Seita Vesa
Laitoksen varajohtaja
Professori, ympäristöoikeus / Tutkimusprofessori (Suomen ympäristökeskus)
Oikeustieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta
[email protected] | 050 442 3430
Dr. Seita Vesa is a Professor of Environmental Law (with a focus on sustainability transformation) at the University of Eastern Finland’s Center for Climate Change, Energy, and Environmental Law (CCEEL) and a Research Professor at the Finnish Environment Institute’s Climate Solutions Unit (SYKE).
Within UEF Law School, Professor Vesa serves as both the Head of Research and the Head of the UEF Doctoral Programme in Law. Their extensive academic research portfolio covers a range of topics in international and EU environmental and climate law. This includes the legal framework of the LULUCF and effort sharing sectors, renewable energy, forests and bioenergy, sustainability transitions and transformation, environmental protection, and Arctic environmental law. Their theoretically oriented research explores the capacities of law in sustainability transition and transformation, and decarbonization, particularly in the context of environmental and climate law, the evolution of EU climate law, and its intersections with fields like environmental and energy law. They also focus on the nexus between law and science, emphasizing various aspects of legitimacy.
Professor Vesa is actively involved in research projects and serves as co-PI for SRC RELIEF from 2023 onwards. They also contribute to UEF’s strategic research as Vice Director for one of UEF RC’s initiatives, RESOURCE, which aims to foster a Sustainable Resource Society centered on Circular Economy, Energy, and Raw Materials.
Their teaching portfolio primarily focuses on EU environmental and climate law, and they supervise both PhD researchers and Master’s students. They have extensive experience in the development and management of international master’s programs.
Beyond their academic work, Professor Vesa has engaged extensively in international collaboration, including research, teaching, and project work. They hold expert positions in various national and international working and steering groups and have been appointed to scientific evaluation panels. Additionally, they offer their expertise as a consultant in environmental law.
76/76 kappaletta-
From Greening to Justice-proofing: how can law and legal research support a ‘just transition’?
Johansson, Vilja; Penttilä, Outi; Vesa, Seita. 2025. RELIEF-hankkeen blogi. : . E1 Yleistajuinen artikkeli, sanomalehtiartikkeli -
Oikeudenmukaista vihertämistä? Oikeustiede vihreässä siirtymässä
Johansson, Vilja; Penttilä, Outi; Vesa, Seita. 2025. RELIEF-hankkeen blogi. : . E1 Yleistajuinen artikkeli, sanomalehtiartikkeli -
Piecing together the jigsaw: Forests in the EU's Fit for 55 Package
Sasso, Caterina; Savaresi, Annalisa; Vesa, Seita. 2025. Review of European, comparative & international environmental law. [Epub ahead of print 28 Jan 2025]: 1-12 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The ecological sustainability of the energy transition in EU law: pro et contra hydropower
Huhta, Kaisa; Soininen, Niko; Vesa, Seita. 2024. Journal of energy and natural resources law. 2025; 43: 29-45 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The intertwining of climate and energy law – three thematic discussions for the emerging research agenda
Vesa, Seita. Teoksessa: Talus, Kim(toim.) , 2024. A Research Agenda for International Energy Law. s. 25-44. Edward Elgar A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Yleisön oikeudet vaikuttaa päätöksentekoon ilmastoasioissa: päätöksenteon muuttuva legitimiteetti
Belinskij, Antti; Vesa, Seita; Leskinen, Paula; Karttunen, Netta; Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu. 2024. Ympäristöjuridiikka. 44: 7-33 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Comparing Legal Disciplines as an Approach to Understanding the Role of Law in Decarbonizing Societies
Huhta, Kaisa; Romppanen, Seita. 2023. Transnational environmental law. 12: 649-670 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Targets, timetables and effort sharing as governance tools: emergence, scope and ambition
Romppanen, Seita. Teoksessa: Rayner, Tim; Szulecki, Kacper; Jordan, Andrew J; Oberthür, Sebastian(toim.) , 2023. Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics. s. 216-230. Edward Elgar A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The Impact-based Regulatory Strategy in Environmental Law: Hallmark of Effectiveness or Pitfall for Legitimacy?
Soininen, Niko; Romppanen, Seita; Nieminen, Mika; Soimakallio, Sampo. 2023. Journal of environmental law. 35: 185-206 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The interface between EU climate and energy law
Romppanen, Seita; Huhta, Kaisa. 2023. Maastricht journal of european and comparative law. 30: 45-62 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä