The research group of Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology
Raine Kortet
ProfessorDepartment of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Anssi Vainikka
ProfessorDepartment of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
The research group of Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology operates on both campuses in Joensuu and Kuopio at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences. The main research areas include aquatic biology, aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology, and the research approach is often multidisciplinary.
The research group of Aquatic Ecology and Behavioural Ecology operates on both campuses in Joensuu and Kuopio at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences. The group consists of several senior researchers, other researchers, post-docs as well as several PhD and MSc students. The group collaborates actively with Finnish (Universities of Helsinki, Oulu, Jyväskylä and Turku) and international (e.g. USA, Canada, Germany, Norway) research partners. The main research areas include aquatic biology, aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology, and the research approach is often multidisciplinary. The main research areas include aquatic biology, aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology, and the research approach is often multidisciplinary. Aquatic organisms, such as fish and crayfish as well as their parasites and diseases, are the main research targets although also terrestrial animals belong to study objects. Even though many of the research problems focus on basic research and scientific theories, also human activities and environmental changes are frequently studied.