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Virva  Hyttinen-Huotari

Virva Hyttinen-Huotari

Assistant Professor

Health economics

Department of Health and Social Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 346 0798

I am a health economist interested in register-based research. In my PhD thesis I studied how potentially inappropriate medications in older people are associated with health care use, costs and mortality. After the dissertation, my research has continued to focus on the older people and medication use, increasingly focused on physicians’ decision-making and system-level implementation evaluation using registry data and quasi-experimental methodsI am a Principal Investigator in a mixed-method GuideGap project (funded by the Social Insurance Institution (SII) of Finland), which aims to evaluate physicians’ adherence to clinical guidelines generally.

Societal Activities

Finnish Society for Health Economics – member of the board (2022-)

EuHEA Finance Committee, member of the board (2024-2026)


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