Roman Bednarik
School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 41 430 6116
Research groups
144/144 items-
A Bird Matching Game: Difficulty, Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation
Tyni, Janne; Bednarik, Roman; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti. 2024. International journal of serious games. 11: 57-77 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A Bird Matching Game: Difficulty, Rewards, and Intrinsic Motivation
Tyni, Janne; Bednarik, Roman; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti. 2024. International journal of serious games. 11: 57-77 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Can ChatGPT Match Experts? Comparing input for Serious Game Development
Tyni, Janne; Turunen, Aatu; Bednarik, Roman; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti. 2024. International journal of serious games. 11: 87-106 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
HumanEYEze 2024: Workshop on Eye Tracking for Multimodal Human-Centric Computing
Barz, Michael; Bednarik, Roman; Bulling, Andreas; Conati, Cristina; Sonntag, Daniel. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2024. ICMI '24: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. s. 696-697. ACM A4 Conference proceedings -
Investigating the Impact of Illumination Change on the Accuracy of Head-Mounted Eye Trackers: A Protocol and Initial Results
Salari, Mohammadhossein; Bednarik, Roman. Teoksessa: Hung, Hayley; Oertel, Catharine; Soleymani, Mohammad; Chaspari, Theodora; Dibeklioglu, Hamdi; Shukla, Jainendra; Truong, Khiet(toim.) , 2024. ICMI Companion '24: Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. s. 204-210. ACM A4 Conference proceedings -
Tracking 3D motion of instruments in microsurgery: A comparative study of stereoscopic marker-based vs. deep learning method for objective analysis of surgical skills
Franco-González, Iván Tlacaélel; Lappalainen, Niko; Bednarik, Roman. 2024. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 51: . 101593 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) in Brain Tumor Surgery – Evidence of Machine Learning-Based Performance
Puustinen, Sami; Vrzáková, Hana; Hyttinen, Joni; Rauramaa, Tuomas; Fält, Pauli; Hauta-Kasari, Markku; Bednarik, Roman; Koivisto, Timo; Rantala, Susanna; von und zu Fraunberg, Mikael; Jääskeläinen, Juha E; Elomaa, Antti-Pekka. 2023. World neurosurgery. 175: e614-e635 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Seeing Through Their Eyes - A Customizable Gaze-Contingent Simulation of Impaired Vision and Other Eye Conditions Using VR/XR Technology
Moustafa, Rasha Sameer; Karhu, Harri; Andberg, Sami; Bednarik, Roman. 2023. ACM abstract -
Unpacking the Broad Landscape of Intraoperative Stressors for Clinical Personnel: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review
Lee, Ahreum; Torkamani-Azar, Mastaneh; Zheng, Bin; Bednarik, Roman. 2023. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare. 6: 1953-1977 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Automated tool detection with deep learning for monitoring kinematics and eye-hand coordination in microsurgery
Koskinen, Jani; Torkamani-Azar, Mastaneh; Hussein, Ahmed; Huotarinen, Antti; Bednarik, Roman. 2022. Computers in biology and medicine. 141: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research