Warn Harm: Real-time warning system for avoiding patients and healthcare staff harm
Main funder

Developing a predictive real-time warning system for avoiding patients and healthcare staff harm after medication safety incidents
Medication incidents cause significant harm to patients, health professionals and healthcare organisations. Incident reporting systems have been utilised globally to increase safety by learning from incidents. Such systems are not used to their full potential. This study moves towards next level utilisation of incident reporting systems by using them in real-time to warn of likely harm. This will be accomplished by producing a novel ‘warn harm’ taxonomy and trigger tool that can be translated into a practical predictive tool. Early-warning systems that use data from incident reports do not currently exist. Thus, this study offers opportunities for scientific breakthroughs. It will produce an innovative ‘warn harm’ taxonomy and trigger tool. This could potentially alert to additional avoidable harm that will increase patients’ well-being and safety, bring cost savings for health systems and society, as well as support staff members by decreasing emotional stress of the staff involved in errors.
Professor Anne Marie Rafferty
Professor Bryony Dean Franklin
Professor, Associate Head of School, Research, Elizabeth Manias
Head of Medical Centre, MD Marjo Kervinen, Kuopio University Hospital
PhD, Docent, Patient safety manager Kaisa Haatainen
- Two scoping review protocols in process (4/2024)
- Data collection completed of a questionnaire study for health care professionals about perceptions of current incident reporting system. The results have been analysed and two articles about to go for review (4/2024)
- Two systematic reviews published (2/2024 and 4/2024)
- Two systematic reviews under review and one questionnaire study ongoing (5.2.2024)
- Work for two systematic reviews started (8.2.2023)
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Saija Koskiniemi
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Sanu Mahat
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences
Research Assistant
4 items-
Health professionals’ perceptions of the development needs of incident reporting software: A qualitative systematic review
Koskiniemi, Saija; Syyrilä, Tiina; Hämeen‐Anttila, Katri; Manias, Elizabeth; Härkänen, Marja. 2024. Journal of advanced nursing. 80: 3533-3546 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Käyttäjien näkemykset sähköisistä potilasturvallisuuteen liittyvistä vaaratapahtumien ilmoitusjärjestelmistä
Koskiniemi, Saija; Syyrilä, Tiina; Mikkonen, Santtu; Hämeen-Anttila, Katri; Härkänen, Marja. 2024. Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare. 16: 309-321 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Patient safety incident reporting software: A cross-sectional survey of nurses and other users' perspectives
Koskiniemi, Saija; Syyrilä, Tiina; Hämeen-Anttila, Katri; Mikkonen, Santtu; Manias, Elizabeth; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Franklin, Bryony Dean; Härkänen, Marja. 2024. Journal of advanced nursing. [First published: 11 August 2024]: 1-13 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Taxonomy development methods regarding patient safety in health sciences – A systematic review
Syyrilä, Tiina; Koskiniemi, Saija; Manias, Elizabeth; Härkänen, Marja. 2024. International journal of medical informatics. 187: A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review