Sareh Yaripour
Postdoctoral Researcher
Early-stage researcher
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 349 5524
My PhD project focuses on environment-induced plasticity in reproduction and survival-related traits of fishes under the supervision of Prof. Raine Kortet.
As a junior researcher, my overall goal is to understand how environment-induced plasticity can generally operate and modify traits like sperm motility and juvenile survival. This information is needed to follow the impact of changing environment on fish reproductive success, and to predict how the performance of fish populations in the future may change as a response to increasing environmental issues.
8/8 items-
Effects of polymethylmethacrylate nanoplastics on the swimming behaviour and gut microbiome of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex
Yaripour, Sareh; Bandekar, Mandar; Vihavainen, Jiri; More, Kuldeep; Eronen, Aslak; Durão, Manuela Faria; Daneliya, Mikhail; Houni, Tuure; Halonen, Tia; Leskinen, Jari TT; Haverinen, Jaakko; Huuskonen, Hannu; Candolin, Ulrika; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Kortet, Raine. 2024. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2025; 289: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Environmentally induced plasticity in reproduction and offspring traits in salmonid fishes
Yaripour, Sareh. 2022. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Exposure of gametes to aged nano-sized plastic particles during fertilization can influence early larval development in the European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
Yaripour, Sareh; Huuskonen, Hannu; Kipriianov, Pavel Vladimirovich; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Herz, Lena; Akkanen, Jarkko; Vainikka, Anssi; Janhunen, Matti; Kortet, Raine. 2022. Aquatic toxicology. 250: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pre-fertilization exposure of sperm to nano-sized plastic particles decreases offspring size and swimming performance in the European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
Yaripour, Sareh; Huuskonen, Hannu; Rahman, Tawfiqur; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Akkanen, Jarkko; Magris, Martina; Kipriianov, Pavel Vladimirovich; Kortet, Raine. 2021. Environmental pollution. 291: 118196 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ultra-acute exposure to cadmium does not impair whitefish sperm motility
Yaripour, Sareh; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Huuskonen, Hannu; Janhunen, Matti; Kortet, Raine. 2021. Journal of fish biology. 99: 1130-1134 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Does enriched rearing during early life affect sperm quality or skin colouration in the adult brown trout?
Yaripour, Sareh; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Hyvärinen, Pekka; Kaunisto, Sirpa; Piironen, Jorma; Vainikka, Anssi; Koljonen, Marja-Liisa; Koskiniemi, Jarmo; Kortet, Raine. 2020. Aquaculture. 529: 735648 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sperm motility and offspring pre- and post-hatching survival in hybridization crosses among a landlocked and two anadromous Atlantic salmon populations: implications for conservation
Eronen, Aslak Tiuna; Kekäläinen, Jukka; Piironen, Jorma; Hyvärinen, Pekka; Huuskonen, Hannu; Janhunen, Matti; Yaripour, Sareh; Kortet, Raine. 2020. Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 2021; 78: 483-492 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ecology and species composition of Molluscs in upstream of the Kor River System, with two new records for the Fars Province, Iran
Abbaspour, Fatemeh; Yaripour, Sareh; Gloeer, Peter; Zamanpoore, Mehrdad. 2019. Journal of wildlife and biodiversity. 3: 29-39 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research