Jukka Jurvelin
Professori, Emeritus
Lääketieteellisen fysiikan professori
Teknillisen fysiikan laitos, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta
[email protected] | 040 353 9282
Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage tutkimusryhmän perustaja (1998), Tutkimuksessa kehitetään uusia fysikaalisia menetelmiä tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksien diagnostiikkaan, sairauden etenemisen ennustamiseen ja terapiaan.
364/364 kappaletta-
Biomechanical Changes of Repair Tissue after Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation at Long-Term Follow-Up
Paatela, Teemu; Vasara, Anna; Nurmi, Heikki; Kautiainen, Hannu; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Kiviranta, Ilkka. 2020. Cartilage -
Clinical Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography with Semiautomatic Segmentation Provides Feasible Input for Computational Models of the Knee Joint
Myller, KAH; Korhonen, R; Töyräs, J; Tanska, P; Väänänen, S; Jurvelin, JS; Saarakkala, S; Mononen, ME. 2020. Journal of biomechanical engineering: transactions of the ASME -
Dual Contrast in Computed Tomography Allows Earlier Characterization of Articular Cartilage over Single Contrast
Bhattarai, Abhisek; Pouran, Behdad; Mäkelä, Janne T A; Shaikh, Rubina; Honkanen, Miitu K M; Prakash, Mithilesh; Kröger, Heikki; Grinstaff, Mark W; Weinans, Harrie; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Töyräs, Juha. 2020. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Elucidating failure mechanisms in human femurs during a fall to the side using bilateral digital image correlation
Grassi, Lorenzo; Kok, Joeri; Gustafsson, Anna; Zheng, Yi; Väänänen, Sami P; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Isaksson, Hanna. 2020. Journal of biomechanics -
A novel semi-automatic hip morphology assessment tool is more accurate than manual radiographic evaluations
Khayyeri, Hanifeh; Väänänen, Sami P; Flivik, Gunnar; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Dahlberg, Leif; Isaksson, Hanna. 2019. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering -
Automated segmentation of cortical and trabecular bone to generate finite element models for femoral bone mechanics
Väänänen, SP; Grassi, L; Venäläinen, MS; Matikka, H; Zheng, Y; Jurvelin, JS; Isaksson, H. 2019. Medical engineering and physics -
Computational evaluation of altered biomechanics related to articular cartilage lesions observed in vivo
Myller, KAH; Korhonen, RK; Töyräs, J; Salo, J; Jurvelin, JS; Venäläinen, MS. 2019. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Imaging of Proteoglycan and Water Contents in Human Articular Cartilage with Full-Body CT Using Dual Contrast Technique
Honkanen, MKM; Matikka, H; Honkanen, JTJ; Bhattarai, A; Grinstaff, MW; Joukainen, A; Kröger, H; Jurvelin, JS; Töyräs, J. 2019. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Simultaneous Quantitation of Cationic and Non-ionic Contrast Agents in Articular Cartilage Using Synchrotron MicroCT Imaging
Saukko, AEA; Turunen, MJ; Honkanen, MKM; Lovric, G; Tiitu, V; Honkanen, JTJ; Grinstaff, MW; Jurvelin, JS; Töyräs, J. 2019. Scientific reports -
Comparison between kinetic and kinetic-kinematic driven knee joint finite element models
Bolcos, PO; Mononen, ME; Mohammadi, A; Ebrahimi, M; Tanaka, MS; Samaan, MA; Souza, RB; Li, X; Suomalainen, JS; Jurvelin, JS; Töyräs, J; Korhonen, RK. 2018. Scientific reports -
Method for Segmentation of Knee Articular Cartilages Based on Contrast-Enhanced CT Images
Myller, Katariina AH; Honkanen, Juuso TJ; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Saarakkala, Simo; Töyräs, Juha; Väänänen, Sami P. 2018. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Multi-scale imaging techniques to investigate solute transport across articular cartilage
Pouran, Behdad; Arbabi, Vahid; Bajpayee, Ambika G; van Tiel, Jasper; Töyras, Juha; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Malda, Jos; Zadpoor, Amir A; Weinans, Harrie. 2018. Journal of biomechanics -
Quantitative Dual Contrast CT Technique for Evaluation of Articular Cartilage Properties
Bhattarai, A; Honkanen, JTJ; Myller, KAH; Prakash, M; Korhonen M; Saukko, AEA; Virén, T; Joukainen, A; Patwa, AN; Kröger, H; Grinstaf, MW; Jurvelin, JS; Töyräs, J;. 2018. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Complementary Imaging in MRI of Cartilage
Xia Y, Jurvelin JS. 2017. New Developments in NMR -
Dual Contrast CT Method Enables Diagnostics of Cartilage Injuries and Degeneration Using a Single CT Image
Saukko Annina EA, Honkanen Juuso TJ, Xu Wujun, Väänänen Sami P, Jurvelin Jukka S, Lehto Vesa-Pekka, Töyräs Juha. 2017. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Histomorphometric and osteocytic characteristics of cortical bone in male subtrochanteric femoral shaft
Tong Xiaoyu, Malo Markus K H, Inari S Burton, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna, Kröger Heikki. 2017. Journal of anatomy -
Inclusion of Regional Body Composition Parameters Improves Bone Mineral Density Cross-Calibration Between GE Lunar Prodigy and iDXA Densitometers
Saarelainen J, Hakulinen M, Rikkonen T, Kröger H, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Honkanen R, Jurvelin JS. 2017. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Porosity predicted from ultrasound backscatter using multivariate analysis can improve accuracy of cortical bone thickness assessment
Eneh Chibuzor TM, Afara Isaac O, Malo Markus KH, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2017. Journal of the acoustical society of america -
Quantitative MRI of Human Cartilage In Vivo: Relationships with Arthroscopic Indentation Stiffness and Defect Severity
Svärd, Tuomas; Lakovaara, Martti; Pakarinen, Harri; Haapea, Marianne; Kiviranta, Ilkka; Lammentausta, Eveliina; Jurvelin, Jukka; Tervonen, Osmo; Ojala, Risto; Nieminen, Miika. 2017. Cartilage -
Tissue viscoelasticity is related to tissue composition but may not fully predict the apparent-level viscoelasticity in human trabecular bone - An experimental and finite element study
Ojanen X, Tanska P, Malo MKH, Isaksson H, Väänänen SP, Koistinen AP, Grassi L, Magnusson SP, Ribel-Madsen SM, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2017. Journal of biomechanics -
A first-in-human, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, dose ascending study of intra-articular rhFGF18 (sprifermin) in patients with advanced knee osteoarthritis
Dahlberg L, Aydemir A, Muurahainen N, Gühring H, Fredberg Edebo H, Krarup-Jensen N, Ladel C, Jurvelin J. 2016. Clinical and experimental rheumatology -
Bone mineral crystal size and organization vary across mature rat bone cortex
Turunen MJ, Kaspersen JD, Olsson U, Guizar-Sicairos M, Bech M, Schaff F, Tägil M, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. 2016. Journal of structural biology -
Cationic Contrast Agent Diffusion Differs Between Cartilage and Meniscus
Honkanen Juuso TJ, Mikael J, Freedman Jonathan D, Saarakkala Simo, Grinstaff Mark W, Ylärinne Janne H, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2016. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Enables Quantitative Evaluation of Tissue Properties at Intrajoint Regions in Cadaveric Knee Cartilage
Stewart Rachel C, Honkanen Juuso TJ, Kokkonen Harri T, Tiitu Virpi, Saarakkala Simo, Joukainen Antti, Snyder Brian D, Jurvelin Jukka S, Grinstaff Mark W, Töyräs Juha. 2016. Cartilage -
Cross-calibration of GE healthcare lunar prodigy and iDXA dual-energy X-ray densitometers for bone mineral measurements
Saarelainen J, Hakulinen M, Rikkonen T, Kröger H, Tuppurainen M, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Honkanen R, Hujo M, Jurvelin J. 2016. Journal of osteoporosis -
Differences in acoustic impedance of fresh and embedded human trabecular bone samples - scanning acoustic microscopy and numerical evaluation
Ojanen X, Töyräs J, Inkinen SI, Malo MKH, Isaksson H, Jurvelin JS. 2016. Journal of the acoustical society of america -
Effect of bone inhomogeneity on tibiofemoral contact mechanics during physiological loading
Venäläinen MS, Mononen ME, Väänänen SP, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Virén T, Korhonen RK. 2016. Journal of biomechanics -
Effect of collagen cross-linking on quantitative MRI parameters of articular cartilage
Rautiainen J, Nieminen MT, Salo EN, Kokkonen HT, Mangia S, Michaeli S, Gröhn O, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Nissi MJ. 2016. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Effect of porosity, tissue density, and mechanical properties on radial sound speed in human cortical bone
Eneh CTM, Malo MKH, Karjalainen JP, Liukkonen J, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2016. Medical physics -
Estimation of Systematic and Spatially Correlated Components of Random Signals from Repeated Measurements: Application to Contrast Enhanced Computer Tomography Measurements
Huttunen JMJ, Turunen MJ, Honkanen JTJ, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2016. Siam journal on scientific computing -
Factors affecting structural properties and in vitro starch digestibility of extruded starchy foams containing bran
Alam SA, Järvinen J, Kokkonen H, Jurvelin J, Poutanen K, Sozer N. 2016. Journal of cereal science -
Finite difference time domain model of ultrasound propagation in agarose scaffold containing collagen or chondrocytes
Inkinen SI, Liukkonen J, Malo MK, Virén T, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2016. Journal of the acoustical society of america -
How accurately can subject-specific finite element models predict strains and strength of human femora? Investigation using full-field measurements
Grassia Lorenzo, Väänänen Sami P, Ristinmaa Matti, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna. 2016. Journal of biomechanics -
Iliac crest histomorphometry and skeletal heterogeneity in men
Tong Xiaoyu, Burton Inari S, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna, Kröger Heikki. 2016. Bone reports -
Importance of patella, quadriceps forces, and depthwise cartilage structure on knee joint motion and cartilage response during gait
Halonen KS, Mononen ME, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Klodowski A, Kulmala JP, Korhonen RK. 2016. Journal of biomechanical engineering: transactions of the ASME -
In Vivo Contrast-Enhanced Cone Beam CT Provides Quantitative Information on Articular Cartilage and Subchondral Bone
Myller Katariina AH, Turunen Mikael J, Honkanen Juuso TJ, Väänänen Sami P, Iivarinen Jarkko T, Salo Jari, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2016. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Optical coherence tomography enables accurate measurement of equine cartilage thickness for determination of speed of sound
Puhakka PH, te Moller NCR, Tanska P, Saarakkala S, Tiitu V, Korhonen RK, Brommer H, Virén T, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2016. Acta orthopaedica -
Phased-array ultrasound technology enhances accuracy of dual frequency ultrasound measurements - towards improved ultrasound bone diagnostics
Linder H, Malo MK, Liukkonen J, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2016. Journal of medical engineering and technology -
Prediction of femoral strength using 3D finite element models reconstructed from DXA images: validation against experiments
Grassia Lorenzo, Väänänen Sami P, Ristinmaa Matti, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna. 2016. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology -
Quantitative Evaluation of the Mechanical Risks Caused by Focal Cartilage Defects in the Knee
Venäläinen Mikko S, Mononen Mika E, Salo Jari, Räsänen Lasse P, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha, Virén Tuomas, Korhonen Rami K. 2016. Scientific reports -
Solute transport of negatively charged contrast agents across articular surface of injured cartilage
Kokkonen HT, Chin HC, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Quinn TM. 2016. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Spatial variation of fixed charge density in knee joint cartilage from sodium MRI - Implication on knee joint mechanics under static loading
Räsänen LP, Tanska P, Mononen ME, Lammentausta E, Zbýn ¦, Venäläinen MS, Szomolanyi P, van Donkelaar CC, Jurvelin JS, Trattnig S, Nieminen MT, Korhonen RK. 2016. Journal of biomechanics -
Species-Independent Modeling of High-Frequency Ultrasound Backscatter in Hyaline Cartilage
Männicke Nils, Schöne Martin, Liukkonen Jukka, Fachet Dominik, Inkinen Satu, Malo Markus K, Oelze Michael L, Töyräs Juha, Jurvelin Jukka S, Raum Kay. 2016. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Characterization of site-specific biomechanical properties of human meniscus-Importance of collagen and fluid on mechanical nonlinearities
Danso EK, Mäkelä JTA, Tanska P, Mononen ME, Honkanen JTJ, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Julkunen P, Korhonen RK. 2015. Journal of biomechanics -
Contrast Enhanced Imaging of Human Meniscus Using Cone Beam CT
Honkanen JTJ, Danso EK, Suomalainen JS, Tiitu V, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2015. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Cortical Bone Histomorphometry in Male Femoral Neck: The Investigation of Age-Association and Regional Differences
Tong Xiaoyu, Burton Inari S, Isaksson Hanna, Jurvelin Jukka S, Kröger Heikki. 2015. Calcified tissue international -
Diagnosis of Knee Osteochondral Lesions With Ultrasound Imaging
Penttilä Pekko, Liukkonen Jukka, Joukainen Antti, Virén Tuomas, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha, Kröger Heikki. 2015. Arthroscopy techniques -
Estimation of articular cartilage properties using multivariate analysis of optical coherence tomography signal
Puhakka PH, Te Moller NC, Afara IO, Mäkelä JT, Tiitu V, Korhonen RK, Brommer H, Virén T, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2015. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Generation of 3D shape, density, cortical thickness and finite element mesh of proximal femur from a DXA image
Väänänen Sami P, Grassi Lorenzo, Flivik Gunnar, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna. 2015. Medical image analysis -
In Vivo Evaluation of the Potential of High-Frequency Ultrasound for Arthroscopic Examination of the Shoulder Joint
Puhakka Jani, Afara Isaac O, Paatela Teemu, Sormaala Markus J, Timonen Matti A, Virén Tuomas, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha, Kiviranta Ilkka. 2015. Cartilage -
Inter-individual changes in cortical bone three-dimensional microstructure and elastic coefficient have opposite effects on radial sound speed
Eneh Chibuzor TM, Liukkonen Jukka, Malo Markus KH, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2015. Journal of the acoustical society of america -
Merge of motion analysis, multibody dynamics and finite element method for the subject-specific analysis of cartilage loading patterns during gait: differences between rotation and moment-driven models of human knee joint
Klodowski Adam, Mononen Mika E, Kulmala Juha P, Valkeapää Antti, Korhonen Rami K, Avela Janne, Kiviranta Ilkka, Jurvelin Jukka S, Mikkola Aki. 2015. Multibody system dynamics -
Modeling of interstitial fluid movement in soft tissue under negative pressure - relevance to treatment of tissue swelling
Iivarinen Jarkko T, Korhonen Rami K, Jurvelin Jukka S. 2015. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering -
New method for point-of-care osteoporosis screening and diagnostics
Karjalainen JP, Riekkinen O, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2015. Osteoporosis international -
Optical absorption spectra of human articular cartilage correlate with biomechanical properties, histological score and biochemical composition
Afara Isaac O, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Jurvelin Jukka S, Oloyede Adekunle, Töyräs Juha. 2015. Physiological measurement -
Pre-Osteoarthritis: Definition and Diagnosis of an Elusive Clinical Entity
Ryd Leif, Brittberg Mats, Eriksson Karl, Jurvelin Jukka S., Lindahl Anders, Marlovits Stefan, Moller Per, Richardson James B., Steinwachs Matthias, Zenobi-Wong Marcy. 2015. Cartilage -
Quantitative evaluation of knee subchondral bone mineral density using cone beam computed tomography
Turunen Mikael J, Töyräs Juha, Kokkonen Harri T, Jurvelin Jukka S. 2015. IEEE transactions on medical imaging -
Three dimensional patient-specific collagen architecture modulates cartilage responses in the knee joint during gait
Räsänen LP, Mononen ME, Lammentausta E, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2015. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering -
Topographical investigation of changes in depth-wise proteoglycan distribution in rabbit femoral articular cartilage at 4 weeks after transection of the anterior cruciate ligament
Arokoski Mikko EA, Tiitu Virpi, Jurvelin Jukka S, Korhonen Rami K, Fick James M. 2015. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Transport of Iodine Is Different in Cartilage and Meniscus
Honkanen Juuso, Turunen Mikael, Tiitu Virpi, Jurvelin Jukka, Töyräs Juha. 2015. Annals of biomedical engineering -
Ultrasound Backscattering Is Anisotropic in Bovine Articular Cartilage
Inkinen Satu I, Liukkonen Jukka, Tiitu Virpi, Viren Tuomas, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2015. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Alterations in subchondral bone plate, trabecular bone and articular cartilage properties of rabbit femoral condyles at 4 weeks after anterior cruciate ligament transection
Florea Cristina, Malo Markus KH, Rautiainen Jari, Mäkelä Janne TA, Fick James M, Nieminen Miika T, Jurvelin Jukka S, Davidescu Arjana, Korhonen Rami K. 2014. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Application of optical coherence tomography enhances reproducibility of arthroscopic evaluation of equine joints
Niemelä Tytti, Virén Tuomas, Liukkonen Jukka, Argüelles David, te Moller Nikae CR, Puhakka Pia H, Jurvelin Jukka S, Tulamo Riitta-Mari, Töyräs Juha. 2014. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica -
Collagen and chondrocyte concentrations control ultrasound scattering in agarose scaffolds
Inkinen Satu, Liukkonen Jukka, Ylärinne Janne, Puhakka Pia, Lammi Mikko, Virén Tuomas, Jurvelin Jukka, Töyräs Juha. 2014. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Deformation of articular cartilage during static loading of a knee joint - Experimental and finite element analysis
Halonen KS, Mononen ME, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Salo J, Korhonen RK. 2014. Journal of biomechanics -
Dependence of light attenuation and backscattering on collagen concentration and chondrocyte density in agarose scaffolds
Puhakka PH, Ylärinne JH, Lammi MJ, Saarakkala S, Tiitu V, Kröger H, Virén T, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2014. Physics in medicine and biology -
Development of new criteria for cortical bone histomorphometry in femoral neck: Intra- and inter-observer reproducibility
Tong Xiaoyu, Malo Markus, Tamminen Inari S, Isaksson Hanna, Jurvelin Jukka S, Kröger Heikki. 2014. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism -
Effect of Oat Bran Fractions on Extrudates Made of Defatted Oats
Juhani K. Sibakov, Satu J. Kirjoranta, Syed Ariful Alam, Harri Kokkonen, Jukka S. Jurvelin, Kirsi Jouppila, Kaisa S. Poutanen, Nesli Sozer. 2014. Food and bioprocess technology -
Effects of freeze-thaw cycle with and without proteolysis inhibitors and cryopreservant on the biochemical and biomechanical properties of articular cartilage
Qu Chengjuan, Hirviniemi Mikko, Tiitu Virpi, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha, Lammi Mikko J. 2014. Cartilage -
Effects of wheat and rye bread structure on mastication process and bolus properties
Pentikäinen Saara, Sozer Nesli, Närväinen Johanna, Ylätalo Saara, Teppola Pekka, Jurvelin Jukka, Holopainen-Mantila Ulla, Törrönen Riitta, Aura Anna-Marja, Poutanen Kaisa. 2014. Food research international -
Estimation of fixed charge density and diffusivity profiles in cartilage using contrast enhanced computer tomography
Huttunen JMJ, Kokkonen HT, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Kaipio JP. 2014. International journal for numerical methods in engineering -
Evaluation of composition and mineral structure of callus tissue in rat femoral fracture
Turunen Mikael J, Lages Sebastian, Labrador Ana, Olsson Ulf, Tägil Magnus, Jurvelin Jukka S, Isaksson Hanna. 2014. Journal of biomedical optics -
Experimental and numerical analysis of soft tissue stiffness measurement using manual indentation device--significance of indentation geometry and soft tissue thickness
Iivarinen JT, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS. 2014. Skin research and technology -
Full-field strain measurement during mechanical testing of the human femur at physiologically relevant strain rates
Grassi L, Vaananen SP, Amin Yavari S, Jurvelin JS, Weinans H, Ristinmaa M, Zadpoor AA and Isaksson H. 2014. Journal of biomechanical engineering: transactions of the ASME -
Importance of Material Properties and Porosity of Bone on Mechanical Response of Articular Cartilage in Human Knee Joint - A Two-Dimensional Finite Element Study
Venäläinen Mikko S, Mononen Mika E, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha, Virén Tuomas, Korhonen Rami K. 2014. Journal of biomechanical engineering: transactions of the ASME -
Optimal variable selection for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of articular cartilage composition
Rieppo Lassi, Saarakkala Simo, Jurvelin Jukka S, Rieppo Jarno. 2014. Journal of biomedical optics -
Relationships Between Tissue Composition and Viscoelastic Properties in Human Trabecular Bone
Ojanen X, Isaksson H, Töyräs J, Turunen MJ, Malo MKH, Halvari A, Jurvelin JS. 2014. Journal of biomechanics -
Short-term exercise-induced improvements in bone properties are for the most part not maintained during aging in hamsters
Koistinen Arto P, Halmesmäki Esa P, Iivarinen Jarkko T, Arokoski Jari P, Brama Pieter AJ, Jurvelin Jukka S, Helminen Heikki J, Isaksson Hanna. 2014. Experimental gerontology -
Site-dependent changes in structure and function of lapine articular cartilage 4 weeks after anterior cruciate ligament transection.
Mäkelä JTA, Rezaeian ZS, Mikkonen S, Madden R, Han S-K, Jurvelin JS, Herzog W, Korhonen RK.. 2014. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Ultrasound Arthroscopy of Human Knee Cartilage and Subchondral Bone in Vivo
Liukkonen Jukka, Lehenkari Petri, Hirvasniemi Jukka, Joukainen Antti, Virén Tuomas, Saarakkala Simo, Nieminen Miika T, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2014. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Ultrasound backscatter measurements of intact human proximal femurs - Relationships of ultrasound parameters with tissue structure and mineral density
Malo MKH, Töyräs J, Karjalainen JP, Isaksson H, Riekkinen O, Jurvelin JS. 2014. Bone -
A review of the combination of experimental measurements and fibril-reinforced modeling for investigation of articular cartilage and chondrocyte response to loading
Julkunen P, Wilson W, Isaksson H, Jurvelin JS, Herzog W and Korhonen RK. 2013. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine -
Arthroscopic optical coherence tomography provides detailed information on articular cartilage lesions in horses
te Moller, NCR; Brommer, H; Liukkonen, J; Virén T; Timonen M; Puhakka PH; Jurvelin JS; van Weeren PR; Töyräs J. 2013. Veterinary journal -
Arthroscopic ultrasound technique for simultaneous quantitative assessment of articular cartilage and subchondral bone: an in vitro and in vivo feasibility study
Liukkonen J, Hirvasniemi J, Joukainen A, Penttilä P, Virén T, Saarakkala S, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2013. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Composition and microarchitecture of human trabecular bone change with age and differ between anatomical locations
Turunen MJ, Prantner V, Jurvelin JS, Kroger H, Isaksson H. 2013. Bone -
Diffusion of ionic and non-ionic contrast agents in articular cartilage with increased cross-linking-contribution of steric and electrostatic effects
Kulmala KAM, Karjalainen HM, Kokkonen HT, Tiitu V, Kovanen V, Lammi MJ, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK, Töyräs J. 2013. Medical engineering and physics -
Effects of radial tears and partial meniscectomy of lateral meniscus on the knee joint mechanics during the stance phase of the gait cycle - A 3D finite element study
Mononen ME, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2013. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Experimental validation of finite element model for proximal composite femur using optical measurements
Grassi L, Vaananen SP, Amin Yavari S, Weinans H, Jurvelin JS, Zadpoor AA and Isaksson H. 2013. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials -
Implementation of a gait cycle loading into healthy and meniscectomised knee joint models with fibril-reinforced articular cartilage
Mononen ME, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2013. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering -
Importance of depth-wise distribution of collagen and proteoglycans in articular cartilage - A 3D finite element study of stresses and strains in human knee joint
Halonen KS, Mononen ME, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Korhonen RK. 2013. Journal of biomechanics -
In vivo diagnostics of human knee cartilage lesions using delayed CBCT arthrography
Kokkonen HT, Suomalainen JS, Joukainen A, Kröger H, Sirola J, Jurvelin JS, Salo J, Töyräs J. 2013. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Incidence and bone biopsy findings of atypical femoral fractures
Tamminen IS, Yli-Kyyny T, Isaksson H, Turunen MJ, Tong X, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2013. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism -
Infrared spectroscopic analysis of human and bovine articular cartilage proteoglycans using carbohydrate peak or its second derivative
Rieppo Lassi, Närhi Tommi, Helminen Heikki, Jurvelin Jukka, Saarakkala Simo, Rieppo Jarno. 2013. Journal of biomedical optics -
Longitudinal elastic properties and porosity of cortical bone tissue vary with age in human proximal femur
Malo MK, Rohrbach D, Isaksson H, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Tamminen IS, Kröger H, Raum K. 2013. Bone -
Prediction of compressive stiffness of articular cartilage using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Rieppo Lassi, Saarakkala Simo, Jurvelin Jukka, Rieppo Jarno. 2013. Journal of biomechanics -
Repeatability of digital image correlation for measurement of surface strains in composite long bones
Väänänen SP, Amin Yavari S, Weinans H, Zadpoor A A, Jurvelin J S, Isaksson H. 2013. Journal of biomechanics -
Rustovaurioiden kehittyvä diagnostiikka - nopein hoitotuloksia parantava tekijä?
Salo J, Töyräs J, Joukainen A, Jurvelin J, Kröger H. 2013. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia -
Alcohol consumption and bone mineral density in elderly women
Sommer I, Erkkilä A, Järvinen R, Mursu J, Sirola J, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Tuppurainen M. 2012. Public health nutrition -
Application of second derivative spectroscopy for increasing molecular specificity of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of articular cartilage
Rieppo Lassi, Saarakkala Simo, Närhi Tommi, Helminen Heikki, Jurvelin Jukka, Rieppo Jarno. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Bath concentration of anionic contrast agents does not affect their diffusion and distribution in articular cartilage in vitro
Silvast Tuomo, Jurvelin Jukka, Tiitu Virpi, Quinn Thomas, Töyräs Juha. 2012. Cartilage -
Bone loss and seasonal variation in serial DXA densitometry - a population-based study
Sirola, Joonas; Rikkonen, Toni; Honkanen, Risto; Jurvelin, Jukka; Tuppurainen, Marjo; Kröger, Heikki. 2012. Intech media -
Changes in collagen cross-linking of articular cartilage are revealed by spectral reflectance imaging
Kinnunen Jussi, Kokkonen Harri T, Kovanen Vuokko, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Jurvelin Jukka. 2012. -
Cluster analysis of infrared spectra can differentiate intact and repaired articular cartilage
Kobrina Y, Rieppo L, Saarakkala S, Pulkkinen HJ, Tiitu V, Valonen P, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Clustering of infrared spectra reveals histological zones in intact articular cartilage
Kobrina, Y., Rieppo, L., Saarakkala, S., Jurvelin, J.S., Isaksson, H.. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Comparison of ultrasound and optical coherence tomography techniques for evaluation of integrity of spontaneously repaired horse cartilage
Virén T, Huang YP, Saarakkala S, Pulkkinen H, Tiitu V, Linjama A, Kiviranta I, Lammi MJ, Brünott A, Van Weeren R, Brama PAJ, Zheng YP, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2012. Journal of medical engineering and technology -
Composition and structure of human trabecular bone in different anatomical locations
Turunen MJ, Prantner V, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Isaksson H. 2012. Journal of biomechanics -
Composition of human trabecular bone changes with age and differs between anatomical locations: evaluation with FTIR.
Turunen MJ, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Isaksson H. 2012. Transactions of the annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society -
Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Spontaneous Repair of Equine Cartilage
K.A.M. Kulmala, H.J. Pulkkinen, L. Rieppo, V. Tiitu, I. Kiviranta, A. Brünott, H. Brommer, R. van Weeren, P.A.J. Brama, M.T. Mikkola, R.K. Korhonen, J.S. Jurvelin, J.Töyräs. 2012. Cartilage -
Delayed computed tomography artrography of human knee cartilage In Vivo
Kokkonen, Harri; Aula, Antti; Kröger, Heikki; Suomalainen, Juha-Sampo; Lammentausta, Eveliina; Mervaala, Esa; Jurvelin, Jukka; Töyräs, Juha. 2012. Cartilage -
Effect of Lateral Meniscus Tears and Partial Meniscectomy on Stress Concentrations in Knee Joint During Walking
Mononen, M E; Jurvelin, J S; Korhonen, R K. 2012. -
Effect of superficial collagen patterns and fibrillation of femoral articular cartilage on knee joint mechanics-A 3D finite element analysis.
Mononen ME, Mikkola MT, Julkunen P, Ojala R, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2012. Journal of biomechanics -
Estimation of 3D rotation of femur in 2D hip radiographs
Väänänen Sami P, Isaksson Hanna, Waarsing Jan H, Zadpoor Amir A, Jurvelin Jukka S, Weinans H. 2012. Journal of biomechanics -
Estimation of 3D shape, internal density and mechanics of proximal femur by combining bone mineral density images with shape and density templates
Sami P. Väänänen, Hanna Isaksson, Jukka S. Jurvelin. 2012. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology -
Experimental and computational analysis of soft tissue mechanical response under negative pressure in forearm.
Iivarinen JT, Korhonen RK, Julkunen P, Jurvelin JS.. 2012. Skin research and technology -
Femoral neck bone mineral density after resurfacing hip arthroplasty
Tapaninen Toni, Kröger Heikki, Jurvelin Jukka, Venesmaa Petri. 2012. Scandinavian journal of surgery -
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging and multivariate regression for prediction of proteoglycan content of articular cartilage
Rieppo Lassi, Rieppo Jarno, Jurvelin Jukka, Saarakkala Simo. 2012. PLoS ONE -
Implementation of Subject-Specific Collagen Architecture of Cartilage Into a 2D Computational Model of a Knee Joint - Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
Räsänen LP, Mononen ME, Nieminen MT, Lammentausta E, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2012. Journal of orthopaedic research -
In vivo comparison of delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage and delayed quantitative CT arthrography in imaging of articular cartilage
Hirvasniemi J, Kulmala KAM, Lammentausta E, Ojala R, Lehenkari P, Kamel A, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J, Nieminen MT and Saarakkala S. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Influence of Different DXA Acquisition Modes on Monitoring the Changes in Bone Mineral Density After Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty
Hakulinen, M.A., Borg, H., Häkkinen, A., Parviainen, T., Kiviranta, I., Jurvelin, J.S.. 2012. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Multi-site bone ultrasound measurements in elderly women with and without previous hip fractures
Karjalainen JP., Riekkinen O., Töyräs J., Hakulinen M., Kröger H., Rikkonen T., Salovaara K., Jurvelin JS.. 2012. Osteoporosis international -
Muscle strength and body composition are clinical indicators of osteoporosis
Rikkonen, T; Sirola, J; Salovaara, K; Tuppurainen, M; Jurvelin, JS; Honkanen, R; Kröger, H. 2012. Calcified tissue international -
Nondestructive fluorescence-based quantification of threose-induced collagen cross-linking in bovine articular cartilage
Kinnunen Jussi, Kokkonen Harri T, Kovanen Vuokko, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Lammi Mikko J, Töyräs Juha, Jurvelin Jukka S. 2012. Journal of biomedical optics -
Repair of osteochondral defects with recombinant human type II collagen gel and autologous chondrocytes in rabbit
Pulkkinen HJ, Tiitu V, Valonen P, Jurvelin JS, Rieppo L, Töyräs J, Silvast TS, Lammi MJ, Kiviranta I. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kudosten rakenne ja toiminta
Säämänen, Anna-Marja; Kiviranta, Riku; Arokoski, Jari; Jurvelin, Jukka; Järvinen, Markku; Kiviranta, Ilkka. 2012. Kandidaattikustannus Oy -
Ultrasonic evaluation of acute impact injury of articular cartilage in vitro
Virén T, Timonen M, Tyrväinen H, Tiitu V, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2012. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Alterations in structure and properties of collagen network of osteoarthritic and repaired cartilage modify knee joint stresses
Mononen ME, Julkunen P, Toyras J, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I, Korhonen RK. 2011. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology -
Altered bone composition in children with vertebral fracture
Tamminen, Inari S; Mäyränpää, Mervi K; Turunen, Mikael J; Isaksson, Hanna; Mäkitie, Outi; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Kröger, Heikki. 2011. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Arthroscopic Ultrasound Assessment of Articular Cartilage in the Human Knee Joint
Kaleva Erna, Viren Tuomas, Saarakkala Simo, Sahlman Janne, Sirola Joonas, Puhakka Jani, Paatela Teemu, Kröger Heikki, Kiviranta Ilkka, Jurvelin Jukka, Töyräs Juha. 2011. Cartilage -
Assessment of the 3-D shape and mechanics of the proximal femur using a shape template and a bone mineral density image
Sami P. Väänänen, Hanna Isaksson, Petro Julkunen, Joonas Sirola, Heikki Kröger, Jukka S. Jurvelin. 2011. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology -
Associations of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids with bone mineral density in elderly women
Järvinen R, Tuppurainen M, Erkkilä AT, Penttinen P, Kärkkäinen M, Salovaara K, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2011. European journal of clinical nutrition -
Body fat distribution is associated with lumbar spine bone density independently of body weight in postmenopausal women
Saarelainen, Jarmo; Honkanen, Risto; Kröger, Heikki; Tuppurainen, Marjo; Jurvelin, Jukka; Niskanen, Leo. 2011. Maturitas -
Body mass index and bone loss among postmenopausal women: the 10-year follow-up of the OSTPRE cohort
Saarelainen J, Kiviniemi V, Kröger H, Tuppurainen M, Niskanen L, Jurvelin J, Honkanen R. 2011. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Bone health-related factors and the use of bisphosphonates in community setting - 15-year follow-up study
Sirola J, Salovaara K, Rikkonen T, Kärkkäinen M, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Honkanen R, Kröger H. 2011. Osteoporosis international -
Bone mineral density of the proximal femur after hip resurfacing arthroplasty: 1-year follow-up study
Häkkinen A, Borg H, Hakulinen M, Jurvelin J, Anttila E, Parviainen T, Kiviranta I. 2011. Bmc musculoskeletal disorders -
Characterization of center frequency and bandwidth of broadband ultrasound reflected by the articular cartilage to subchondral bone interface
Saarakkala S, Wang SZ, Huang YP, Jurvelin JS, Zheng YP.. 2011. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Comparison Between Infrared and Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Maturing Rabbit Cortical Bone
Turunen MJ, Saarakkala S, Rieppo L, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS, Isaksson H. 2011. Applied spectroscopy -
Computed tomography detects changes in contrast agent diffusion after collagen cross-linking typical to natural aging of articular cartilage
Kokkonen HT, Mäkelä J, Kulmala KAM, Rieppo L, Jurvelin JS, Tiitu V, Karjalainen HM, Korhonen RK, Kovanen V, Töyräs J. 2011. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Detection of mechanical injury of articular cartilage using contrast enhanced computed tomography
Kokkonen HT, Jurvelin JS, Tiitu V, Töyräs J. 2011. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Effects of non-optimal focusing on dual-frequency ultrasound measurements of bone
Malo MK, Karjalainen JP, Riekkinen O, Isaksson H, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J.. 2011. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control -
Effects of optical beam angle on quantitative optical coherence tomography (OCT) in normal and surface degenerated bovine articular cartilage.
Huang YP, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Wang LK, Jurvelin JS, Zheng YP.. 2011. Physics in medicine and biology -
Experimental and computational analysis of soft tissue stiffness in forearm using a manual indentation device
Iivarinen JT, Korhonen RK, Julkunen P, Jurvelin JS.. 2011. Medical engineering and physics -
Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage repair - A Review
Trattnig S, Winalski C, Marlovits S, Jurvelin JS, Welsch GH, Potter H. 2011. Cartilage -
Minor influence of lifelong voluntary exercise on composition, structure, and incidence of osteoarthritis in tibial articular cartilage of mice compared with major effects caused by growth, maturation, and aging
Närhi, Tommi; Siitonen, Ulrika; Lehto, Lauri J; Hyttinen, Mika M; Arokoski, Jari P; Brama, Pieter A; Jurvelin, Jukka S; Helminen, Heikki J; Julkunen, Petro. 2011. Connective tissue research -
Optical spectral reflectance of human articular cartilage - relationships with tissue structure, composition and mechanical properties
Kinnunen Jussi, Saarakkala Simo, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Vahimaa Pasi, Jurvelin Jukka. 2011. Biomedical optics express -
Preclinical Studies for Cartilage Repair: Recommendations from the International Cartilage Repair Society
Hurtig MB, Buschmann MD, Fortier LA, Hoemann CD, Hunziker EB, Jurvelin JS, Mainil-Varlet P, McIlwraith CV, Sah RL, Whiteside RA. 2011. Cartilage -
Reproducibility and agreement of micro-CT and histomorphometry in human trabecular bone with different metabolic status
Tamminen IS, Isaksson H, Aula AS, Honkanen E, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2011. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism -
Structural and Compositional Changes in Peri- and Extracellular Matrix of Osteoarthritic Cartilage Modulate Chondrocyte Morphology
Korhonen RK, Julkunen P, Jurvelin JS and Saarakkala S. 2011. Cellular and molecular bioengineering -
Structural parameters of normal and osteoporotic human trabecular bone are affected differently by microCT image resolution
Isaksson, Hanna; Töyräs, J; Hakulinen, M; Aula, AS; Tamminen, Inari; Julkunen, P; Kröger, Heikki; Jurvelin, Jukka. 2011. Osteoporosis international -
Technical and practical improvements in arthroscopic indentation technique for diagnostics of articular cartilage softening
Timonen MA, Töyräs J, Aula AS, Karjalainen JP, Riekkinen O, Jurvelin JS. 2011. Journal of medical engineering and technology -
Ultrasound evaluation of mechanical injury of bovine knee articular cartilage under arthroscopic control
Virén Tuomas, Saarakkala Simo, Tiitu Virpi, Puhakka Jani, Kiviranta Ilkka, Jurvelin Jukka S, Töyräs Juha. 2011. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control -
2-D finite difference time domain model of ultrasound reflection from normal and osteoarthritic human articular cartilage surface
Kaleva E, Liukkonen J, Toyras J, Saarakkala S, Kiviranta P, Jurvelin J. 2010. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control -
Bone Quantitative Ultrasound
Laugier P. and Haiat G.. 2010. Springer -
Compressive and tensile properties of articular cartilage in axial loading are modulated differently by osmotic environment
Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS. 2010. Medical engineering and physics -
Depth-wise progression of osteoarthritis in human articular cartilage: investigation of composition, structure and biomechanics
Saarakkala S, Julkunen P, Kiviranta P, Mäkitalo J, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2010. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Diffusion coefficients of articular cartilage for different CT and MRI contrast agents
Kulmala K.A.M.,Korhonen R.K.,Julkunen P,Jurvelin J.S.,Quinn T.M.,Kröger H,Töyräs J. 2010. Medical engineering and physics -
Effects of continuous combined hormone replacement therapy and clodronate on bone mineral density in osteoporotic postmenopausal women: A 5-year follow-up
Tuppurainen M, Härmä K, Komulainen M, Kiviniemi V, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Alhava E, Jurvelin J, Saarikoski S. 2010. Maturitas -
Effects of growth and exercise on composition, structural maturation and appearance of osteoarthritis in articular cartilage of hamsters
Julkunen P, Halmesmäki E, Iivarinen J, Rieppo L, Närhi T, Marjanen J, Rieppo J, Arokoski J, Brama P, Jurvelin J, Helminen H. 2010. Journal of anatomy -
Engineering of cartilage in recombinant human type II collagen gel in nude mouse model in vivo
Pulkkinen HJ, Tiitu V, Valonen P, Jurvelin JS, Lammi MJ & Kiviranta I. 2010. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Infrared spectroscopy indicates altered bone turnover and remodeling activity in renal osteodystrophy
Isaksson H, Turunen M, Rieppo L, Saarakkala S, Tamminen I, Rieppo J, Kröger H, Jurvelin J. 2010. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Quantitative evaluation of spontaneously and surgically repaired rabbit articular cartilage using intra-articular ultrasound method in situ
