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Social Scientific Biosociety Research Network (SOBIO)´s Profile image

Social Scientific Biosociety Research Network (SOBIO)

Research group
01.01.2018 -
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies


Contact persons

Social Scientific Biosociety Research Network (SOBIO) at UEF is a multidisciplinary research network, bringing together scholars from a variety of disciplines to study the socio-spatial aspects of circular based bioeconomy related processes. The network includes scientific expertise reaching from environmental policy, business studies, law, human geography, forestry, to sociology. SOBIO rests on a rotating coordination structure including departments at both the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies and the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology to assure a truly multidisciplinary and evolving focus.

A strong focus of the network is to support early researcher training of PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers, to foster their professional networks and to provide feedback that spans across disciplines. This cross-disciplinary approach including scientists and practitioners is seen as a requirement by SOBIO to address and study the complexities of bioeconomy development that unfold in variegated socio-spatial contexts, include a variety of potentially conflicting interests, and involve a myriad of localities and socio-economic processes.

While SOBIO is rooted at UEF, it is actively engaging and integrating national and international partners and functions as a one stop contact point at UEF to tab into a myriad of social scientific bioeconomy research expertise. Its activities, such as the annual SOBIO Days, are always a forum to extend collaboration and network reach by welcoming young researchers and accomplished experts in the field from institutions around the globe.





Senior Researchers

Post-doctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers


Contact persons

Other group members