Emilio, Pitkänen Asla, Ryvlin Philippe. 2015. Epilepsia -
Forehead EEG electrode set versus full-head scalp EEG in 100 patients with altered mental state
Muraja-Murro Anu, Mervaala Esa, Westeren-Punnonen Susanna, Lepola Pasi, Töyräs Juha, Myllymaa Sami, Julkunen Petro, Kantanen Anne-Mari, Kälviäinen Reetta, Myllymaa Katja. 2015. Epilepsy and behavior -
Incidence and mortality of super-refractory status epilepticus in adults
Kantanen Anne-Mari, Reinikainen Matti, Parviainen Ilkka, Ruokonen Esko, Ala-Peijari Marika, Bäcklund Tom, Koskenkari Juha, Laitio Ruut, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Epilepsy and behavior -
Intranasal therapies for acute seizures
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Epilepsy and behavior -
Long-term adjunctive lacosamide treatment in patients with partial-onset seizures
Rosenow F, Kelemen A, Ben-Menachem E, McShea C, Isojarvi J, Doty P on behalf of the SP774 study investigators (incl. Reetta Kälviäinen). 2015. Acta neurologica scandinavica -
Non-invasive mapping of bilateral motor speech areas using navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging
Könönen Mervi, Tamsi Niko, Säisänen Laura, Kemppainen Samuli, Määttä Sara, Julkunen Petro, Jutila Leena, Äikiä Marja, Kälviäinen Reetta, Niskanen Eini, Vanninen Ritva, Karjalainen Pasi, Mervaala Esa. 2015. Journal of neuroscience methods -
Preliminary results of the global audit of treatment of refractory status epilepticus
Ferlisi M, Hocker S, Grade M, Trinka E, Shorvon S on behalf of the International Steering Committee of the StEp Audit (incl. Reetta Kälviäinen). 2015. Epilepsy and behavior -
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Seminars in neurology -
Reduced cortical activation in inferior frontal junction in Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1) - A motor fMRI study
Könönen Mervi, Danner Nils, Koskenkorva Päivi, Kälviäinen Reetta, Hyppönen Jelena, Mervaala Esa, Karjalainen Pasi, Vanninen Ritva, Niskanen Eini. 2015. Epilepsy research -
Refining the phenotype of Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1): a population-wide Finnish study
Hyppönen Jelena, Äikiä Marja, Joensuu Tarja, Julkunen Petro, Danner Nils, Koskenkorva Päivi, Vanninen Ritva, Lehesjoki Anna-Elina, Mervaala Esa, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Neurology -
Temporal anteroinferior encephalocele: An underrecognized etiology of temporal lobe epilepsy?
Saavalainen Taavi, Jutila Leena, Mervaala Esa, Kälviäinen Reetta, Vanninen Ritva, Immonen Arto. 2015. Neurology -
Therapeutic misconception correlates with willingness to participate in clinical drug trials among patients with epilepsy: need for better counseling
Reijula Emmi, Halkoaho Arja, Pietilä Anna-Maija, Selander Tuomas, Kälviäinen Reetta, Keränen Tapani. 2015. Epilepsy and behavior -
Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Wiley-Blackwell -
Tiedonkäsittelyyn liittyvät oireet neurologisissa sairauksissa: Epilepsia
Äikiä Marja, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with EEG Reveals Covert States of Elevated Excitability in the Human Epileptic Brain
Kimiskidis Vasilios K, Koutlis Christos, Tsimpiris Alkiviadis, Kälviäinen Reetta, Ryvlin Philippe, Kugiumtzis Dimitris. 2015. International journal of neural systems -
Valproaatin käytön rajoituksia tarkennetaan raskaudenaikaisten riskien takia
Keränen Tapani, Virta Lauri, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2015. Lääkärilehti -
Valproate in the treatment of epilepsy in girls and women of childbearing potential
Tomson Torbjörn, Marson Anthony, Boon Paul, Canevini Maria Paola, Covanis Athanasios, Gaily Eija, Kälviäinen Reetta, Trinka Eugen. 2015. Epilepsia -
Acute Liver Failure After Valproate Exposure in Patients With POLG1 Mutations and the Prognosis After Liver Transplantation
Hynynen J, Komulainen T, Tukiainen E, Nordin A, Arola J, Kälviäinen R, Jutila L, Röyttä M, Hinttala R, Majamaa K, Mäkisalo H, Uusimaa J. 2014. Liver transplantation -
Aikuisen epilepsian hoito
Kälviäinen R. 2014. Duodecim -
Aivosairaudet ovat kalleimmat kansantautimme
Lindsberg Perttu J, Castrén Eero, Korkeila Jyrki, Alho Hannu, Erkinjuntti Timo, Isometsä Erkki, Kalso Eija, Marttunen Mauri, Pihko Helena, Tienari Pentti, Wartiovaara Anu, Jäkälä Pekka, Kälviäinen Reetta, Soininen Hilkka, Tiihonen Jari, Karlsson Hasse, Rinne Juha, Roine Risto O, Elovaara Irina, Tamminen Tuula, Öhman Juha, Majamaa Kari, Hari Riitta. 2014. Duodecim -
Epilepsia ja ajokyky
Ojala M, Kälviäinen R. 2014. Epilepsialehti -
Epilepsiat (aikuiset)
Kälviäinen Reetta, Ansakorpi Hanna, Flander Sanna, Immonen Arto, Keränen Tapani, Kivistö Juho, Peltola Jukka. 2014. Duodecim -
Epileptisen kohtauksen saaneen potilaan tutkiminen
Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2014. Kustannus Oy Duodecim -
Genetic determinants of common epilepsies: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies
Anney RJ, Avbersek A, Balding D, Baum L, Becker F, Berkovic SF, Bradfield JP, Brody LC, Buono RJ, Catarino CB, Cavalleri GL, Cherny SS, Chinthapalli K, Coffey AJ, Compston A, Cossette P, de Haan G-H, De Jonghe P, de Kovel CGF, ..., Kälviäinen R, et al., International League Against Epilepsy Consortium on Complex Epilepsies ,. 2014. The Lancet Neurology -
Long-term memory performance after surgical treatment of unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)
Jutila Leena, Äikiä Marja, Immonen Arto, Mervaala Esa, Alafuzoff Irina, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2014. Epilepsy research -
Pitkittyneen epilepsiakohtauksen ja status epilepticuksen hoito
Kälviäinen R. 2014. Duodecim -
Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy
Kimiskidis Vasilios K, Valentin Antionio, Kälviäinen Reetta. 2014. Current opinion in neurology -
3D Texture Analysis Reveals Imperceptible MRI Textural Alterations in the Thalamus and Putamen in Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Type 1, EPM1
Suoranta S, Holli-Helenius K, Koskenkorva P, Niskanen E, Könönen M, Aikiä M, Eskola H, Kälviäinen R, Vanninen R. 2013. PLoS ONE -
Alterations of motor cortical excitability and anatomy in Unverricht-Lundborg disease
Danner N, Julkunen P, Hyppönen J, Niskanen E, Säisänen L, Könönen M, Koskenkorva P, Vanninen R, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2013. Movement disorders -
Epilepsy, hippocampal sclerosis and febrile seizures linked by common genetic variation around SCN1A
Kasperaviciute Dalia, Catarino Claudia B, Matarin Mar, Leu Costin, Novy Jan, Tostevin Anna, Leal Barbara, Hessel Ellen VS, Hallman Kerstin, Hildebrand Michael S, Dahl Hans-Henrik M, Ryten Mina, Trabzuni Daniah, Ramasamy Adaikalavan, Alhusaini Saud, Doherty Colin P, Dorn Thomas, Hansen Jörg, Krämer Gunter, Steinhoff Bernhard J, Zumsteg Dominik, Duncan Susan, Kälviäinen Reetta K et.al.. 2013. Brain -
Infertility treatment and umbilical cord length-novel markers of childhood epilepsy?
Räisänen S, Sokka A, Georgiadis L, Harju M, Gissler M, Keski-Nisula L, Kälviäinen R, Heinonen S. 2013. PLoS ONE -
TMS-EEG reveals impaired intracortical interactions and coherence in Unverricht-Lundborg type progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1)
Julkunen P, Säisänen L, Könönen M, Vanninen R, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2013. Epilepsy research -
Updated ILAE evidence review of antiepileptic drug efficacy and effectiveness as initial monotherapy for epileptic seizures and syndromes
Glauser T, Ben-Menachem E, Bourgeois B, Cnaan A, Guerreiro C, Kälviäinen R, Mattson R, French JA, Perucca E, Tomson T. 2013. Epilepsia -
Uusimmat epilepsialääkkeet
Keränen Tapani, Kälviäinen Reetta, Rantala Heikki. 2013. Lääkärilehti -
White Matter Degeneration with Unverricht-Lundborg Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy: A Translational Diffusion-Tensor Imaging Study in Patients and Cystatin B-Deficient Mice
Manninen O, Koskenkorva P, Lehtimäki KK, Hyppönen J, Könönen M, Laitinen T, Kalimo H, Kopra O, Kälviäinen R, Gröhn O, Lehesjoki AE, Vanninen R. 2013. Radiology -
KOMET: an unblinded, randomised, two parallel-group, stratified trial comparing the effectiveness of levetiracetam with controlled-release carbamazepine and extended-release sodium valproate as monotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy
Trinka E, Marson AG, Van Paesschen W, Kälviäinen R, Marovac J, Duncan B, Buyle S, Hallström Y, Hon P, Muscas GC, Newton M, Meencke H-J, Smith PE, Pohlmann-Eden B. 2012. Journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry -
Sensorimotor, visual, and auditory cortical atrophy in Unverricht-Lundborg Disease mapped with cortical thickness analysis
Koskenkorva P, Niskanen E, Hyppönen J, Könönen M, Mervaala E, Soininen H, Kälviäinen R, Vanninen R. 2012. American journal of neuroradiology -
Structural brain imaging
Kälviäinen R, Dörfler A. 2012. -
The Written Declaration on Epilepsy: An important achievement for Europe and beyond
Baulac M, De Boer H, Elger C, Glynn M, Kälviäinen R, Little A, Mifsud J, Perucca E, Pitkänen A. 2012. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
The effect of fMRI task combinations on determining the hemispheric dominance of language functions
Niskanen E, Könönen M, Villberg V, Nissi M, Ranta-aho P, Säisänen L, Karjalainen P, Äikiä M, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Vanninen R. 2012. Neuroradiology -
Thickened skull, scoliosis and other skeletal findings in Unverricht-Lundborg disease link cystatin B function to bone metabolism
Suoranta S, Manninen H, Koskenkorva P, Könönen M, Laitinen R, Lehesjoki AE, Kälviäinen R, Vanninen R. 2012. Bone -
Efficacy and safety of pregabalin versus lamotrigine in patients with newly diagnosed partial seizures: a phase 3, double-blind, randomised, parallel-group trial
Kwan P, Brodie MJ, Kälviäinen R, Yurkewicz L, Weaver J, Knapp LE. 2011. The Lancet Neurology -
Late-onset Rasmussen's encephalitis and long-term remission
Kupila L, Jutila L, Immonen A, Vanninen R, Mervaala E, Pateau A, Luostarinen L, Kälviäinen R. 2011. Epileptic disorders -
Motor cortical plasticity is impaired in Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
Danner N, Säisänen L, Määttä S, Julkunen P, Hukkanen T, Könönen M, Hyppönen J, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2011. Movement disorders -
Non-vision adverse events with vigabatrin therapy
Walker SD, Kälviäinen R. 2011. Acta neurologica scandinavica -
Primary motor cortex alterations in a compound heterozygous form of Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1)
Danner N, Julkunen P, Könönen M, Hyppönen J, Koskenkorva P, Vanninen R, Lehesjoki A-E, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2011. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Severer phenotype in Unverricht-Lundborg disease (EPM1) patients compound heterozygous for the dodecamer repeat expansion and the c.202C>T mutation in the CSTB gene
