UEF-Philosophy Group
At the University of Eastern Finland, the subject of philosophy is in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies in two different departments, Law and Social Sciences. The subject works on both campuses.
The three senior lecturers in the subject are responsible for teaching philosophy for the entire university. Philosophy can be studied in basic and intermediate levels, both open to everyone. The philosophy tutorial can be found on the webbook; more info on the uef-kamu: https://kamu.uef.fi/student-book/sivuaineopiskelu-uefissa/
Research in philosophy at UEF is specifically targeted at philosophy of law, political and social philosophy, ethics, philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. More details about research can be found on the group members’ own UEFconnect pages.
Senior Researchers
Teppo Eskelinen
University LecturerDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Hanna-Maria Niemi
University TeacherLaw School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Maija Aalto-Heinilä
University LecturerLaw School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Tuomas Pernu
University LecturerDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Markku Oksanen
University LecturerDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Kiran Pala
Project ResearcherDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies