VR-Haptic Thinkers
The VR-Haptic Thinkers Consortium, initiated by the VR-Haptic Thinkers at the Institute of Dentistry, UEF, aims to accelerate the understanding of the role of VR-haptics in supplementing dental training. By gathering comprehensive global data resources, exploring high-throughput technologies, fostering new scientific collaborations, and facilitating hypothesis-driven educational research, we hope to empower the dental education and research community as well as improve oral health care for the benefit of patients. The consortium has collaborators and meetup attendees from all around the world. In the coming years, study resources will be generated by the VR-Haptic Thinkers projects via questionnaires, studies on preclinical, clinical, and postgraduate VR-haptic training, and analyses on VR-haptic software tools. The integrated data and curation by the VR-Haptic Thinkers will offer flexible and intuitive ways to interact with the data. Simultaneously, the datasets and our other activity will offer unique opportunities for new collaborations and training for dental educators and researchers coming into the field of VR-haptics-supported education.
Mission & Vision: https://youtu.be/HE2pOH5ujFc
For more information, see vr-hapticthinkers.com
Survey on VR-haptics in dental education
We invite you, dental educators with experience in VR-haptics-supported education, to share your views by participating in this short survey. Your…
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VR-haptisen hammaslääketieteellisen opetuksen kehitys Kuopiossa
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Progress in VR-haptic dental education at UEF, Kuopio
Senior Researchers
Supporting Staff
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The Secret Is… It’s Not Only the Educator’s Knowledge that Matters, is the Way How it is Shared!
Felszeghy, Szabolcs. 2024. Online journal of dentistry & oral health. 8: . 000676 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The Role of VR-Haptic Trainers in Dental Education
Felszeghy, Szabolcs; Huhtela, Outi; Liukkonen, Mikko; Mutluay, Murat; Suominen Anna Liisa. 2023. Online journal of dentistry & oral health. 7: 1-2 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
VR-haptic and phantom head dental training: Does the order matter? A comparative study from a preclinical fixed prostho-dontics course
Felszeghy, Szabolcs; Huhtela, Outi; Manninen, Kiia; Mäenpää, Mandi; Banafa, Aisha; Liukkonen, Mikko; Mutluay, Murat. 2023. International journal of computerized dentistry. [Epub ahead of print 12 Oct 2023]: 1-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research