Reza Maddahi
Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral researcher in international climate change law LL.M LL.B https://scholar.google.com/c...
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
I am Reza Maddahi, a doctoral researcher in international climate change law at CCEEL, law department. I mainly work on the legal frameworks of climate technologies such as CCS technologies as well as climate litigation, market based mechanisms, article 6 of the Paris Agreement…..
Research groups
10/10 items-
Book Review: Carbon Capture and Storage: The Legal Landscape of Climate Change Mitigation Technology - Dirk Uwer and Daniel Zimmer (Globe Law and Business 2024)
Maddahi, Reza. 2024. Oil, gas and energy law. [Epub ahead of print 23 Apr 2024]: 1-4 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Carbon capture and utilization under EU law: impermanent storage of CO2 in products and pre-combustion carbon capture
Talus, Kim; Maddahi, Reza. 2024. Journal of world energy law and business. 17: 295-308 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From niche to necessity: the growing role of carbon capture and storage in climate change mitigation
Maddahi, Reza. 2024. Environmental liability. 28: 249-263 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
COP27 Podcast Series – 5: The importance of technology in delivering the COP27 pledges
Maddahi, Reza. 2022. I1 Audiovisual material -
Carbon Management Technologies: A Critical Issue for COP 27
Maddahi, Reza. 2022. Oxford Energy Forum. : 44-47 D1 Article in a trade journal -
A Pathway for Carbon Capture and Storage in Iran: An International Climate Change Law Perspective
Maddahi, Reza. 2021. Carbon and climate law review -
A legal reflection on the deployment of carbon capture and storage in developing countries through the lens of differentiation under the Paris Agreement
Maddahi, Reza. 2021. CIFILE journal of international law -
A review of recent climate change-related cases before domestic courts
Maddahi, Reza; Mugadza, Alois Aldridge. 2021. Environmental liability -
Carbon capture and storage under the Paris Agreement: a legal appraisal of compatibility and opportunities
Maddahi, Reza. 2021. Environmental law and management -
Climate Change and Air Pollution: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Maddahi, Reza. 2021. Etemad