Our research is focused on exposure assessment, health effects of indoor air impurities, risk assessment, control and mitigation of the exposure at different indoor and occupational environments. Our expertise include e.g., bioaerosols, volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), particles, ventilation and cleanliness of HVAC systems, risk assessment of plastic recycling, material and process emissions, irritation testing of chemicals and particles. In addition, we develop methods for indoor air and occupational hygiene measurements.
Bioaerosol laboratory
The bioaerosol laboratory includes basic equipment for collecting and analyzing material, surface and air samples for microbiological analyses as well as special equipment for experimental bioaerosol work. Our group has the capability to generate bioaerosols from laboratory media or contaminated building materials using an FSSST-generator (Fungal Spore Source Strength Tester), that is designed to stimulate the dry aerosolization of fungal spores. Bacterial aerosols are generated with a Collison nebulizer that better stimulates the droplet aerosolization of bacteria.
The basic bioaerosol research includes the studies on the growth, sporulation and aerosolization of fungi and the characterization of fungal fragments. The applied research includes for example, the investigation of the behavior of bioaerosols in air samplers and air cleaners and the studies on the storage of microbiological samples used for various types of assays.
Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
VOCs are collected by Tenax TA/GR tubes, analyzed with a gas chromatograph equipped with a mass selective detector after thermal desorption (TD), and quantified as toluene equivalent. The sampling, analysis and concentration of VOCs are conducted using ISO 16000-6:2004 standard method.
Formaldehyde and other carbonyls are collected with dinitrophenyl hydratzine (DNPH) samplers, eluted with acetonitrile, and analyzed with high pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC).
Particle measurements
Our research group has several techniques and instruments for measuring particles and fibers and assessing the exposure levels at different work and indoor environments.
- Inhalable dust is measured with IOM samplers. The method is based on the standards EN 481 and ISO/CD 7708.
- Mineral and organic fibers are measured with carbon adhesive discs.
- Particle mass and number concentrations and particle number size distribution are measured using various on-line instruments.
Ventilation measurements
Our group also has several instruments to monitor air flow rate, air velocity, pressure drop or pressure differences, indoor air exchange rate as well as air distribution, the air tightness of buildings, and thermal differences caused by air leakages or poor thermal insulation.
Cleanliness of ventilation systems
- Cleanliness inspections of air-handling systems in buildings
- Dust level and consistency in ventilation ducts
- Cleanliness classification measurements
The Cleanliness Classification of Air Handling Components M1 controls the lubricant residues and dust levels of new air handling components. Further information is available from the Building Information Foundation: https://cer.rts.fi/en/m1-emission-class-for-building-material/
Irritation testing
We use the irritation testing method to determine the irritation potency of different chemicals and particles according to the standard ASTM E 981-84, which enables the estimation of safe exposure levels at different occupational settings.
Senior Researchers
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
15 items-
Controlling flour dust exposure by an intervention focused on working methods in Finnish bakeries: a case study in two bakeries
Karjalainen, Antti; Leppänen, Maija; Ruokolainen, Joonas; Hyttinen, Marko; Miettinen, Mirella; Säämänen, Arto; Pasanen, Pertti. 2021. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics. [Epub ahead of print 30 July 2021]: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Exposure of cleaning workers to chemical agents and physical conditions in swimming pools and spas
Ruokolainen, Joonas; Hyttinen, Marko; Sorvari, Jouni; Pasanen, Pertti. 2021. Air quality atmosphere and health. 2022; 15: 521-540 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Organic compound and particle emissions of additive manufacturing with photopolymer resins and chemical outgassing of manufactured resin products
Väisänen, Antti; Alonen, Lauri; Ylönen, Sampsa; Hyttinen, Marko. 2021. Journal of toxicology and environmental health: part a: current issues. 2022; 85: 198-216 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rakennuksen tiiviyden ja painesuhteiden vaikutus kemiallisten epäpuhtauksien määrään sisäilmassa
Leppänen, Maija; Pasanen, Pertti; Hyttinen, Marko. Teoksessa: Ahola, Mervi; Merikari, Anna(toim.) , 2020. Sisäilmastoseminaari 2020. s. 63-68. SIY Sisäilmatieto Oy D3 Professional conference proceedings -
Control of Dust Dispersion From an Enclosed Renovation Site Into Adjacent Areas by Using Local Exhaust Ventilation
Kokkonen, A; Linnainmaa, M; Säämänen, A; Kanerva, T; Sorvari, J; Kolehmainen, M; Lappalainen, V; Pasanen, P. 2019. Annals of work exposures and health. 63: 468-479 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Occupational exposure to gaseous and particulate contaminants originating from additive manufacturing of liquid, powdered and filament plastic materials and related post-processes
Väisänen, Antti; Hyttinen, Marko; Ylönen, Sampsa; Alonen, Lauri. 2019. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 16: 258-271 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Predicting Indoor Concentrations of Black Carbon in Residential Environments
Isiugo, K; Jandarov, R; Cox, J; Chillrud, S; Grinshpun, S; Hyttinen, M; Yermakov, M; Wang, J; Ross, J; Reponen, T. 2019. Atmospheric environment. 201: 223-230 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The effect of the shoeless course on particle concentrations and dust composition in schools
Leppänen, M; Peräniemi, S; Koponen, H; Sippula, O; Pasanen, P. 2019. Science of the total environment. 2020; 710: 136272 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
CFD Modelling of Indoor Contaminants and Their Visualization by Simulated Smoke Videos
Saarinen, Pekka; Rautiainen, Paavo; Ruokolainen, Joonas; Hyttinen, Marko; Hokkanen, Samu; Pasanen, Pertti. Teoksessa: Kosonen, Risto; Ahola, Mervi; Narvanne, Jarkko(toim.) , 2018. Proceedings of Roomvent & Ventilation 2018, 2-5th of June 2018, Espoo, Finland. s. 313-318. Siy sisäilmatieto oy A4 Conference proceedings -
Concentrations and number size distribution of fine and nanoparticles in a traditional Finnish bakery
Karjalainen, Antti; Leppänen, Maija; Leskinen, Jani; Torvela, Tiina; Pasanen, Pertti; Tissari, Jarkko; Miettinen, Mirella. 2018. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 15: 194-203 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research