Koskenkorva P, Hyppönen J, Aikiä M, Mervaala E, Kiviranta T, Eriksson K, Lehesjoki AE, Vanninen R, Kälviäinen R.. 2011. Neurodegenerative diseases -
Carisbamate as adjunctive treatment of partial onset seizures in adults in two randomized, placebo-controlled trials
Sperling MR, Greenspan A, Cramer JA, Kwan P, Kälviäinen R, Halford JJ, Schmitt J, Yuen E et al. 2010. Epilepsia -
Erkinjuntti T, Rinne J & Soininen H. 2010. WS Bookwell Oy -
Adjunctive lacosamide for partial-onset seizures: Efficacy and safety from a randomized controlled trial
Halász P, Kälviäinen R, Mazurkiewicz-Beldrinska M, Rosenow F, Doty P, Hebert D, Sullivan T, on behalf of the SP755 STUDY Group. 2009. Epilepsia -
Altered cortical inhibition in Unverricht-Lundborg type progressive myoclonus epilepsy (EPM1)
Danner N, Julkunen P, Khyuppenen J, Hukkanen T, Könönen M, Säisänen L, Koskenkorva P, Vanninen R, Lehesjoki AE, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Könönen M. 2009. Epilepsy research -
Clinical trials in status epilepticus-The clinical perspective
Kälviäinen R. 2009. EPILEPSIA. SUPPLEMENT -
Eriksson K, Keränen T, Kälviäinen R. 2009. Expert opinion on drug metabolism and toxicology -
Motor cortex and thalamic atrophy in Unverricht-Lundborg disease: Voxel-based morphometric study
Koskenkorva P, Khyuppenen J, Niskanen E, Könönen M, Bendel P, Mervaala E, Lehesjoki AE, Kälviäinen R, Vanninen R, Könönen M. 2009. Neurology -
Ohimolohkoon kohdistuva epilepsiakirurgia on kustannusvaikuttavaa hoitoa
Putkonen P, Kälviäinen R. 2009. Duodecim -
Aikuisten epilepsiat
Suomalaisen Lääkäriseuran Duodecimin ja , Suomen Neurologinen Yhdistys ry:n asettama työryhmä, Kälviäinen R, Vapalahti M. 2008. Duodecim -
An assessment of the Irish population for large-scale genetic mapping studies involving epilepsy an other complex diseases
O'Dushlaine CT, Dolan C, Weale ME, Stanton A, Croke DT, Kalviainen R, Eriksson K, Kantanen AM, Gibson RA, Hosford D, Sisodiya SM, Gill M, Corvin AP, Morris DW, Delanty N, Cavalleri GL. 2008. European journal of human genetics -
Kuka hyötyy epilepsiakirurgiasta?
Immonen A, Kälviäinen R, Gaily E, Blomstedt G. 2008. Duodecim -
Fertility in women with active epilepsy
Viinikainen K, Heinonen S, Eriksson K, Kälviäinen R. 2007. Neurology -
Increased expression of caspase 2 in experimental and human temporal lobe epilepsy
Narkilahti S, Jutila L, Alafuzoff I, Karkola K, Paljärvi L, Immonen A, Vapalahti M, Mervaala E, Kälviäinen R, Pitkänen A. 2007. Neuromolecular medicine -
Juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis with infantile CNL1 mutation and palmitoyl-protein thioesterase deficiency
Kälviäinen R, Eriksson K, Losekoot M, Sorri I, Harvima I, Santavuori P, Järvelä I, Autti T, Vanninen R, Salmenperä T, van Diggelen OP. 2007. European journal of neurology -
More severe epilepsy and cognitive impairment in the offspring of a mother with mosaicism for the ring 20 chromosome
Herrgård E, Mononen T, Mervaala E, Kuusela L, Äikiä M, Stenbäck U, Pääkkönen L, Airaksinen R-L, Kälviäinen R. 2007. Epilepsy research -
Multicentre search for genetic susceptibility loci in sporadic epilepsy syndrome and seizure types: a case control-study
Cavalleri GL, Weale ME, Shianna KV, Singh R, Lynch JM, Grinton B, Szoeke C, Murphy K, Kinirons P, O'Rourke D, Ge D, Depondt C, Claeys KG, Pandolfo M, Gumbs C, Walley N, McNamara J, Mulley JC, Linney KN, Sheffield LJ, Radtke RA, Tate SK, Chissoe ST, Gibson RA, Hosford D, Stanton A, Graves TD, Hanna MG, Eriksson K, Kantanen A-M, Kalviainen R, ...... 2007. The Lancet Neurology -
Nainen ja epilepsia
Lamusuo S, Paloviita K, Kälviäinen R. 2007. Lääkärilehti -
Onko epilepsian ilmaantuvuus pienentynyt?
Sillanpää M, Kälviäinen R, Klaukka T, Helenius H, Shinnar S. 2007. Lääkärilehti -
Propofol and barbiturates for the anesthesia of refractory convulsive status epilepticus: pros and cons
Parviainen I, Kälviäinen R, Ruokonen E. 2007. Neurological research -
Social functioning and psychological well-being of 347 young adults with epilpsy only-population-based, controlled study from Finland
Koponen A, Seppälä U, Eriksson K, Nieminen P, Uutela A, Sillanpää M, Hyvärinen L, Kälviäinen R. 2007. Epilepsia -
Status epilepticus treatment guidelines
Kälviäinen R. 2007. EPILEPSIA. SUPPLEMENT -
Community-based, prostective, controlled study of obstetric and neonatal outcome of 179 pregnancies in women with epilepsy
Viinikainen K, Heinonen S, Eriksson K, Kälviäinen R. 2006. Epilepsia -
Comparison of the cognitive effects of tiagabine and carbamazepine as monotherapy in newly diagnosed adult patients with partial epilepsy: pooled analysis of two long-term, randomized, follow-up studies
Äikiä M, Jutila L, Salmenperä T, Mervaala E, Kälviäinen R. 2006. Epilepsia -
Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M. 2006. Duodecim -
Epilepsiapotilaan tutkiminen
Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. 2006. Duodecim -
ILAE treatment guidelines: evidence-based analysis of antiepileptic drug efficacy and effectiveness as initial monotherapy for epileptic seizures and syndromes
Glauser T, Ben-Menachem E, Bourgeois B, Cnaan A, Chadwick D, Guerreiro C, Kalviainen R, Mattson R, Perucca E, Tomson T. 2006. Epilepsia -
Long-term effects of tiagabine monotherapy on cognition and mood in adult patients with chronic partial epilepsy
Äikiä M, Jutila L, Salmenperä T, Mervaala E, Kälviäinen R. 2006. Epilepsy and behavior -
Optimizing treatment of epilepsy during pregnancy
Kälviäinen R, Tomson T. 2006. NEUROLOGY. SUPPLEMENT -
Propofol in the treatment of refractory status epilepticus
Parviainen I, Uusaro A, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Ruokonen E. 2006. Intensive care medicine -
Temporal changes in the incidence of epilepsy in Finland: nationwide study
Sillanpää M, Kälviäinen R, Klaukka T, Helenius H, Shinnar S. 2006. Epilepsy research -
The effects of valproate exposure in utero on behavior and the need for educational support in school-aged children
Viinikainen K, Eriksson K, Mönkkönen A, Äikiä M, Nieminen P, Heinonen S, Kälviäinen R. 2006. Epilepsy and behavior -
Carotid stenosis degree in CT angiography: assessment based on luminal area versus luminal diameter measurements
Zhang Z, Berg M, Ikonen A, Könönen M, Kälviäinen R, Manninen H, Vanninen R, Könönen M. 2005. European radiology -
Children exposed to valproate in utero-Population based evaluation of risks and confounding factors for long-term neurocognitive development
Eriksson K, Viinikainen K, Mönkkönen A, Äikiä M, Nieminen P, Heinonen S, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Epilepsy research -
Color vision and contrast sensitivity in epilepsy patients treated with initial tiagabine monotherapy
Sorri I, Kälviäinen R, Mäntyjärvi M. 2005. Epilepsy research -
Cystatin C expression is associated with granule cell dispersion in epilepsy
Pirttilä TJ, Manninen A, Jutila L, Nissinen J, Kälviäinen R, Vapalahti M, Immonen A, Paljärvi L, Karkola K, Alafuzoff I, Mervaala E, Pitkänen A. 2005. Annals of neurology -
Hippocampal damage in newly diagnosed focal epilepsy: a prospective MRI study
Salmenperä T, Könönen M, Roberts N, Vanninen R, Pitkänen A, Kälviäinen R, Könönen M. 2005. Neurology -
Kohtausten hoidosta epilepsian hoitoon - tunnista epilepsiaoireyhtymä
Eriksson K, Peltola J, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Duodecim -
MR volumetric analysis of the piriform cortex and cortical amygdala in drug-refractory temporal lobe epilepsy
Goncalves Pereira PM, Insausti R, Artacho-Pérula E, Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Pitkänen A. 2005. American journal of neuroradiology -
