PROJECT SMALLWOOD aims to develop and evaluate new technologies and new business and operational models that can support sustainable management and utilization of different types of small-diameter wood.
Countries involved: Sweden, Finland, Spain, Slovenia
Duration of the project:2019 – 2022
Financed by: ERA-Net Cofound ForestValue
Website: Home – Smallwood
Mika Kallio
ForestValue and ForestValue2 projects are both coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland (MMM)
Prof. dr. Tomas Nordfjell
Project coordinator –Sweden
Prof. dr. Eduardo Tolosana
Project partner – Spain
dr. Nike Krajnc
Project partner – Slovenia
Prof. dr. Zdenka Ženko
Project partner – Slovenia
Klas-Håkan Ljungberg
Project partner – Sweden
3 items-
Private forest owner willingness to mobilise wood from dense, small-diameter tree stands
Triplat, Matevz; Helenius, Satu; Laina, Ruben; Krajnc, Nike; Kronholm, Thomas; Zenko, Zdenka; Hujala, Teppo. 2023. Forest policy and economics. 148: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Environmental Impacts of Boom-Corridor and Selectively Thinned Small-Diameter-Tree Forests
de la Fuente, Teresa; Bergström, Dan; Fernandez-Lacruz, Raul; Hujala, Teppo; Krajnc, Nike; Laina, Ruben; Nordfjell, Tomas; Triplat, Matevz; Tolosana, Eduardo. 2022. Sustainability. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Finnish forest owners’ perceptions of sustainable management of small-diameter stands
Helenius, Satu; Hujala, Teppo. 2020. Scandinavian forest economics abstract