Regenerating Municipal Centres
Municipal centres play an important role as locations of the local economy and they also balance the regional structure. Lately their vitality has weakened as people have moved to larger urban centres. Six rural municipalities in Eastern Finland are in cooperation with University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland looking for solutions and learning from each other how to redevelop their rural centres as well as increase the attractivity of their living environment. The network is consisting of municipalities Heinävesi, Keitele, Liperi, Mäntyharju, Tervo and Valtimo from three neighbouring provinces.
The project takes advantage of interaction between development and research. The involved municipalities implement their development activities individually but also in close cooperation changing experiences and lessons while learning from each other. The Ruralia Institute at the University of Helsinki and Spatia - the Centre for Regional Research at the University of Eastern Finland bring expertise and research knowledge to the intermunicipal network.
Municipal centres play an important role as locations of the local economy and they also balance the regional structure. Lately their vitality has weakened as people have moved to larger urban centres. Six rural municipalities in Eastern Finland are in cooperation with University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland looking for solutions and learning from each other how to redevelop their rural centres as well as increase the attractivity of their living environment. The network is consisting of municipalities Heinävesi, Keitele, Liperi, Mäntyharju, Tervo and Valtimo from three neighbouring provinces.
The project takes advantage of interaction between development and research. The involved municipalities implement their development activities individually but also in close cooperation changing experiences and lessons while learning from each other. The Ruralia Institute at the University of Helsinki and Spatia – the Centre for Regional Research at the University of Eastern Finland bring expertise and research knowledge to the intermunicipal network.