Ville Kolehmainen
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 40 355 2054
The research areas of the team of Prof. Kolehmainen are computational inverse problems and uncertainty quantification. The main part of the research is on development of mathematical models and computational inverse problems methods for image reconstruction in medical tomography imaging techniques such as X-ray tomography, diffuse tomography and MRI. The research team actively collaborates with system experts and clinical specialists on development of novel imaging techniques, which typically involve fusion of different types of imaging data and lead to large scale 3D or 4D imaging with sparse measurement data
Research groups
134/134 items-
Biomechanical simulations of intracerebral hemorrhage expansion show tissue displacement has significant impact on electrical impedance tomography results
Paldanius, Antti; Toivanen, Jussi; Forss, Nina; Strbian, Daniel; Kolehmainen, Ville; Hyttinen, Jari. 2025. Brain research bulletin. 223: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Anatomy-guided multi-resolution image reconstruction in PET
Lesonen, P; Wettenhovi, VV; Kolehmainen, V; Pulkkinen, A; Vauhkonen, M. 2024. Physics in medicine and biology. 69: . 105023 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Post-process correction improves the accuracy of satellite PM2.5 retrievals
Porcheddu, Andrea; Kolehmainen, Ville; Lähivaara, Timo; Lipponen, Antti. 2024. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 17: 5747-5764 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
SIFFI: Bayesian solar-induced fluorescence retrieval algorithm for remote sensing of vegetation
Kukkurainen, Antti; Lipponen, Antti; Kolehmainen, Ville; Arola, Antti; Cogliati, Sergio; Sabater, Neus. 2024. Remote sensing of environment. 2025; 318: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Simulation-based feasibility study of monitoring of intracerebral hemorrhages and detection of secondary hemorrhages using electrical impedance tomography
Toivanen, Jussi; Paldanius, Antti; Dekdouk, Bachir; Candiani, Valentina; Hänninen, Asko; Savolainen, Tuomo; Strbian, Daniel; Forss, Nina; Hyvönen, Nuutti; Hyttinen, Jari; Kolehmainen, Ville. 2024. Journal of medical imaging. 11: . 014502 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Dual-Modal Electrical Imaging of Two-Phase Flow—Experimental Evaluation of the State Estimation Approach
Arif, M. Ziaul; Seppänen, Aku; Kolehmainen, Ville; Vauhkonen, Marko. 2023. Sensors. 23: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Fast Compressed Sensing of 3D Radial T1 Mapping with Different Sparse and Low-Rank Models
Paajanen, Antti; Hanhela, Matti; Hänninen, Nina; Nykänen, Olli; Kolehmainen, Ville; Nissi, Mikko J. 2023. Journal of imaging. 9: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Structural similarity driven joint reconstruction of conductivity and sound speed in EIT/UTT dual-modality tomography
Liang, Guanghui; Kolehmainen, Ville; Vauhkonen, Marko; Dong, Feng. 2023. Inverse problems. 39: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Comparison of Three Different Projectors for Cone Beam CT
Wettenhovi, Ville Veikko; Hietanen, Ari; Niinimäki, Kati; Varjonen, Vesa; Vauhkonen, Marko; Kolehmainen, Ville. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2022. 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). s. 1-7. IEEE A4 Conference proceedings -
Deep-learning-based post-process correction of the aerosol parameters in the high-resolution Sentinel-3 Level-2 Synergy product
Lipponen, Antti; Reinvall, Jaakko; Väisänen, Arttu; Taskinen, Henri; Lähivaara, Timo; Sogacheva, Larisa; Kolmonen, Pekka; Lehtinen, Kari; Arola, Antti; Kolehmainen, Ville. 2022. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 15: 895-914 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research