Veera Pekkarinen
Doctoral Researcher
Researcher, International Environmental and Climate Change Law
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Veera Pekkarinen is a doctoral researcher in climate law at the UEF Law School. Her research focuses on global legal and regulatory framework for methane, which is a short-lived climate pollutant and the second most important contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide. The research focuses particularly on examining opportunities to strengthen action on methane in developing countries and special attention is also given to informal initiatives targeting methane. Her research is a part of the European Research Council funded project “ClimaSlow: Slowing Down Climate Change: Combining Climate Law and Climate Science to Identify the Best Options to Reduce Emissions of Short-lived Climate Pollutants in Developing Countries”. Her other research interests include climate change loss and damage.
Pekkarinen also coordinates the UEF—UN Environment Course on MEAs, which is a high-profile two-week Course focusing on international environmental law-making and diplomacy. The Course is intended for experienced government officials engaged in international environmental negotiations and it is organized annually in cooperation with the UEF and United Nations Environment Programme.
Research groups
7/7 items-
The International Climate Change Regime: Right Home for SLCPs?
Yamineva, Yulia; Pekkarinen, Veera. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 71-89. Brill Nijhoff B2 Book section -
The Global Methane Pledge: a timely new step in global climate governance
van Asselt, Harro; Pekkarinen, Veera. 2021. Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law blog (CCEEL Blog) -
Using the Paris Agreement to Strengthen Action on Methane
Pekkarinen, Veera. 2021. IISD Library -
Going beyond CO2: Strengthening action on global methane emissions under the UN climate regime
Pekkarinen, Veera. 2020. Review of European, comparative & international environmental law -
Loss and Damage after Paris: Moving Beyond Rhetoric
Pekkarinen, Veera; Toussaint, Patrick; van Asselt, Harro. 2019. Carbon and climate law review -
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Analysis and Commentary, edited by Daniel Klein, Maria Pia Carazo, Meinhard Doelle, Jane Bulmer, and Andrew Higham
Pekkarinen, Veera Julia. 2018. Carbon and climate law review -
More Time for an Energy Revolution? Seizing the Opportunity to Slow Down Climate Change by Cutting Emissions of Short-lived Climate Pollutants
Kulovesi Kati, Yamineva Yulia, Jerkku Veera. 2017. Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law blog (CCEEL Blog)