Yulia Yamineva
Kansainvälinen oikeus, erityisesti ilmastooikeus ja -politiikka
Oikeustieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta
45/45 kappaletta-
Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda
Milkoreit, Manjana; Boyd, Emily; Constantino, Sara M; Hausner, Vera Helene; Hessen, Dag O; Kääb, Andreas; McLaren, Duncan; Nadeau, Christina; O'Brien, Karen; Parmentier, Frans-Jan; Rotbarth, Ronny; Rødven, Rolf; Treichler, Désirée; Wilson-Rowe, Elana; Yamineva, Yulia. 2024. Earth system governance. 21: -
The UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement
Yamineva, Yulia; Löther, Niklas. Teoksessa: Fiorino, Daniel J; Eisenstadt, Todd A; Kaur Ahluwalia, Manjyot(toim.) , 2024. Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy. s. 249-252. Edward Elgar -
Conclusion: The Past, Present and Future of SLCP Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 392-416. Brill Nijhoff -
EU legislation for clean air at crossroads
Yamineva, Yulia; Misonne, Delphine. 2023. Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law blog (CCEEL Blog). : . -
FMI’s Climate Bulletin Research Letters ACCC Special Issue 2023
Luomaranta, Anna; Kuntsi-Reunanen, Eeva; Yamineva, Yulia. 2023. Ilmastokatsaus. . Ilmatieteen laitos -
Global Tipping Points: Report 2023
Lenton, Timothy M; Armstrong McKay, David I; Loriani, Sina; Abrams, Jesse F; Lade, Steven J; Donges, Jonathan F; Buxton, Joshua E; Milkoreit, Manjana; Powell, Tom; Smith, Steven R; Zimm, Caroline; Bailey, Emma; Dyke, James G; Ghadiali, Ashish; Laybourn, Laurie; Steer, Andrew; Fesenfeld, Lukas; Boulton, Chris A; Constantino, Sara M; Tàbara, David J; et al. 2023. . . University of Exeter -
Interviews: Conducting and Using Interviews on and at Negotiations
Yamineva, Yulia. Teoksessa: Hughes, Hannah; Vadrot, Alice BM(toim.) , 2023. Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making. s. 168-185. Cambridge University Press -
Introduction: Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 1-13. Brill Nijhoff -
Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance
Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia. 2023. International Environmental Law. . Brill Nijhoff -
The International Climate Change Regime: Right Home for SLCPs?
Yamineva, Yulia; Pekkarinen, Veera. Teoksessa: Yamineva, Yulia; Kulovesi, Kati; Recio, Eugenia(toim.) , 2023. Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance. s. 71-89. Brill Nijhoff