Olli Salmensuu
Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtamisen laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta
[email protected] | 050 473 8966
7/7 kappaletta-
Essays on potato prices in developing countries : exploring potato potential as a time-tested tool for poverty alleviation and affordable welfare
Salmensuu, Olli. 2021. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in social sciences and business studies -
Macroeconomic trends and factors of production affecting potato producer prices in developing countries
Salmensuu, Olli. 2021. Journal of developing areas -
Potato importance for development focusing on prices
Salmensuu, Olli. 2021. Journal of risk and financial management -
Tutkielmia kehitysmaiden perunahinnoista
Salmensuu, Olli. 2021. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja -
Speculation in Delhi potato wholesale markets, 2007-2019: Causal connections of prices and arrival quantities
Salmensuu, Olli. 2020. Cogent economics and finance -
Potato price forecasts in Delhi retail from Bayesian regime switching
Salmensuu, Olli. 2018. Advances and applications in statistics -
A Potato Market Integration Analysis for India: Speculation in Delhi Slows Price Integration
Salmensuu, Olli. 2017. Review of market integration