Virén T, Saarakkala S, Jurvelin JS, Pulkkinen HJ, Tiitu V, Valonen P, Kiviranta I, Lammi MJ & Töyräs J. 2010. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
The structure and regenerative capacity of synovial joint tissues (In: Regenerative medicine and biomaterials for the repair of connective tissues)
Säämänen A-M, Arokoski J, Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I. 2010. Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC -
Assessment of interstitial water content of articular cartilage with T1 relaxation
Berberat JE, Nissi MJ, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT. 2009. Magnetic resonance imaging -
Associations of genetic lactase non-persistence and sex with bone loss in young adulthood
Laaksonen MML, Impivaara O, Sievänen H, Viikari JSA, Lehtimäki TJ, Lamberg-Allardt CJE, Kärkkäinen MUM, Välimäki M, Heikkinen J, Kröger LM, Kröger HPJ, Jurvelin JS, Kähönen MAP, Raitakari OT, the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study Group. 2009. Bone -
Changes in spatial collagen content andcollagen network architecture in porcine articular cartilage duirng growth and maturation
Rieppo J, Hyttinen MM, Halmesmaki E, Ruotsalainen H, Vasara A, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2009. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Comparison of single-phase isotropic elastic and fibril-reinforced poroelastic models for indentation of rabbit articular cartilage
Julkunen P, Harjula T, Marjanen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2009. Journal of biomechanics -
Composition of the pericellular matrix modulates the deformation behaviour of chondrocytes in articular cartilage under static loading
Julkunen P, Wilson W, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2009. Medical and biological engineering and computing -
Contrast agent-enhanced computed tomography of articular cartilage: association with tissue composition and properties
Silvast TS, Jurvelin JS, Aula AS, Lammi MJ, Töyräs J. 2009. Acta radiologica -
Diffusion and near-equilibrium distribution of MRI and CT contrast agents in articular cartilage
Silvast TS, Kokkonen HT, Jurvelin JS, Quinn TM, Nieminen MT, Töyräs J. 2009. Physics in medicine and biology -
Effect of bone marrow on acoustic properties of trabecular bone - 3D finite difference modelling study
Aula AS, Töyräs J, Hakulinen MA, Jurvelin JS. 2009. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Effects of ultrasound beam angle and surface roughness on the quantitative ultrasound parameters of articular cartilage
Kaleva E, Saarakkala S, Jurvelin JS, Viren T, Töyräs J. 2009. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Effects of ultrasound frequency, temporal sampling frequency, and spatial sampling step on the quantitative ultrasound parameters of articular cartilage
Kaleva E, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Viren T, Saarakkala S. 2009. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control -
Long-term voluntary exercise of male mice induces more beneficial effects on cancellous and cortical bone than on the collagenous matrix
Isaksson H, Tolvanen V, Finnilä MAJ, Iivarinen J, Turunen A, Silvast TS, Tuukkanen J, Seppänen K, Arokoski JPA, Brama PA, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2009. Experimental gerontology -
Minimally invasive ultrasound method for intra-articular diagnostics of cartilage degeneration
Viren T, Saarakkala S, Kaleva E, Nieminen HJ, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2009. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Physical exercise improves properties of bone and its collagen network in growing and maturing mice
Isaksson H, Tolvanen V, Finnilä MAJ, Iivarinen J, Tuukkanen J, Seppänen K, Arokoski JPA, Brama PA, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2009. Calcified tissue international -
Physical tests for patient selection for bone mineral density measurements in postmenopausal women
Kärkkäinen M, Rikkonen T, Kröger H, Sirola J, Tuppurainen M, Salovaara K, Arokoski J, Jurvelin J, Honkanen R, Alhava E. 2009. Bone -
Simultaneous computed tomography of articular cartilage and subchondral bone
Aula AS, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2009. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Sister's fracture history may be associated with perimenopausal bone fragility and modifies the predictability of fracture risk
Sirola J, Salovaara K, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Alhava E, Kröger H. 2009. Osteoporosis international -
Skin extensibility and consistency in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and benign joint hypermobility syndrome
Remvig L, Duhn PH, Ullman S, Kobayasi T, Hansen B, Juul-Kristensen B, Jurvelin JS, Arokoski J. 2009. Scandinavian journal of rheumatology -
Strain-dependent modulation of ultrasound speed in articular cartilage under dynamic compression
Lötjönen P, Julkunen P, Töyräs J, Lammi MJ, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen HJ. 2009. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Ultrasound backscatter imaging provides frequency-dependent information on structure, composition and mechanical properties of human trabecular bone
Karjalainen JP, Töyräs J, Riekkinen O, Hakulinen M, Jurvelin JS. 2009. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
pQCT study on diffusion and equilibrium distribution of iodinated anionic contrast agent in human articular cartilage - associations to matrix composition and integrity
Silvast TS, Jurvelin JS, Lammi MJ, Töyräs J. 2009. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Association between functional capacity tests and fractures: an eight-year prospective population-based cohort study
Kärkkäinen M, Rikkonen T, Kröger H, Sirola J, Tuppurainen M, Salovaara K, Arokoski J, Jurvelin J, Honkanen R, Alhava E. 2008. Osteoporosis international -
Dual-frequency ultrasound - new pulse-echo technique for bone densitometry
Riekkinen O, Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Dual-frequency ultrasound technique minimizes errors induced by soft tissue in ultrasound bone densitometry
Karjalainen J, Töyräs J, Rikkonen T, Jurvelin JS, Riekkinen O. 2008. Acta radiologica -
Fluid pressure driven fibril reinforcement in creep and relaxation tests of articular cartilage
LI LP, Korhonen RK, IIvarinen J, Jurvelin JS, Herzog W. 2008. Medical engineering and physics -
Fysikaaliset ja kemialliset menetelmät nivelrikon varhaisessa osoittamisessa
Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT, Töyräs J, Risteli J, Laasanen MS, Konttinen YT, Kiviranta I. 2008. Duodecim -
Grip strength may facilitate fracture prediction in perimenopausal women with normal BMD: a 15-year population-based study
Sirola J, Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Alhava E, Kröger H. 2008. Calcified tissue international -
In-vitro comparison of time-domain, frequency-domain and wavelet ultrasound parameters in diagnostics of cartilage degeneration
Kaleva E, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Nieminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Indentation diagnostics of cartilage degeneration
Kiviranta P, Lammentausta E, Töyräs J, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Mechanical characterization of articular cartilage by combining magnetic resonance imaging and finite-element analysis - a potential functional imaging technique
Julkunen P, Korhonen RK, Nissi MJ, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Physics in medicine and biology -
Practical considerations in the use of polarized light microscopy in the analysis of the collagen network in articular cartilage
Rieppo J, Hallikainen J, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I, Helminen HJ, Hyttinen MM. 2008. Microscopy research and technique -
Recent developments and future prospects in bone ultrasound diagnostics
Karjalainen J, Riekkinen O, Töyräs J, Jurvelin J, Kröger H. 2008. Touch Briefings -
Stress-relaxation of human patellar articular cartilage in unconfined compression: prediction of mechanical response by tissue composition and structure
Julkunen P, Wilson W, Jurvelin JS, Rieppo J, Qu C-J, Lammi MJ, Korhonen RK. 2008. Journal of biomechanics -
T2, Carr-Purcell T2 and T1rho of fat and water as surrogate markers of trabecular bone structure
Lammentausta E, Silvast TS, Närväinen J, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT, Gröhn OHJ. 2008. Physics in medicine and biology -
The zonal architecture of human articular cartilage described by T2 relaxation time in the presence of Gd-DTPA2-
Kurkijärvi JE, Nissi MJ, Rieppo J, Töyräs J, Kiviranta I, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Magnetic resonance imaging -
Ultrasonic assessment of cortical bone thickness In Vitro and In Vivo
Karjalainen J, Riekkinen O, Töyräs J, Kröger H, Jurvelin J. 2008. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control -
Uncertainties in indentation testing of articular cartilage: a fibril-reinforced poroviscoelastic study
Julkunen P, Korhonen RK, Herzog W, Jurvelin JS. 2008. Medical engineering and physics -
Acoustic properties of trabecular bone-relationships to tissue composition
Riekkinen O, Hakulinen MA, Lammi MJ, Jurvelin JS, Kallioniemi A, Töyräs J. 2007. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Characterization of articular cartilage by combining microscopic analysis with a fibril-reinforced finite-element model
Julkunen P, Kiviranta P, Wilson W, Jurvelin JS, Korhonen RK. 2007. Journal of biomechanics -
Comparison of novel clinically applicable methodology for sensitive diagnostics of cartilage degeneration
Kiviranta P, Töyräs J, Nieminen MT, Laasanen MS, Saarakkala S, Nieminen HJ, Nissi MJ, Jurvelin J. 2007. European cells and materials -
Contrast agent enhanced pQCT of articular cartilage
Kallioniemi AS, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT, Lammi MJ, Töyräs J. 2007. Physics in medicine and biology -
Determinants of changes in bone density: a 5-year follow-up study of adult male monozygotic twings
Videman T, Battié MC, Ripatti S, Jurvelin JS, Vanninen E, Kaprio J. 2007. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Effect of human trabecular bone composition on its electrical properties
Sierpowska J, Lammi MJ, Hakulinen MA, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R, Töyräs J. 2007. Medical engineering and physics -
Estimation of mechanical properties of articular cartilage with MRI - dGEMRIC, T2 and T1 imaging in different species with variable stages of maturation
Nissi MJ, Rieppo J, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Kiviranta I, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS. 2007. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Evaluation of cartilage repair in the distal femur after autologous chondrocyte transplantation using T2 relaxation time and dGEMRIC
Kurkijärvi JE, Mattila L, Ojala RO, Vasara AI, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I, Nieminen MT. 2007. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Human articular cartilage proteoglycans are not undesulfated in osteoarthritis
Qu CJ, Rieppo J, Hyttinen MM, Lammi MJ, Kiviranta I, Kurkijärvi J, Jurvelin J, Töyräs J. 2007. Connective tissue research -
Is discordance in bone measurements affected by body composition or anthropometry? A comparative study between peripheral and central devices
Saarelainen J, Rikkonen T, Honkanen R, Kröger H, Tuppurainen M, Niskanen L, Jurvelin JS. 2007. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Quantitative MRI of parallel changes of articular cartilage and underlying trabecular bone in degeneration
Lammentausta E, Kiviranta P, Töyräs, Hyttinen MM, Kiviranta I, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS. 2007. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Quantitative information from ultrasound evaluation of articular cartilage should be interpreted with care
Saarakkala S, Jurvelin JS, Zheng YP, Nieminen HJ, Töyräs J. 2007. Arthroscopy-the journal of arthroscopic and related surgery -
Reproducibility of loading measurements with skin-mounted accelerometers during walking
Liikavainio T, Bragge T, Hakkarainen M, Jurvelin JS, Karjalainen PA, Arokoski JP. 2007. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation -
Spatial variation of acoustic properties is related with mechanical properties of trabecular bone
Riekkinen O, Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2007. Physics in medicine and biology -
Ultrasound speed in articular cartilage under mechanical compression
Nieminen HJ, Julkunen P, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2007. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Acoustic properties articular cartilage under mechanical stress
Nieminen HJ, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Biorheology -
Association of grip strength change with menopausal bone loss and related fractures: A population-based follow-up study
Sirola J, Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Kröger H. 2006. Calcified tissue international -
Collagen network of articular cartilage modulates fluid flow and mechanical stresses in chondrocyte
Korhonen RK, Julkunen P, Rieppo J, Lappalainen R, Konttinen YT, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology -
Collagen network primarily controls Poisson's ratio of bovine articular cartilage in compression
Kiviranta P, Rieppo J, Korhonen RK, Julkunen P, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Distance of walking in childhood and femoral bne density in perimenopausal women
Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Kröger H, Jurvelin J, Honkanen R, Kröger H. 2006. European journal of applied physiology -
Fracture risk and bone density of peri- and early postmenopausal women with uterine leiomyomas
Randell KM, Honkanen RJ, Tuppurainen MT, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Saarikoski S, Kröger H. 2006. Maturitas -
Immature porcine knee cartilage lesions show good healing with or without autologous chondrocyte transplantation
Vasara AI, Hyttinen MM, Pulliainen O, Lammi MJ, Jurvelin JS, Peterson L, Lindahl A, Helminen HJ, Kiviranta I. 2006. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
In situ and ex vivo evaluation of an arthroscopic indentation instrument to estimate the health status of articular cartilage in the equine metacarpophalangeal joint
Brommer H, Laasanen MS, Brama PA, van Weeren PR, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Veterinary surgery -
Influence of overlying soft tissues on trabecular bone acoustic measurement at various ultrasound frequencies
Riekkinen O, Hakulinen MA, Timonen M, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Interrelationships between electrical proberties and microstructure of human trabecular bone
Sierpowska J, Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Day JS, Weinans H, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R. 2006. Physics in medicine and biology -
Maintenance of muscle strength may counteract weight-loss-related postmenopausal bone loss - a population based approach
Sirola J, Rikkonen T, Tuppurainen M, Honkanen R, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2006. Osteoporosis international -
Prediction of mechanical properties of trabecular bone using quantitative MRI
Lammentausta E, Hakulinen MA, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT. 2006. Physics in medicine and biology -
Quantitative ultrasound imaging detects degenerative changes in articulas cartilage surface and subchondral bone
Saarakkala S, Laasanen MS, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2006. Physics in medicine and biology -
Quantitative ultrasound imaging of spontaneous repair of porcine cartilage
Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Vasara A, Saarakkala S, Hyttinen MM, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Simultaneous application of differential servo-oscillometry and volume-clam plethysmography for continuous non-invasive recording of the finger blood pressure response to a hand postural change
Raamat R, Talts J, Jagomägi K, Kivastik J, Länsimies E, Jurvelin J. 2006. Journal of medical engineering and technology -
T2 relaxation time and delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) of human patellar cartilage at 1.5 T and 9.4 T: relationships with tissue mechanical properties
Lammentausta E, Kiviranta P, Nissi MJ, Laasanen MS, Kiviranta I, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS. 2006. Journal of orthopaedic research -
T2 relaxation time mapping reveals age- and species-related diversity of collagen network architecture in articular cartilage
Nissi MJ, Rieppo J, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT. 2006. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Ultrasonic characterization of human trabecular bone microstructure
Hakulinen MA, Day JS, Töyräs J, Weinans H, Jurvelin JS, Hakulinen MA. 2006. Physics in medicine and biology -
Ultrasound stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in bovine primary chondrocytes
Kopakkala-Tani M, Leskinen JJ, Karjalainen HM, Karjalainen T, Hynynen K, Töyräs J, Jurvelin JS, Lammi MJ. 2006. Biorheology -
Abnormal response to physical activity in femurs after heterozygous inactivation of one allele of the Col2al1 gene for type II collagen in mice
Nieminen J, Sahlman J, Hirvonen T, Jämsä T, Tuukkanen J, Kovanen V, Kröger H, Jurvelin J, Arita M, Li SW, Prockop DJ, Hyttinen MM, Helminen HJ, Lapveteläinen T, Puustjärvi K. 2005. Calcified tissue international -
Aineen ja energian vuorovaikutukset
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Arthroscopic cartilage indentation and cartilage lesions of anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees
Vasara AI, Jurvelin JS, Peterson L, Kiviranta I. 2005. American journal of sports medicine -
Associations between grip strength change and axial postmenopausal bone loss-a 10-year population-based follow-up study
Sirola J, Tuppurainen M, Honkanen R, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Kröger H. 2005. Osteoporosis international -
Bone mineral density, body height, and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in middle-aged men
Remes T, Väisänen SB, Mahonen A, Huuskonen J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Rauramaa R. 2005. Annals of medicine -
Can mechanical myotonometry or electromyography be used for the prediction of intramuscular pressure?
Korhonen RK, Vain A, Vanninen E, Viir R, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Physiological measurement -
Cross-calibration of lunar DPX-IQ and DPX dual-energy X-ray densitometers for bone mineral measurements in women
Saarelainen J, Honkanen R, Vanninen E, Kröger H, Tuppurainen M, Niskanen L, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Digitaalinen röntgenosasto
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Feasibility of the use of a novel soft tissue stiffness meter
Arokoski JPA, Surakka J, Ojala T, Kolari P, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Physiological measurement -
Functional adaptation of articular cartilage from birth to maturity under the influence of loading: a biomechanical analysis
Brommer H, Brama PAJ, Laasanen MS, Helminen HJ, van Weeren PR, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Equine veterinary journal -
Functional consequences of cartilage degeneration in the equine metacarpophalangeal joint: quantitative assesment of cartilage stiffness
Brommer H, Laasanen MS, Brama PAJ, van Weeren PR, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Equine veterinary journal -
High bone mineral density among perimenopausal women
Pesonen J, Sirola J, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin J, Alhava E, Honkanen R, Kröger H, Kröger H. 2005. Osteoporosis international -
Improvement of arthroscopic cartilage stiffness probe using amorphous diamond coating
Töyräs J, Korhonen RK, Voutilainen T, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R. 2005. Journal of biomedical materials research part b: applied biomaterials -
Increased bone mineral content but not bone mineral density in the hip in surgically treated knee and hip osteoarthritis
Sandini L, Arokoski JPA, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H, Kröger H. 2005. Journal of rheumatology -
Indentation stiffness of repair tissue after autologous chondrocyte transplantation
Vasara AI, Nieminen MT, Jurvelin JS, Peterson L, Lindahl A, Kiviranta I. 2005. Clinical orthopaedics and related research -
Influence of age, site, and degenerative state on the speed of sound in equine articular cartilage
Brommer H, Laasanen MS, Brama PAJ, van Weeren PR, Barneveld A, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2005. American journal of veterinary research -
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Lääketieteellinen kuvankäsittely
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Jurvelin JS, Nieminen M. 2005. WSOY -
Prediction of density and mechanical properties of human trabecular bone in vitro by using ultrasound transmission and backscattering measurements at 0.2-6.7 MHz frequency range
Hakulinen MA, Day JS, Töyräs J, Timonen M, Kröger H, Weinans H, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2005. Physics in medicine and biology -
Prediction of mechanical properties of human trabecular bone by electrical measurements
Sierpowska J, Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Day JS, Weinans H, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R. 2005. Physiological measurement -
Radiologiset kuvantamismenetelmät
Jurvelin J. 2005. WSOY -
Radiologiset kuvantamismenetelmät
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Recording of dynamic arterial compliance changes during hand elevation
Jagomägi K, Raamat R, Talts J, Ragun U, Länsimies E, Jurvelin J. 2005. Clinical physiology and functional imaging -
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Site-specific ultrasound reflection properties and superficial collagen content of bovine knee articular cartilage
Laasanen MS, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Physics in medicine and biology -
The role of viscoelasticity of collagen fibers in articular cartilage: axial tension versus compression
Li LP, Herzog W, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS. 2005. Medical engineering and physics -
Jurvelin JS. 2005. WSOY -
Ability of ultrasound backscattering to predict mechanical properties of bovine trabecular bone
Hakulinen MA, Töyräs J, Saarakkala S, Hirvonen J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2004. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Bone mineral density in the proximal femur and contralateral knee after total knee arthroplasty
Soininvaara TA, Miettinen HJA, Jurvelin JS, Alhava EM, Kröger HPJ, Kröger HPJ. 2004. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Calcaneal ultrasound predicts early postmenopausal fractures as well as axial BMD. A prospective study of 422 women
Huopio J, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Jurvelin J, Saarikoski S, Alhava E, Kröger H. 2004. Osteoporosis international -
Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 characteristics of human knee articular cartilage: Topographical variation and relationships to mechanical properties
Kurkijärvi JE, Nissi MJ, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT. 2004. Magnetic resonance in medicine -
Effect of radiosynovectomy with Holmium-166 ferric hydroxide macroaggregate on adult equine cartilage
Mäkelä OT, Lammi MJ, Uusitalo H, Viitanen M, Hyttinen MM, Jurvelin JS, Vuorio E, Helminen HJ, Tulamo R-M. 2004. Journal of rheumatology -
Estimation of femoral head bone density using magnetic resonance imaging
Arokoski JPA, Arokoski MH, Vainio P, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Kröger H. 2004. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Leucine7 to proline7 polymorphism in prepro-NPY gene and femoral neck bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
Heikkinen A-M, Niskanen LK, Salmi JA, Koulu M, Pesonen U, Uusitupa MIJ, Komulainen MH, Tuppurainen MT, Kröger H, Jurvelin J, Saarikoski S, Kröger H. 2004. Bone -
Mechano-acoustic determination of Young's moduls of articular cartilage
Saarakkala S, Korhonen RK, Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Jurvelin JS. 2004. Biorheology -
Periprosthetic femoral bone loss after total knee arhtroplasty: 1-year follow-up study of 69 patients
Soininvaara TA, Miettinen HJA, Jurvelin JS, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM, Kröger HPJ, Kröger H. 2004. Knee -
Periprosthetic tibial bone mineral density changes after total knee arthroplasty
Soininvaara TA, Miettinen HJA, Jurvelin JS, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM, Kröger HPJ, Kröger HPJ. 2004. Acta orthopaedica -
Prediction of biomechanical properties of articular cartilage with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging
Nieminen MT, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Silvennoinen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2004. Journal of biomechanics -
Proteoglycan and collagen sensitive MRI evaluation of normal and degenerated articular cartilage
Nissi MJ, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Rieppo J, Saarakkala S, Lappalainen R, Jurvelin JS, Nieminen MT. 2004. Journal of orthopaedic research -
Reference sample method reduces the error caused by variable cryosection thickness in Fourier transform infrared imaging
Rieppo J, Hyttinen MM, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2004. Applied spectroscopy -
The association of bone metabolism with bone mineral density, serum sex hormone concentrations, and regular exercise in middle-aged men
Remes T, Väisänen SB, Mahonen A, Huuskonen J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Penttilä IM, Rauramaa R, Kröger H. 2004. Bone -
Ultrasonic quantitation of superficial degradation of articular cartilage
Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Hirvonen J, Laasanen MS, Lappalainen R, Jurvelin JS. 2004. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Ultrasound attenuation in normal and spontaneously degenerated articular cartilage
Nieminen HJ, Saarakkala S, Laasanen MS, Hirvonen J, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2004. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Undersulfated chondroitin sulfate does not increase in osteoarthritic cartilage
Lammi MJ, Qu C-J, Laasanen MS, Saarakkala S, Rieppo J, Jurvelin JS, Töyräs J. 2004. Journal of rheumatology -
Aerobic exercise and bone mineral density in middle-aged Finnish men: a controlled randomized trial with reference to androgen receptor, aromatase, and estrogen receptor alfa gene polymorphisms
Remes T, Väisänen SB, Mahonen A, Huuskonen J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Penttilä IM, Rauramaa R. 2003. Bone -
Biomechanical properties of knee articular cartilage
Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Korhonen RK, Rieppo J, Saarakkala S, Nieminen MT, Hirvonen J, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Biorheology -
Dual energy x-ray laser measurement of calcaneal bone mineral density
Hakulinen MA, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Physics in medicine and biology -
Effect of deep breathing test on finger blood pressure
Jagomägi K, Raamat R, Talts J, Länsimies E, Jurvelin J. 2003. Blood pressure monitoring -
Electrical and dielectric properties of bovine trabecular bone - relationship with mechanical properties and mineral density
Sierpowska J, Töyräs J, Hakulinen MA, Saarakkala S, Jurvelin JS, Lappalainen R. 2003. Physics in medicine and biology -
Experimental and numerical validation for the novel configuration of an arthroscopic indentation instrument
Korhonen RK, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Physics in medicine and biology -
Factors affecting bone loss around menopause in women with HRT: a prospective study
Sirola J, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Jurvelin JS, Sandini L, Tuppurainen MT, Saarikoski S, Kröger H. 2003. Maturitas -
Fibril reinforced poroelastic model predicts specifically mechanical behavior of normal, proteoglycan depleted and collagen degraded articular cartilage
Korhonen RK, Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Lappalainen R, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Journal of biomechanics -
Interaction of nutritional calcium and HRT in prevention of postmenopausal bone loss: a prospective study
Sirola J, Kröger H, Sandini L, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Saarikoski S, Honkanen R, Kröger H. 2003. Calcified tissue international -
Kinetics of a US contrast agent in benign and malignant adnexal tumors
Ordén MR, Jurvelin JS, Kirkinen PP. 2003. Radiology -
Lihasaitiopaineen mittaus
Jurvelin J, Mussalo H. 2003. Duodecim -
Luuston mineraalitiheyden mittaus
Jurvelin J, Kröger H. 2003. Duodecim -
Mechanical anisotropy of the human knee articular cartilage in compression
Jurvelin JS, Buschmann MD, Hunziker EB. 2003. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part h: journal of engineering in medicine -
Mechano-acoustic diagnosis of cartilage degeneration and repair
Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Vasara AI, Hyttinen MM, Saarakkala S, Hirvonen J, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I. 2003. JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY (AM) SUPPLEMENT -
Periprosthetic bone loss after cemented total hip arthroplasty
Venesmaa PK, Kröger HPJ, Jurvelin JS, Miettinen HJA, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM. 2003. Acta orthopaedica -
Portapres and differential oscillometric finger blood pressure changes during deep breathing test in the assessment of BRS index
Jagomägi K, Raamat R, Talts J, Länsimies E, Jurvelin J. 2003. Clinical physiology and functional imaging -
Risk factors associated with peri- and postmenopausal bone loss: does HRT prevent weight loss-related bone loss?
Sirola J, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Sandini L, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Saarikoski S. 2003. Osteoporosis international -
Smoking may impair the bone protective effects of nutritional calcium: a population-based approach
Sirola J, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Sandini L, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Saarikoski S. 2003. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Speed of sound in normal and degenerated bovine articular cartilage
Töyräs J, Laasanen MS, Saarakkala S, Lammi MJ, Rieppo J, Kurkijärvi J, Lappalainen R, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Structure-function relationships in enzymatically modified articular cartilage
Rieppo J, Töyräs J, Nieminen MT, Kovanen V, Hyttinen MM, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2003. Cells tissues organs -
Ultrasound indentation of bovine knee articular cartilage in situ
Laasanen MS, Saarakkala S, Töyräs J, Hirvonen J, Rieppo J, Korhonen RK, Jurvelin JS. 2003. Journal of biomechanics -
Ultrasound indentation of normal and spontaneously degenerated bovine articular cartilage
Saarakkala S, Laasanen MS, Jurvelin JS, Törrönen K, Lammi MJ, Lappalainen R, Töyräs J. 2003. Osteoarthritis and cartilage -
Bone mineral density, ultrasound velocity, and broadband attenuation predict mechanical properties of trabecular bone differently
Töyräs J, Nieminen MT, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Bone -
Comparison of DXA and MRI methods for interpreting femoral neck bone mineral density
Arokoski MH, Arokoski JPA, Vainio P, Niemitukia LH, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Journal of clinical densitometry -
Comparison of the equilibrium response of articular cartilage in unconfined compression, confined compression and indentation
Korhonen RK, Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Hirvonen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Journal of biomechanics -
Effect of alendronate on periprosthetic bone loss after total knee arthrosplasty: A one-year, randomized controlled trial of 19 patients
Soininvaara TA, Jurvelin JS, Miettinen HJA, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM, Kröger PJ. 2002. Calcified tissue international -
Importance of the superficial tissue layer for the indentation stiffness of articular cartilage
Korhonen RK, Wong M, Arokoski J, Lindgren R, Helminen HJ, Hunziker EB, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Medical engineering and physics -
Increased bone mineral content and bone size in the femoral neck of men with hip osteoarthritis
Arokoski JPA, Arokoski MH, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ, Niemitukia LH, Kröger H. 2002. Annals of the rheumatic diseases -
Lumbar bone mineral content and density measured using a Lunar DPX densitometer in healthy full-term infants during the first year of life
Kurl S, Heinonen K, Jurvelin JS, Länsimies E. 2002. Clinical physiology and functional imaging -
Novel mechano-acoustic technigue and instrument for diagnosis of cartilage degeneration
Laasanen MS, Töyräs J, Hirvonen J, Saarakkala S, Korhonen RK, Nieminen MT, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Physiological measurement -
Real-time ultrasound analysis of articular cartilage degradation in vitro
Nieminen HJ, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Nieminen MT, Hirvonen J, Korhonen R, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Ultrasound in medicine and biology -
Relation of sex hormones to bone mineral density in middle-aged men during a 4 year exercise intervention trial
Huuskonen J, Väisänen SB, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Penttilä I, Alhava E, Rauramaa R. 2002. Bone -
Relation of statin use and bone loss: a prospective population-based cohort study in early postmenopausal women
Sirola J, Honkanen R, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Mäenpää P, Saarikoski S. 2002. Osteoporosis international -
Spatial assessment of articular cartilage proteoglycans with Gd-DTPA-enhanced T1 imaging
Nieminen MT, Rieppo J, Silvennoinen J, Töyräs J, Hakumäki JM, Hyttinen MM, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Magnetic resonance in medicine -
Ultrasonic characterization of articular cartilage
Töyräs J, Nieminen HJ, Laasanen MS, Nieminen MT, Korhonen RK, Rieppo J, Hirvonen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2002. Biorheology -
Alendronate reduces periprosthetic bone loss after uncemented primary total hip arthroplasty: A prospective randomized study
Venesmaa PK, Kröger HPJ, Miettinen HJA, Jurvelin JS, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM. 2001. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Biphasic poroviscoelastic simulation of the unconfined compression of articular cartilage: I-simultaneous prediction of reaction force and lateral displacement
DiSilvestro MR, Wong M, Jurvelin JS, Suh J-KF. 2001. Journal of biomechanical engineering: transactions of the ASME -
