Yulia Yamineva
Associate Professor
International law, specialised in climate law and policy
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
My primary area of expertise is climate law and governance, including:
- International climate law and governance;
- Climate finance;
- Climate mitigation, with a focus on short-lived climate pollutants;
- Air pollution;
- Climate tipping points;
- Science-policy interface, esp. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;
- Climate laws and policies in national and regional contexts: EU, Arctic, Russia, China.
My approach to research is interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of climate and environmental law, policy and governance, and often in close collaboration with atmospheric scientists. My work has been published in leading interdisciplinary and disciplinary journals including Nature Climate Change, Earth Systems Governance, Transnational Environmental Law, and Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL). I have (co-)edited several special issues, for instance on air pollution law in RECIEL, and a book volume on the law and governance of reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants, published by Brill in 2023. Additionally, I have contributed to high-profile international reports, most recently the 2023 Global Tipping Points report, and, for over 15 years, participated in UN climate negotiations in various roles.
At the UEF Law School, I serve as Co-Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law, overseeing its climate law specialisation, as well as the Director of the UEF-UNEP Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
My professional experience includes supporting intergovernmental negotiations on climate finance at the UN Convention on Climate Change Secretariat and contributing to the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Earth Negotiations Bulletin. I hold PhD in International Studies and MPhil in Environmental Policy, both from the University of Cambridge. I am proud of my Bashkort heritage: the Bashkort people are an ethnic group indigenous to Southern Urals in Russia.
Current projects:
Principal investigator of the project consortium with the Finnish Meteorological Institute ‘ClimAirPathways: Science-based legal pathways to reduce black carbon emissions in the EU and China: Towards integrated climate – air quality approaches’ (Research Council of Finland, 2023-2027)
Co-PI, climate law package, Atmosphere and Climate Competence Centre (Research Council of Finland flagship, 2020-2028)
Current PhD students:
- Raihanatul Jannat “Building climate-resilient development of women in Bangladesh through adaptation law”
- Saga Eriksson ‘EU sustainable finance legislation: Towards creation of green markets and agency?’
- Moritz Petersmann ‘Fit for governing modern wicked problems? International science-policy interfaces under scrutiny’
- Camille Bertaux ‘WHO guidelines & environmental law in a moving context – from mere reference to conclusive influence?’, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Centre for Environmental Law (Member of the supervisory committee with Prof Misonne and Prof Peeters)
- Katri Varis ‘Role of scientific advisory bodies in EU climate law and policy’
- Niklas Löther ‘From fragmentation to integration in legal responses to climate change and air pollution: A transnational investigation of pathways and obstacles to integrated environmental lawmaking in the European Union’ (ClimAirPathways project)
- Eveliina Laine ‘Climate adaptation finance: From international rules to impact’
- Vivien Reh ‘Science and climate change law: The role of climate tipping point science in the international legal framework applicable to climate change’
Research groups
46/46 items-
Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda
Milkoreit, Manjana; Boyd, Emily; Constantino, Sara M; Hausner, Vera Helene; Hessen, Dag O; Kääb, Andreas; McLaren, Duncan; Nadeau, Christina; O'Brien, Karen; Parmentier, Frans-Jan; Rotbarth, Ronny; Rødven, Rolf; Treichler, Désirée; Wilson-Rowe, Elana; Yamineva, Yulia. 2024. Earth system governance. 21: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Significance of Climate Tipping Points for Finland: Latest Information on the Possible Shutdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Preventive Climate Actions
Merikanto, Joonas; Makkonen, Risto; Thölix, Laura; Uotila, Petteri; Yamineva, Yulia; Lappalainen, Hanna; Gregow, Hilppa. 2024. Atmosphere and Climate Competence Centre other -
The UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement
Yamineva, Yulia; Löther, Niklas. Teoksessa: Fiorino, Daniel J; Eisenstadt, Todd A; Kaur Ahluwalia, Manjyot(toim.) , 2024. Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy. s. 249-252. Edward Elgar B2 Book section -
Conclusion: The Past, Present and Future of SLCP Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 392-416. Brill Nijhoff B2 Book section -
EU legislation for clean air at crossroads
Yamineva, Yulia; Misonne, Delphine. 2023. Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law blog (CCEEL Blog). : . D1 Article in a trade journal -
FMI’s Climate Bulletin Research Letters ACCC Special Issue 2023
Luomaranta, Anna; Kuntsi-Reunanen, Eeva; Yamineva, Yulia. 2023. Ilmastokatsaus. . Ilmatieteen laitos C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal -
Global Tipping Points: Report 2023
Lenton, Timothy M; Armstrong McKay, David I; Loriani, Sina; Abrams, Jesse F; Lade, Steven J; Donges, Jonathan F; Buxton, Joshua E; Milkoreit, Manjana; Powell, Tom; Smith, Steven R; Zimm, Caroline; Bailey, Emma; Dyke, James G; Ghadiali, Ashish; Laybourn, Laurie; Steer, Andrew; Fesenfeld, Lukas; Boulton, Chris A; Constantino, Sara M; Tàbara, David J; et al. 2023. . . University of Exeter D4 Published development or research report or study -
Interviews: Conducting and Using Interviews on and at Negotiations
Yamineva, Yulia. Teoksessa: Hughes, Hannah; Vadrot, Alice BM(toim.) , 2023. Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making. s. 168-185. Cambridge University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Introduction: Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 1-13. Brill Nijhoff B2 Book section -
Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. 2023. International Environmental Law. . Brill Nijhoff D6 Edited professional book