82/82 items-
Analytical and attributive constructions as important syntactic-stylistic means of Andrey Platonov’s idiostyle and their translation into English | Analitičeskie i atributivnye konstrukcii kak važnye sintaktiko-stilističeskie sredstva idiostilâ Andreâ Platonova i ih perevod na anglijskij âzyk
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Cross cultural studies : education and science. 9: 5-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Andrei Platonov in search for the meaning of life: ways of comprehending the eternal verity, the essence of existence and happiness. Wandering | Andrej Platonov v poiskah smysla žizni: puti postiženiâ istiny, smysla suŝestvovaniâ i sčastʹâ. Stranničestvo
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Cross cultural studies : education and science. 9: 6-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ironiâ, grotesk, karnavalizaciâ kak vidy literaturno- hudožestvennoj uslovnosti v proze Andreâ Platonova i ih Perevod na anglijskij âzyk | Irony, grotesque, carnivalization as types of literary and artistic conventions in Andrei Platonov's prose and their translation into English
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Rusistika bez granici. 8: 94-106 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kancelârsko-bûrokratičeskaâ rečʹʹ kak odin iz važnyh èlementov stilizacii v proze Andreâ Platonova | Clerical and bureaucratic speech as one of the most important stylization elements in Andrey Platonov's prose
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Rusistika bez granici. 8: 27-35 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Metonimiâ v proze Andreâ Platonova kak važnejšij trop i sredstvo hudožestvennogo vyraženiâ avtorskogo diskursa | Metonymy in the prose of Andrei Platonov as the most important trope and means of artistic expression of the author's discourse
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Rusistika bez granici. 8: 51-63 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Zolota serіâ «Pisʹmennik v іnternet-prostorі» F2 Partial realisation of a work of art -
New Vassili Bouilov's Poems
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. F1 Independent work of art -
Otložennoj žizni sindrom / Žëstkij veter / Novaâ golora / Ot pâtnicy do voskresenʹʹâ
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. F2 Partial realisation of a work of art -
Paronomasia as an important stylistic component of Andrei Platonov’s idiostyle and its translation into English | Paronomaziâ kak važnyj stilističeskij komponent idiostilâ Andreâ Platonova i eë perevod na anglijskij âzyk
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Cross cultural studies : education and science. 9: 5-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Stilističeskaâ rolʹʹ posessivnyh konstrukcij v proze Andrea Platonova i ih perevod na anglijskij âzyk | Stylistic role of possessive constructions in Andrey Platonov's prose and their translation into English
Bouilov, Vassili. 2024. Rusistika bez granici. 8: 84-95 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research