Multi-detector row CT angiography in the assessment of carotid artery disease in the symtomatic patients: comparison with rotaional angiography and digital subtraction angiography
Berg M, Zhang Z, Ikonen A, Sipola P, Kälviäinen R, Manninen H, Vanninen R. 2005. American journal of neuroradiology -
Ophthalmologic and neurologic findings in two children exposed to vigabatrin in utero
Sorri I, Herrgård E, Viinikainen K, Pääkkönen A, Heinonen S, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Epilepsy research -
Pharmacologic management of convulsive status epilepticus in childhood
Eriksson K, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Expert review of neurotherapeutics -
Pitkittynyt epileptinen kohtaus. Käypä hoito -suositus
Suomen Lastenneurologinen Yhdistys ry:n ja, Neurologinen Yhdistys ry:n asettama työryhmä, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Duodecim -
Refractory generalised convulsive status epilepticus - A guide to treatment
Kälviäinen R, Eriksson K, Parviainen I. 2005. Cns drugs -
Status epilepticuksen hoito - ennusteeseen voidaan vaikuttaa tehokkaalla varhaisella hoidolla
Kälviäinen R. 2005. Erikoislääkäri -
Visual function in epilepsy patients treated with initial valproate monotherapy
Sorri I, Rissanen E, Mäntyjärvi M, Kälviäinen R. 2005. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Preoperative clinical evaluation, outline of surgical technique and outcome in termporal lobe epilepsy
Immonen A, Jutila L, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Partanen K, Partanen J, Vanninen R, Ylinen A, Alafuzoff I, Paljärvi L, Hurskainen H, Rinne J, Puranen M, Vapalahti M. 2004. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery -
A woman with seven monotherapies
Ohimolohkoepilepsian leikkaushoito kannattaa
Kälviäinen R, Jutila L, Herrgård E, Mervaala E, Partanen J, Immonen A, Vapalahti M. 2003. Duodecim -
Do recurrent seizures cause neuronal damage? A series of studies with MRI volumetry in adults with partial epilepsy
Kälviäinen R, Salmenperä T. 2002. Progress in brain research -
High-dose thiopental in the treatment of refractory status epilepticus in intensive care unit
Parviainen I, Uusaro A, Kälviäinen R, Kaukanen E, Mervaala E, Ruokonen E. 2002. Neurology -
Long term outcome of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: analyses of 140 consecutive patients
Jutila L, Immonen A, Mervaala E, Partanen J, Partanen K, Puranen M, Kälviäinen R, Alafuzoff I, Hurskainen H, Vapalahti M, Ylinen A. 2002. Journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry -
Temporal lobe resection in a patient with severe psychiatric problems
Kälviäinen R. 2002. Martin Dunitz -
Vaikeat epilepsiat. Tutkimus vaikeita epilepsioita sairastavista sekä heidän hoito-, tuki- ja palvelutilanteestaan
Hiltunen N, Kälviäinen R. 2002. Julkaisuja/Epilepsialiitto -
Kälviäinen R, Keränen T. 2001. Duodecim -
Epilepsia ja ajokyvyn arviointi - suomalainen menettelyohje
Ojala M, Hyvärinen L, Juntunen J, Keränen T, Kälviäinen R, Mûller K, Wallin A. 2001. Lääkärilehti -
Epilepsia ja ikääntyminen. Pääkirjoitus
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsialehti -
Epilepsialääkkeet säilytettävä edelleen erityiskorvattavina
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsialehti -
Hippocampal and amygdaloid damage in partial epilepsy A cross-sectional MRI study of 241 patients
Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Pitkänen A. 2001. Epilepsy research -
Ikääntyneiden epilepsia yleistyy
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Lääkärilehti -
Insurability of patients with epilepsy: perspectives of physicians and insurance companies
Ojala M, Kälviäinen R. 2001. Wrightson Biomedical Publishing -
Kiitos luottamuksestanne
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsialehti -
Kognitiiviset häiriöt neurologisissa sairauksissa. Epilepsia
Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M. 2001. Duodecim -
Long-term safety of tiagabine
Kälviäinen R. 2001. EPILEPSIA. SUPPLEMENT -
Monotherapy trial design: conversion versus de novo
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsy research -
No reversion in vigabatrin-associated visual field defects
Nousiainen I, Mäntyjärvi M, Kälviäinen R. 2001. Neurology -
Recommendations on the clinical use of oxcarbazepine in the treatment of epilepsy: a consensus view
Schmidt D, Arroyo S, Baulac M, Dam M, Dulac O, Friis ML, Kälviäinen R, Krämer G, van Parys J, Pedersen B, Sachdeo R. 2001. Acta neurologica scandinavica -
Terveiset Buenos Airesista
Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsialehti -
Verbal memory in newly diagnosed patients and patients with chronic left temporal lobe epilepsy
Äikiä M, Salmenperä T, Partanen K, Kälviäinen R. 2001. Epilepsy and behavior -
Visual field defects with vigabatrin. Epidemiology and therapeutic implications
Kälviäinen R, Nousiainen I. 2001. Cns drugs -
[18F] FDG-PET reveals temporal hypometabolism in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy even when quantitative MRI and histopathological analysis show only mild hippocampal damage
Lamusuo S, Jutila L, Ylinen A, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Haaparanta M, Jääskeläinen S, Partanen K, Vapalahti M, Rinne J. 2001. Archives of neurology -
Color vision in epilepsy patients treated with vigabatrin or carbamazepine monotherapy
Nousiainen I, Kälviäinen R, Mäntyjärvi M. 2000. Ophthalmology -
Contrast and glare sensitivity in epilepsy patients treated with vigabatrin or carbamazepine monotherapy compared with healthy volunteers
Nousiainen I, Kälviäinen R, Mäntyjärvi M. 2000. British journal of ophthalmology -
MRI volumetry of the hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex after status epilepticus
Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Mervaala E, Pitkänen A. 2000. Epilepsy research -
Quantitative MRI volumetry of the entorhinal cortex in temporal lobe epilepsy
Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Pitkänen A. 2000. Seizure: european journal of epilepsy -
Tiagabine in the treatment of epilepsy - a clinical review with a guide for the prescibing physician
Schmidt D, Gram L, Brodie M, Krämer G, Perucca E, Kälviäinen R, Elger CE. 2000. Epilepsy research -
Visual function in patients with the GABAergic anticonvulsant drug tiagabine
Nousiainen I, Mäntyjärvi M, Kälviäinen R. 2000. Clinical drug investigation -
Cognitive effects of GABAergic antiepileptic drugs
Predictors of seizure outcome in newly diagnosed partial epilepsy: memory performance as a prognostic factor
Äikiä M, Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1999. Epilepsy research -
Prevention of seizure-induced neuronal damage and intellectual deterioration: experimental aspects and clinical implications
Kälviäinen R, Pitkänen A. 1999. Wrightson Biomedical Publishing -
Safety and efficscy of vigabatrin and carbamazepine in newly diagnosed epilepsy: a multicentre randomised double-blind study
Chadwick D, for the Vigabatrin European Monotherapy Study Group, Kälviäinen R. 1999. The Lancet -
Seizure-induced damage to the medial temporal lobe in temporal lobe epilepsy
Pitkänen A, Salmenperä T, Äikiä M, Partanen K, Kälviäinen R. 1999. Wrightson Biomedical Publishing -
Vigabatrin, a gabaergic antiepileptic drug, causes concentric visual field defects
Kälviäinen R, Nousiainen I, Mäntyjärvi M, Nikoskelainen E, Partanen J, Partanen K, Riekkinen P Sr. 1999. Neurology -
Amygdala damage in experimental and human temporal lobe epilepsy
Pitkänen A, Tuunanen J, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Salmenperä T. 1998. Epilepsy research -
Hippocampal damage caused by seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy
Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Pitkänen A. 1998. The Lancet -
Recurrent seizures may cause hippocampal damage in temporal lobe epilepsy
Kälviäinen R, Salmenperä T, Partanen K, Vainio P, Riekkinen P Sr, Pitkänen A. 1998. Neurology -
Remodeling of neuronal circuitries in human temporal lobe epilepsy: increased expression of highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex
Mikkonen M, Soininen H, Kälviäinen R, Tapiola T, Ylinen A, Vapalahti M, Paljärvi L, Pitkänen A. 1998. Annals of neurology -
Comparison of (18F) FDG-PET, (99mTc)-HMPAO-SPECT, and (123)-iomazenil-SPECT in localising the epileptogenic cortex
Lamusuo S, Ruottinen HM, Knuuti J, Härkönen R, Ruotsalainen U, Bergman J, Haaparanta M, Solin O, Mervaala E, Nousiainen U, Jääskeläinen S, Ylinen A, Kälviäinen R, Rinne JK, Vapalahti M, Rinne JO. 1997. Journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry -
MRI volumetry and T2 relaxometry of the amygdala in newly diagnosed and chronic temporal lobe epilepsy
Kälviäinen R, Salmenperä T, Partanen K, Vainio P, Riekkinen P Sr, Pitkänen A. 1997. Epilepsy research -
MRI-based hippocampal volumetry and T2 relaxometry: correlation to verbal memory performance in newly diagnosed epilepsy patients with left-sided temporal lobe focus
Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Äikiä M, Mervaala E, Vainio P, Riekkinen PJ Sr, Pitkänen A. 1997. Neurology -
Unstable insertion in the 5`flanking region of the cystatin B gene is the most common mutation in progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1, EPM1
Lafreniére RG, Rochefort DL, Chrétien N, Rommens JM, Cochius JI, Kälviäinen R, Nousiainen U, Patry G, Farrell K, Söderfeldt B, Federico A, Hale BR, Cossio OH, Sorensen T, Pouliot MA, Kmiec T, Uldall P, Janszky J, Pranzatelli MR, Anderman F, Anderman. 1997. Nature genetics -
Cognitive adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs. Incidence, mechanisms and therapeutic implications
Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1996. Cns drugs -
Cost of epilepsy: review of the literature
Salmenperä T, Kälviäinen R, Ylinen A, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1996. Neurologist -
In reply (to Vigabatrin and carbamazepine monotherapy for newly diagnosed epilepsy)
Kälviäinen R, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1996. Archives of neurology -
Long-term cognitive and EEG effects of tiagabine in drug-resistant partial epilepsy
Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M, Mervaala E, Saukkonen AM, Pitkänen A, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1996. Epilepsy research -
Severity of hippocampal atrophy correlates with the prolongation of MRI T2 relaxation time in temporal lobe epilepsy but not in Alzheimer's disease
Pitkänen A, Laakso M, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Vainio P, Lehtovirta M, Riekkinen P Sr, Soininen H. 1996. Neurology -
Long-term efficacy and cognitive effects of vigabatrin
Ylinen A, Kälviäinen R, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1995. Acta neurologica scandinavica: supplementum -
New anti-epileptic drugs
Kälviäinen R, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1995. Expert opinion on investigational drugs -
Verbal learning and memory in newly diagnosed partial epilepsy
Äikiä M, Kälviäinen R, Riekkinen PJ. 1995. Epilepsy research -
Vigabatrin vs carbamazepine monotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy
Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M, Saukkonen AM, Mervaala E, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1995. Archives of neurology -
Vigabatrin. Clinical use
Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E, Sivenius J, Riekkinen PJ Sr. 1995. Raven Press -
Do seizures cause neuronal damage? A MRI study in newly diagnosed and chronic epilepsy
Saukkonen AM, Kälviäinen R, Partanen K, Vainio P, Riekkinen P, Pitkänen A. 1994. Neuroreport -
Sweat gland vacuoles in Unverricht-Lundborg disease: A clue to diagnosis?
Cochius J, Carpenter S, Andermann E, Rouleau G, Nousiainen U, Kälviäinen R, Farrell K, Andermann F. 1994. Neurology