Continuous mean arterial pressure measurement in the fingers: the influence of local arm cooling
Raamat R, Jagomägi K, Talts J, Länsimies E, Jurvelin J, Kolari P. 2001. Medical and biological engineering and computing -
Development of arthroscopic indentation technique for the diagnosis of cartilage degeneration
Lyyra-Laitinen T, Töyräs J, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2001. CSC - Scientific Computing -
Estimation of the Young's modulus of articular cartilage using an arthroscopic indentation instrument and ultrasonic measurement of tissue thickness
Töyräs J, Lyyra-Laitinen T, Niinimäki M, Lindgren R, Nieminen MT, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 2001. Journal of biomechanics -
Inactivation of one allele of the type II collagen gene alters the collagen network in murine articular cartilage and makes cartilage softer
Hyttinen MM, Töyräs J, Lapveteläinen T, Lindblom J, Prockop DJ, Li S-W, Arita M, Jurvelin JS, Helminen HJ. 2001. Annals of the rheumatic diseases -
Leisure-time physical activity and rate of bone loss among peri- and postmenopausal women: a longitudinal study
Puntila E, Kröger H, Lakka T, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin J, Honkanen R. 2001. Bone -
Monitoring of periprosthetic BMD after uncemented total hip arthroplasty with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry - a 3-year follow-up study
Venesmaa PK, Kröger HPJ, Miettinen HJA, Jurvelin JS, Suomalainen OT, Alhava EM. 2001. Journal of bone and mineral research -
Nivelrikon etiopatogeneesi
Arokoski JPA, Lammi MJ, Hyttinen MM, Kiviranta I, Parkkinen JJ, Jurvelin JS, Tammi MI, Helminen HJ. 2001. Duodecim -
Regular physical exercise and bone mineral density: a four-year controlled randomized trial in middle-aged men. The DNASCO study
Huuskonen J, Väisänen SB, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Alhava E, Rauramaa R. 2001. Osteoporosis international -
T2 Relaxation reveals spatial collagen architecture in articular cartilage: a comparative quantitative MRI and polarized light microscopic study
Nieminen MT, Rieppo J, Töyräs J, Hakumäki JM, Silvennoinen J, Hyttinen MM, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2001. Magnetic resonance in medicine -
Bone loss around failed femoral implant measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Venesmaa P, Kröger H, Miettinen H, Jurvelin J, Suomalainen O, Alhava E. 2000. Journal of orthopaedic science -
Determinants of bone mineral density in middle aged men: a population-based study
Huuskonen J, Väisänen SB, Kröger H, Jurvelin C, Bouchard C, Alhava E, Rauramaa R. 2000. Osteoporosis international -
Incomplete restoration of immobilization induced softening of young beagle knee articular cartilage after 50-week remobilization
Haapala J, Arokoski J, Pirttimäki J, Lyyra T, Jurvelin J, Tammi M, Helminen HJ, Kiviranta I. 2000. International journal of sports medicine -
Measurement of bone density around total knee arthroplasty using fan-beam dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
Soininvaara T, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Miettinen H, Suomalainen O, Alhava E. 2000. Calcified tissue international -
Miten nivel kuormittuu? Laskennalliset menetelmät tuki- ja liikuntaelinten biomekaniikan tutkimuksessa
Normal and pathological adaptations of articular cartilage to joint loading
Arokoski JPA, Jurvelin JS, Väätäinen U, Helminen HJ. 2000. Scandinavian journal of medicine and science in sports -
Quantitative MR microscopy of enzymatically degraded articular cartilage
Nieminen MT, Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Hakumäki JM, Silvennoinen J, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 2000. Magnetic resonance in medicine -
Regular joint loading in youth assists in the establishment and strengthening of the collagen network of articular cartilage and contributes to the prevention of osteoarthritis later in life: a hypothesis
Helminen HJ, Hyttinen MM, Lammi MJ, Arokoski JPA, Lapveteläinen T, Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I, Tammi MI. 2000. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism -
Rustosolusiirteet nivelvaurion hoidossa, 14 potilaan yksivuotistulokset
Kiviranta I, Vasara A, Lindahl A, Peterson L, Vuorenmaa M, Jurvelin J. 2000. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia -
Topographical variation of the elastic properties of articular cartilage in the canine knee
Jurvelin JS, Arokoski JPA, Hunziker EB, Helminen HJ. 2000. Journal of biomechanics -
Volumetric changes of articular cartilage during stress relaxation in unconfined compression
Wong M, Ponticiello M, Kovanen V, Jurvelin JS. 2000. Journal of biomechanics -
Biomechanical and structural characteristics of canine femoral and tibial cartilage
Arokoski JP, Hyttinen MM, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 1999. Journal of biomedical materials research part b: applied biomaterials -
Bone properties as estimated by mineral density, ultrasound attenuation, and velocity
Töyräs J, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS. 1999. Bone -
Bone recovery after a gluten-free diet: a 5-year follow-up study
Kemppainen T, Kröger H, Janatuinen E, Arnala I, Lamberg-Allardt C, Kärkkäinen M, Kosma V-M, Julkunen R, Jurvelin J, Alhava E, Uusitupa M. 1999. Bone -
Characterization of enzymatically induced degradation of articular cartilage using high frequency ultrasound
Töyräs J, Rieppo J, Nieminen MT, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 1999. Physics in medicine and biology -
Experimental validation of arthroscopic cartilage stiffness measurement using enzymatically degraded cartilage samples
Lyyra T , Arokoski JP, Oksala N, Vihko A, Hyttinen M, Jurvelin JS, Kiviranta I. 1999. Physics in medicine and biology -
Impaired development of bone mineral density during chemotherapy: a prospective analysis of 46 children newly diagnosed with cancer
Arikoski P, Komulainen J, Riikonen P, Parviainen M, Jurvelin JS, Voutilainen R, Kröger H. 1999. Journal of bone and mineral research -
In vivo characterization of indentation stiffness of articular cartilage in the normal human knee
Lyyra T, Kiviranta I, Väätäinen U, Helminen HJ, Jurvelin JS. 1999. Journal of biomedical materials research part b: applied biomaterials -
Optimization of the arthroscopic indentation instrument for the measurement of thin cartilage stiffness
Lyyra-Laitinen T, Niinimäki M, Töyräs J, Lindgren R, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 1999. Physics in medicine and biology -
Osteoporosis in adult patients with celiac disease
Kemppainen T, Kröger H, Janatuinen E, Arnala I, Kosma V-M, Pikkarainen P, Julkunen R, Jurvelin J, Alhava E, Uusitupa M. 1999. Bone -
Prevention of femoral and lumbar bone loss with hormone replacement therapy and vitamin D3 in early postmenopausal women: a population-based 5-year randomized trial
Komulainen M, Kröger H, Tuppurainen MT, Heikkinen A-M, Alhava E, Honkanen R, Jurvelin J, Saarikoski S. 1999. Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism -
Reduced bone density at completion of chemotherapy for a malignancy
Arikoski P, Komulainen J, Riikonen P, Jurvelin JS, Voutilainen R, Kröger H. 1999. Archives of disease in childhood -
Bone density at the proximal femur after total hip arthroplasty
Kröger H, Venesmaa P, Jurvelin J, Miettinen H, Suomalainen O, Alhava E. 1998. Clinical orthopaedics and related research -
Confined compression of articular cartilage: Linearity in ramp and sinusoidal tests and the importance of interdigitation and imcomplete confinement
Buschmann MD, Soulhat J, Shirazi-Adl A, Jurvelin JS, Hunziker EB. 1998. Journal of biomechanics -
Does vitamin D strengthen the increase in femoral neck BMD in osteoporotic women treated with estrogen?
Tuppurainen MT, Komulainen M, Kröger H, Honkanen R, Jurvelin J, Puntila E, Heikkinen AM, Alhava E, Saarikoski S. 1998. Osteoporosis international -
Koiran polvinivelen nivelruston toipuminen immobilisaation jälkeisestä atrofiasta
Haapala J, Arokoski J, Hyttinen M, Lyyra T, Jurvelin J, Lammi M, Tammi M, Kovanen V, Helminen HJ, Kiviranta I. 1998. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia -
Polviproteesin viereisen luun tiheysmittauksien toistettavuus
Soininvaara T, Kröger H, Jurvelin JS, Miettinen H, Suomalainen O, Alhava E. 1998. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia -
Effects of mechanical loading and immobilization on the articular cartilage
Kiviranta I, Tammi M, Arokoski J, Jurvelin JS, Säämänen A-M, Parkkinen JJ, Lammi MJ, Hyttinen MM, Helminen HJ. 1997. BAILLIERE'S CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS -
Optical and mechanical determination of poisson's ratio of adult bovine humeral articular cartilage
Jurvelin JS, Buschman MD, Hunziker EB. 1997. Journal of biomechanics -
General-purpose signal analysis and processing tool for physiological signals
Sorsa H, Turjanmaa V, Jurvelin J, Korhonen I. 1996. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. SUPPLEMENT -
Numerical validitation of arthroscopic cartilage stiffness measurement using a finite element model
Lyyra T, Lindgren R, Kaipio J, Vauhkonen M, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin JS. 1996. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. SUPPLEMENT -
Structural inhomogeneity and biomechanical properties of articular cartilage
Jurvelin JS, Arokoski JPA, Mueller DJ, Helminen HJ, Hunziker EB. 1996. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. SUPPLEMENT -
Surface and subsurface morphology of bovine humeral articular cartilage as assessed by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy
Jurvelin JS, Müller DJ, Wong M, Studer D, Engel A, Hunziker EB. 1996. Journal of structural biology -
Comparison of optical, needle probe and ultrasonic techniques for the measurement of articular cartilage thickness
Jurvelin JS, Räsänen T, Kolmonen P, Lyyra T. 1995. Journal of biomechanics -
Indentation instrument for the measurement of cartilage stiffness under arthroscopic control
Lyyra T, Jurvelin J, Pitkänen P, Väätäinen U, Kiviranta I. 1995. Medical engineering and physics -
Ultrasound attenuation of the calcaneus in normal subjects and in patients with wrist fracture
Kröger H, Jurvelin J, Arnala I, Penttilä K, Rask A, Vainio P, Alhava E. 1995. Acta orthopaedica -
A Finnish multicentre quality assurance project in bone scintigraphy and brain SPET: a phantom study
Heikkinen J, Kuikka JT, Ahonen A, Jurvelin J, Hartikainen K, Kvist G. 1994. Nuclear medicine communications -
Effects of different irrigation liquids and times on articular cartilage: an experimental, biomechanical study
Jurvelin JS, Jurvelin JA, Kiviranta I, Klauser RJ. 1994. Arthroscopy-the journal of arthroscopic and related surgery -
Nivelruston jäykkyysmittaus rustodiagnostiikan apuna
Kiviranta I, Lyyra T, Väätäinen U, Seuri R, Vainio P, Jaroma H, Jurvelin J. 1994. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia -
Proteoglycan and collagen alterations in canine knee articular cartilage following 20 km daily running exercise for 15 weeks
Säämänen A-M, Kiviranta I, Jurvelin J, Helminen HJ, Tammi M. 1994. Connective tissue research -
Samarium-153-EDTMP in bone metastases
Ahonen A, Joensuu H, Hiltunen J, Hannelin M, Heikkilä J, Jakobsson M, Jurvelin J, Keiremo K, Kumpulainen E, Kulmala J, Larikka M, Nikula T, Romppainen ML, Vanaselja T, Vuorimäki O. 1994. -
Softening of the lateral condyle articular cartilage in the canine knee joint after long distance (up to 40 km/day) running training lasting one year
Arokoski J, Jurvelin J, Kiviranta I, Tammi M, Helminen HJ. 1994. International journal of sports medicine