Tarkenna hakuasi

Lilian  Fernandes Silva

Lilian Fernandes Silva


Apulaisprofessori (Dosentti) metabolisairauksissa

Kliinisen lääketieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta

[email protected]

I am a researcher in the field of precision medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Eastern Finland and a fellow researcher at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
. My research focuses on the identification and characterization of metabolites associated with metabolic diseases, especially understanding metabolic pathways in different physiological states such as normal glucose tolerance, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, utilizing advanced metabolomics and clinical data. My goal is to develop individualized approaches to the early detection and treatment of metabolic disorders, promoting the development of precision medicine in metabolic diseases. With a strong background in pharmacy, I combine biochemical expertise with clinical insights, helping to interpret findings into potential therapeutic interventions.


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