Main funder
The Argumenta Grant 1/2023 - 5/2025 (The Finnish Cultural Foundation)
We build interdisciplinary connections and understanding in the project between the social, cultural and ecological dimensions of sustainability especially within margins of society. Implementing sustainability transition in the margins needs to be managed and the people supported for the transition.
We build conceptual and empirical discussion connections, relying on multidisciplinary research while opening up the researchers’ own perspectives. Connections are also built between different sectors of society and, on the other hand, down to the level of everyday life and individual experiences. Three events will be organized around Finland consisting of seminars and workshops basing on different themes. The events create connections between the project’s researchers, experts and the participating local groups in relation to the topics under discussion.
The project also produces research data that builds connections between different sections of sustainability to support decision-making in welfare sector. This data helps to understand the opportunities and risks of Finnish welfare area model in the sustainability transition more broadly than only from the social and health issues’ points of view. The project brings together research about sustainability transition and looks for connections in interdisciplinary terrains that could help decision-makers and authorities to build comprehensive sustainability while supporting the agency of the margins.
The publication webinar for the final report of the project 13.3.2025. More information later.
Seminar, 21.11.2024 in Tampere University K104, Kalevantie 5 & Teams at 12.30-16.30. Sustainable transition on the edge of town: how towards the fairness and equality of changes?
Citizen workshop, Tampere 20.11.2024. The preconditions for good life of diverse citizens in the city of Tampere now and in the future.
Webinar, 18.4.2024 Pyhätunturi. Sustainability transition, use of nature and nature cultures in Northern Finland: transitions or fractures?
Citizen workshop, 17.4.2024 Kemijärvi. The future of nature businesses and the use of nature in Kemijärvi.
Seminar 25.8.2023 at 14-17 / University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus Sustainability transition in lives of peripheral citizens – transformations in use of nature and work. Key notes Lauri Lahikainen (Tampere university) and Juha Hiedanpää (LUKE).
Citizen workshop 24.8.2023 / Lieksa. The future of living in Lieksa. Closed participation.
Creating well-being in daily life through inclusive RDI (HYTKE)
Empowering Urban Cyclists with Citizen Science
Ethical Competencies for Sustainability in Higher Education and Working Life (KESTO)
Facing system change together: Citizen deliberation in informed and just climate transitions (FACTOR)
Indicators for sustainable urban development (KEKANUA)
Kuudella polulla kestävyyteen (KuPoKe)
ORSI: Ecowelfare
The civic potential of climate mobility (HUMANE–CLIMATE)
The Politics of Embodied Encounters in Asylum Seeking (POEMS)
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Kestävyyspalapeli -seminaarisarja: Joensuun seminaari 25.8.2023
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Kestävyyspalapeli-seminaarisarja: Pyhätunturin webinaari 18.4.2024
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Kestävyyspalapeli_Tampereen seminaari 21.11.2024
Project Manager
Project Coordinator
Members of the working group at UEF
Simo Häyrynen
University LecturerDepartment of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Päivi Armila
Part-Time TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Arto O. Salonen
ProfessorDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Other group members
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Asukkaat syrjäseutujen haasteita taklaamassa
Salmivuori, Emmi; Mustonen, Anna; Armila, Päivi; Häyrynen, Simo; Kuusiola, Timo; Luhtavaara, Antto; Lyytimäki, Jari. 2023. Versus. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Syrjäseudut siirtymässä: kestävyysmurroksen ja sen oikeudenmukaisuuden moninaiset tulkinnat periferiastrategioissa
Häyrynen, Simo; Mustonen, Anna; Salmivuori, Emmi. 2023. Alue ja ympäristö. 52: 99-120 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review