Finland and Southern Africa Research and Educational Collaboration in Public Health and Nutrition
Jussi Kauhanen
ProfessoriKansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta -
Arja Lyytinen
Vanhempi yliopistonlehtoriKansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta
The project ‘Finland and Southern Africa Research and Educational Collaboration in Public Health and Nutrition’ (FISA-PHN) aims to develop and strengthen research and educational activities in public health and nutrition through mutual exchange of expertise and experiences between UEF, Tampere University, University of Limpopo and Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa). Our focuses include school meals research and development and public health & nutrition education development. This collaborative endeavour includes staff and student mobility and capacity building of all the partner universities. FISA-PHN is part of the Southern Africa Finnish Network for Well-Being (SAFINET), one of the global networks of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland.
Jussi Kauhanen
ProfessoriKansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta -
Arja Lyytinen
Vanhempi yliopistonlehtoriKansanterveystieteen ja kliinisen ravitsemustieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta