Petteri Nieminen
Biolääketieteen yksikkö, Lääketieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta
[email protected] | 040 355 3037
180/180 kappaletta-
Pain and functional limitations in knee osteoarthritis are reflected in the fatty acid composition of plasma extracellular vesicles
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Julkunen, Petro; Säisänen, Laura; Karttunen, Lauri; Esrafilian, Amir; Reijonen, Jusa; Tollis, Sylvain; Käkelä, Reijo; Sihvo, Sanna P; Höglund, Nina; Niemelä, Tytti; Mykkänen, Anna; Mäki, Jussi; Kröger, Heikki; Arokoski, Jari; Nieminen, Petteri. 2025. Biochimica et biophysica acta: molecular and cell biology of lipids. 1870: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
An Automated and Robust Tool for Musculoskeletal and Finite Element Modeling of the Knee Joint
Esrafilian, Amir; Chandra, Shekhar S; Gatti, Anthony A; Nissi, Mikko; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Säisänen, Laura; Reijonen, Jusa; Nieminen, Petteri; Julkunen, Petro; Töyräs, Juha; Saxby, David J; Lloyd, David G; Korhonen, Rami K. 2024. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. 2025; 72: 56-69 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Hyaluronic Acid and Large Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) in Synovial Fluid and Plasma of Patients With End-Stage Arthritis: Positive Association of EVs to Joint Pain
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Capra, Janne; Oikari, Sanna; Säisänen, Laura; Karttunen, Lauri; Julkunen, Petro; Lehenkari, Petri; Joukainen, Antti; Jaroma, Antti; Paakkonen, Tommi; Kääriäinen, Tommi; Kröger, Heikki; Nieminen, Petteri. 2024. Cartilage. [Epub ahead of print 10 May 2024]: 1-12 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Increased secretion of adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles is associated with adipose tissue inflammation and the mobilization of excess lipid in human obesity
Matilainen, Johanna; Berg, Viivi; Vaittinen, Maija; Impola, Ulla; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Männistö, Ville; Malinen, Marjo; Luukkonen, Veera; Rosso, Natalia; Turunen, Tanja; Käkelä, Pirjo; Palmisano, Silvia; Arasu, Uma Thanigai; Sihvo, Sanna P.; Aaltonen, Niina; Härkönen, Kai; Caddeo, Andrea; Kaminska, Dorota; Pajukanta, Päivi; Kaikkonen, Minna U.; Tiribelli, Claudio; Käkelä, Reijo; Laitinen, Saara; Pihlajamäki, Jussi; Nieminen, Petteri; Rilla, Kirsi. 2024. Journal of translational medicine. 22: . 623 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Loss of collagen content is localized near cartilage lesions on the day of injurious loading and intensified on day 12
Hamada, Moustafa; Eskelinen, Atte SA; Florea, Cristina; Mikkonen, Santtu; Nieminen, Petteri; Grodzinsky, Alan J; Tanska, Petri; Korhonen, Rami K. 2024. Journal of orthopaedic research. 2025; 43: 70-83 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Osteological profiling of femoral diaphysis and neck in aquatic, semiaquatic, and terrestrial carnivores and rodents: effects of body size and locomotor habits
Nieminen, Petteri; Finnilä, Mikko A J; Hämälainen, Wilhelmiina; Lehtiniemi, Saara; Jämsa, Timo; Tuukkanen, Juha; Kunnasranta, Mervi; Henttonen, Heikki; Mustonen, Anne-Mari. 2024. Journal of comparative physiology B : biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology. 194: 473-492 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
RNA sequencing analysis reveals distinct gene expression patterns in infrapatellar fat pads of patients with end-stage osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Malinen, Marjo; Paakinaho, Ville; Lehenkari, Petri; Palosaari, Sanna; Kärjä, Vesa; Nieminen, Petteri. 2024. Biochimica et biophysica acta: molecular and cell biology of lipids. 2025; 1870: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Tetraspanin profiles of serum extracellular vesicles reflect functional limitations and pain perception in knee osteoarthritis
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Palviainen, Mari; Säisänen, Laura; Karttunen, Lauri; Tollis, Sylvain; Esrafilian, Amir; Reijonen, Jusa; Julkunen, Petro; Siljander, Pia R-M; Kröger, Heikki; Mäki, Jussi; Arokoski, Jari; Nieminen, Petteri. 2024. Arthritis research and therapy. 26: . 33 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The amount of hyaluronic acid and airway remodelling increase with the severity of inflammation in neutrophilic equine asthma
Höglund, Nina; Rossi, Heini; Javela, Hanna-Maaria; Oikari, Sanna; Nieminen, Petteri; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Airas, Niina; Kärjä, Vesa; Mykkänen, Anna. 2024. Bmc veterinary research. 20: . 273 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Dihomo-γ-Linolenic Acid (20:3n-6)—Metabolism, Derivatives, and Potential Significance in Chronic Inflammation
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Nieminen, Petteri. 2023. International journal of molecular sciences. 24: A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Equine osteoarthritis modifies fatty acid signatures in synovial fluid and its extracellular vesicles
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Lehmonen, Nina; Paakkonen, Tommi; Raekallio, Marja; Käkelä, Reijo; Niemelä, Tytti; Mykkänen, Anna; Sihvo, Sanna P; Nieminen, Petteri. 2023. Arthritis research and therapy. 25: . 39 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Fatty acid fingerprints in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and its extracellular vesicles reflect equine asthma severity
Höglund, Nina; Nieminen, Petteri; Mustonen, Anne Mari; Käkelä, Reijo; Tollis, Sylvain; Koho, Ninna; Holopainen, Minna; Ruhanen, Hanna; Mykkänen, Anna. 2023. Scientific reports. 13: . 9821 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Increased n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Indicate Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Lipid Modifications in Synovial Membranes with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Tollis, Sylvain; Käkelä, Reijo; Sihvo, Sanna P; Palosaari, Sanna; Pohjanen, Vesa-Matti; Yli-Hallila, Aaron; Lehenkari, Petri; Nieminen, Petteri. 2023. Inflammation. 46: 1396-1413 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Injury-related cell death and proteoglycan loss in articular cartilage: Numerical model combining necrosis, reactive oxygen species, and inflammatory cytokines
Kosonen, Joonas P.; Eskelinen, Atte S. A; Orozco, Gustavo A.; Nieminen, Petteri; Anderson, Donald D; Grodzinsky, Alan J; Korhonen, Rami K; Tanska, Petri. 2023. PLoS computational biology. 19: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Counts of hyaluronic acid-containing extracellular vesicles decrease in naturally occurring equine osteoarthritis
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Lehmonen, Nina; Oikari, Sanna; Capra, Janne; Raekallio, Marja; Mykkänen, Anna; Paakkonen, Tommi; Rilla, Kirsi; Niemelä, Tytti; Nieminen, Petteri. 2022. Scientific reports. 12: . 17550 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Cyclic loading regime considered beneficial does not protect injured and interleukin-1-inflamed cartilage from post-traumatic osteoarthritis
Eskelinen, Atte SA; Florea, Cristina; Tanska, Petri; Hung, Han-Hwa K.; Frank, Eliot H.; Mikkonen, Santtu; Nieminen, Petteri; Julkunen, Petro; Grodzinsky, Alan J.; Korhonen, Rami K.. 2022. Journal of biomechanics. 141: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Fatty Acid Fingerprints and Hyaluronic Acid in Extracellular Vesicles from Proliferating Human Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Paakkonen, Tommi; Matilainen, Johanna; Rilla, Kirsi; Käkelä, Reijo; Malinen, Marjo; Takabe, Piia; Oikari, Sanna; Capra, Janne; Sihvo, Sanna P; Ryökäs, Pauliina; Nieminen, Petteri. 2022. International journal of molecular sciences. 23: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles From the Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid of Healthy and Asthmatic Horses
Höglund, Nina; Koho, Ninna; Rossi, Heini; Karttunen, Jenni; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Nieminen, Petteri; Rilla, Kirsi; Oikari, Sanna; Mykkänen, Anna. 2022. Frontiers in veterinary science. 9: . 894189 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Metabolomics of Synovial Fluid and Infrapatellar Fat Pad in Patients with Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nieminen, Petteri; Hämäläinen, Wilhelmiina; Savinainen, Juha; Lehtonen, Marko; Lehtiniemi, Saara; Rinta-Paavola, Juho; Lehenkari, Petri; Kääriäinen, Tommi; Joukainen, Antti; Kröger, Heikki; Paakkonen, Tommi; Mustonen, Anne-Mari. 2022. Inflammation. 45: 1101-1117 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Minimum-Norm Estimation of TMS-Activated Motor Cortical Sites in Realistic Head and Brain Geometry
Reijonen, Jusa; Säisänen, Laura; Pitkänen, Minna; Julkunen, Meri; Ilmoniemi, Risto J; Nieminen, Petteri; Julkunen, Petro. 2022. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering. 30: 441-454 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Characterization of hyaluronan-coated extracellular vesicles in synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Capra, Janne; Rilla, Kirsi; Lehenkari, Petri; Oikari, Sanna; Kääriäinen, Tommi; Joukainen, Antti; Kröger, Heikki; Paakkonen, Tommi; Matilainen, Johanna; Nieminen, Petteri. 2021. Bmc musculoskeletal disorders -
Extracellular Vesicles and Their Potential Significance in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Nieminen, Petteri. 2021. Pharmaceuticals -
Fatty Acids and Oxylipins in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - a Complex Field with Significant Potential for Future Treatments
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Nieminen, Petteri. 2021. Current rheumatology reports -
Synovial Fluid Fatty Acid Profiles Are Differently Altered by Inflammatory Joint Pathologies in the Shoulder and Knee Joints
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Käkelä, Reijo; Joukainen, Antti; Lehenkari, Petri; Jaroma, Antti; Kääriäinen, Tommi; Kröger, Heikki; Paakkonen, Tommi; Sihvo, Sanna P; Nieminen, Petteri. 2021. Biology -
Nature of Evidence in Religion and Natural Science
Nieminen, Petteri; Loikkanen, Juuso; Ryökäs, Esko; Mustonen, Anne-Mari. 2020. Theology and science -
Orotic acid-treated hepatocellular carcinoma cells resist steatosis by modification of fatty acid metabolism
Matilainen, Johanna; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Rilla, Kirsi; Käkelä, Reijo; Sihvo, Sanna; Nieminen, Petteri. 2020. Lipids in health and disease -
Toxic Potential of Traditionally Consumed Mushroom Species-A Controversial Continuum with Many Unanswered Questions
Nieminen, Petteri; Mustonen, Anne-Mari. 2020. Toxins -
Anterior cruciate ligament transection alters the n-3/n-6 fatty acid balance in the lapine infrapatellar fat pad
Mustonen, AM; Käkelä, R; Finnilä, MAJ; Sawatsky, A; Korhonen, RK; Saarakkala, S; Herzog, W; Paakkonen, T; Nieminen, P. 2019. Lipids in health and disease -
As you sow, so shall you reap: Is there a "golden standard" to teach histology?
Felszeghy, S; Gilbert, G; Koskela, A; Nieminen, P; Sironen, R; Pasonen-Seppänen, S; Sointu, E; Morton, D; Mahonen, A. 2019. MedEd publish -
Distinct fatty acid signatures in infrapatellar fat pad and synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis versus rheumatoid arthritis
Mustonen, AM; Käkelä, R; Lehenkari, P; Huhtakangas, J; Turunen, S; Joukainen, A; Kääriäinen, T; Paakkonen, T; Kröger, H; Nieminen, P. 2019. Arthritis research and therapy -
Extracellular vesicles are integral and functional components of the extracellular matrix
Rilla, Kirsi; Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Thanigai, Arasu Uma; Härkönen, Kai; Matilainen, Johanna; Nieminen, Petteri. 2019. Matrix biology -
Hyaluronan histochemistry - A potential new tool to assess the progress of liver disease from simple steatosis to hepatocellular carcinoma
Mustonen, Anne-Mari; Salvén, Anu; Kärjä, Vesa; Rilla, Kirsi; Matilainen, Johanna; Nieminen, Petteri. 2019. Glycobiology -
Using online game-based platforms to improve student performance and engagement in histology teaching
Felszeghy, S; Pasonen-Seppänen, S; Koskela, A; Nieminen, P; Härkönen, K; Paldanius, KMA; Gabbouj, S; Ketola, K; Hiltunen, M; Lundin, M; Haapaniemi, T; Sointu, E; Bauman, EB; Gilbert, GE; Morton, D; Mahonen, A. 2019. Bmc medical education -
Myo- and cardiotoxic effects of the wild winter mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) on mice
Mustonen, A-M; Määttänen, M; Kärjä, V; Puukka, K; Aho, J; Saarela, S; Nieminen, P. 2018. Experimental biology and medicine -
Preservation of fatty acid signatures in three vertebrate species after six months of storage at various temperatures
Nieminen, Petteri; Käkelä, Reijo; Mäkinen, Tero; Laine, Olli; Takalo, Teemu; Mustonen, Anne-Mari. 2018. PLoS ONE -
A review of the physiology of a survival expert of big freeze, deep snow, and an empty stomach: the boreal raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Mustonen Anne-Mari, Nieminen Petteri. 2017. Journal of comparative physiology B : biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology -
Abortion debates in Finland and the Republic of Ireland: textual analysis of experiential thinking and argumentation in parliamentary and layperson discussions
Mustonen Anne-Mari, Paakkonen Tommi, Ryökäs Esko, Nieminen Petteri. 2017. Reproductive health -
Biblical and theistic arguments against the evolutionary argument against naturalism.
Nieminen Petteri, Boudry Maarten, Ryökäs Esko, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2017. Zygon -
Raccoon dog model shows preservation of bone during prolonged catabolism and reduced physical activity
Mustonen Anne-Mari J, Finnilä Mikko AJ, Puukka Katri S, Jämsä Timo J, Saarakkala Simo, Tuukkanen Juha K, Nieminen T Petteri. 2017. Journal of experimental biology -
Skeletal Pathology of Farm-Reared Obese Juvenile Blue Foxes (Vulpes lagopus)
Mustonen Anne-Mari, Lawler Dennis F, Ahola Leena, Koistinen Tarja, Jalkanen Liisa, Mononen Jaakko, Lamidi Marja-Leena, Nieminen Petteri. 2017. Journal of Veterinary Anatomy -
De novo lipogenesis is suppressed during fasting but upregulated at population decline in cyclic voles
Nieminen Petteri, Rouvinen-Watt Kirsti, Harris Lora, Huitu Otso, Henttonen Heikki, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2016. Experimental biology and medicine -
Effects of wintertime fasting and seasonal adaptation on AMPK and ACC in hypothalamus, adipose tissue and liver of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Kinnunen S, Mänttäri S, Herzig K-H, Nieminen P, Mustonen A-M, Saarela S. 2016. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. A -
First in vivo detection and characterization of hyaluronan-coated extracellular vesicles in human synovial fluid
Mustonen A-M, Nieminen P, Joukainen A, Jaroma A, Kääriäinen T, Kröger H, Lázaro-Ibáñez E, Siljander PR-M, Kärjä V, Härkönen K, Koistinen A, Rilla K. 2016. Journal of orthopaedic research -
A Unified Theory of Creationism - Argumentation, experiential thinking and emerging doctrine
Nieminen Petteri. 2015. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Education, Humanities, and Theology -
Development of indices to estimate fat reserves in the wild American mink (Neovison vison)
Mustonen Anne-Mari, Ahonpää Minna, Asikainen Juha, Hyvärinen Heikki, Lamidi Marja-Leena, Nieminen Petteri. 2015. Mammal research -
Experiential thinking in creationism - a textual analysis
Nieminen Petteri, Ryökäs Esko, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2015. PLoS ONE -
Maintenance of skeletal muscle energy homeostasis during prolonged wintertime fasting in the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Kinnunen Sanni, Mänttäri Satu, Herzig Karl-Heinz, Nieminen Petteri, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Saarela Seppo. 2015. Journal of comparative physiology B : biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology -
Nyt fra dyrlægeseminar om fedtlever hos mink
Clausen, Tove, Lauridsen Bo Kopperø, Bjørnvad Charlotte, Elnif Jan, Enevoldsen Karen, Damgaard Birthe M., Matthiesen Connie Frank, Bahl Martin Iain, Nieminen Petteri, Rouvinen-Watt Kirsti, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Hammer Anne Sofie. 2015. Dansk Pelsdyravl -
Opinions on conscientious objection to induced abortion among Finnish medical and nursing students and professionals
Nieminen Petteri, Lappalainen Saara, Ristimäki Pauliina, Myllykangas Markku, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2015. Bmc medical ethics -
Physiological condition of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) during the increase and decline phases of the population cycle
Nieminen Petteri, Huitu Otso, Henttonen Heikki, Finnilä Mikko AJ, Voutilainen Liina, Itämies Juhani, Kärjä Vesa, Saarela Seppo, Halonen Toivo, Aho Jari, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2015. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
The effects of winter fasting on the breeding success of the Finnraccoon (Nyctereutes procyonoides ussuriensis)
Koistinen Tarja, Korhonen Hannu, Ahola Leena, Mononen Jaakko, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Asikainen Juha, Nieminen Petteri. 2015. NJF Report -
Acute impacts of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) infestation on reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) behaviour
Kynkäänniemi S-M, Kettu M, Kortet R, Härkönen L, Kaitala A, Paakkonen T, Mustonen A-M, Nieminen P, Härkönen S, Ylönen H, Laaksonen S. 2014. Parasitology Research -
Argumentation and fallacies in creationist writings against evolutionary theory
Nieminen Petteri, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2014. Evolution : education and outreach -
Evidence of endoplasmic reticulum stress and liver inflammation in the American mink Neovison vison with benign hepatic steatosis.
Rouvinen-Watt Kirsi, Pal Catherine, Martin Timothy, Harris Lora, Astatkie Tessema, Kryzskaya Darya, Kärjä Vesa, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Tammi Raija, Tammi Markku, Nieminen Petteri. 2014. Journal of comparative physiology B : biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology -
Fatty acid composition and modification of dietary fatty acids in tissues of the farmed Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
Nieminen P, Westenius E, Halonen T, Mustonen A-M. 2014. Food chemistry -
Fatty acid composition in tissues of the farmed Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
Nieminen Petteri, Westenius Eini, Halonen Toivo, Mustonen Anne-Mari. 2014. Food chemistry -
High feeding intensity increases the severity of fatty liver in the American mink (Neovison vison) with potential ameliorating role for long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
Dick Morgan F, Hurford Jennifer, Lei Sha, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Nieminen Petteri, Rouvinen-Watt Kirsti. 2014. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica -
Life stage-related differences in fatty acid composition of an obligate ectoparasite, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi)-Influence of blood meals and gender
Mustonen Anne-Mari, Käkelä Reijo, Paakkonen Tommi, Nieminen Petteri. 2014. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Mitä terveystieteiden opiskelijoiden tulisi tietää uskomushoidoista?
Nieminen P, Mustonen A-M, Myllykangas M, Raunio H, Storvik M. 2014. Yliopistopedagogiikka -
Molecular detection of Bartonella spp. in deer ked pupae, adult keds and moose blood in Finland
Korhonen EM, Perez Vera C, Pulliainen AT, Sironen T, Aaltonen K, Kortet R, Härkönen L, Härkönen S, Paakkonen T, Nieminen P, Mustonen A-M, Ylönen H, Vapalahti O. 2014. Epidemiology and infection -
Systematic analysis of creationist claims: source criticism, context, argumentation and experiential thinking
Nieminen P, Ryökäs E, Mustonen A-M. 2014. European journal of science and theology -
Theological implications of young-earth creationism and intelligent design: Emerging tendencies of scientism and agnosticism
Nieminen Petteri, Mustonen Anne-Mari, Ryökäs Esko. 2014. Theology and science -
Body temperature rhythms in Microtus voles during feeding, food deprivation, and winter acclimatization
Nieminen P, Hohtola E, Mustonen A-M. 2013. Journal of mammalogy -
Fatty acid modifications during autumnal cold-hardening in an obligatory ectoparasite, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi)
Nieminen P, Käkelä R, Paakkonen T, Halonen T, Mustonen A-M. 2013. Journal of insect physiology -
Manifestations of fasting-induced fatty liver and rapid recovery from steatosis in voles fed lard or flaxseed oil lipids
Mustonen A-M, Kärjä V, Kilpiö M, Tammi R, Tammi M, Rouvinen-Watt K, Halonen T, Nieminen P. 2013. Nutrients -
Physiological adaptations to prolonged fasting in the overwintering striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
Mustonen A-M, Bowman J, Sadowski C, Nituch LA, Bruce L, Halonen T, Puukka K, Rouvinen-Watt K, Nieminen P. 2013. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Salt licks do not increase local densities of the deer ked, Lipoptena cervi, an abundant ectoparasite of cervids
Paakkonen T, Nieminen P, Roininen H, Mustonen AM. 2013. Medical and veterinary entomology -
Application of change-point analysis to determine winter sleep patterns of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from body temperature recordings and a multi-faceted dietary and behavioral study of wintering
Mustonen A-M, Lempiäinen T, Aspelund M, Hellstedt P, Ikonen K, Itämies J, Vähä V, Erkinaro J, Asikainen J, Kunnasranta M, Niemelä P, Aho J, Nieminen P. 2012. Bmc ecology -
Ecophysiology of overwintering in northern Martes species
Mustonen A-M, Nieminen P. 2012. Cornell University Press -
Fatty acid mobilization in voles - Model species for rapid fasting response and fatty liver
Mustonen A-M, Käkelä R, Halonen T, Kärjä V, Vartiainen E, Nieminen P. 2012. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Freezing Tolerance and Low Molecular Weight Cryoprotectants in an Invasive Parasitic Fly, the Deer Ked (Lipoptena cervi)
Nieminen, P., Paakkonen, T., Eerilä, J., Riikonen, J., Lehto, V.-P., Mustonen, A.-M.. 2012. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY. PART A. COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY -
Lessons from a non-domestic canid: joint disease in captive raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Lawler DF, Evans RH, Nieminen P, Mustonen A-M, Smith GK. 2012. Veterinaria italiana -
Role of hepatic ne novo lipogenesis in the development of fasting-induced fatty liver in the American mink (Neovison vison)
Rouvinen-Watt K, Harris L, Dick M, Pal C, Lei S, Mustonen A-M, Nieminen P. 2012. British journal of nutrition -
The effects of an abundant ectoparasite, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), on the health of moose (Alces alces) in Finland
Paakkonen T, Mustonen AM, Käkela R, Laaksonen S, Solismaa M, Aho J, Puukka K, Nieminen P. 2012. Parasitology Research -
Experimental infection of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) has no negative effects on the physiology of the captive reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)
Paakkonen T, Mustonen A-M, Käkelä R, Kiljander T, Kynkäänniemi S-M, Laaksonen S, Solismaa M, Aho J, Kortet R, Puukka K, Saarela S, Härkönen L, Kaitala A, Ylönen H, Nieminen P. 2011. Veterinary parasitology -
Preservation of bone mass and biomechanical properties during winter sleep-the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) as a novel model species
Nieminen P, Finnilä MA, Tuukkanen J, Jämsä T, Mustonen AM.. 2011. Bone -
Development and reversal of fasting-induced hepatic lipidosis in the American mink (Neovison vison): Effects of food deprivation and re-alimentation on body fat depots, tissue fatty acid profiles, haematology and endocrinology
Rouvinen-Watt, K., Mustonen, A.-M., Conway, R., Pal., C., Harris, L., Saarela, S. and Nieminen, P.. 2010. Lipids -
Increased reproductive success in the white American mink (Neovison vison) with chronic dietary β -sitosterol supplement
Nieminen, P., Pölönen, I., and Mustonen, A.-M.. 2010. Animal reproduction science -
Molecular evolution of adiponectin in Carnivora and its mRNA expression in relation to hepatic lipidosis
Nieminen P, Rouvinen-Watt K, Kapiainen S, Harris L, Mustonen A-M. 2010. General and comparative endocrinology -
Rapid Development of Fasting-Induced Hepatic Lipidosis in the American Mink (Neovison vison): Effects of Food Deprivation and Re-Alimentation on Body Fat Depots, Tissue Fatty Acid Profiles, Hematology and Endocrinology
Kirsti Rouvinen-Watt, Anne-Mari Mustonen, Rebecca Conway, Catherine Pal, Lora Harris, Seppo Saarela, Ursula Strandberg and Petteri Nieminen. 2010. Lipids -
Threat of an invasive parasitic fly, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), to the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus): experimental infection and treatment
Kynkäänniemi, S.-M., Kortet, R., Härkönen, L., Kaitala, A., Paakkonen, T., Mustonen, A.-M., Nieminen, P., Härkönen, S., Ylönen, H., and Laaksonen, S.. 2010. Annales zoologici Fennici -
Fatty acid composition and development of hepatic lipidosis during food deprivation¿Mustelids as a potential animal model for liver steatosis
Nieminen, P., Mustonen, A.-M., Asikainen, J., Rouvinen-Watt, K.. 2009. Exp. Biol. Med. -
Myo- and hepatotoxic effects of cultivated mushrooms in mice
Nieminen, P., Kärjä, V., Mustonen A.-M.. 2009. Food Chem. Toxicol. -
Response to fasting in an unnaturally obese carnivore, the captive European polecat Mustela putorius
Mustonen, A.-M., Puukka, M., Rouvinen-Watt, K., Aho, J., Asikainen, J., Nieminen, P.. 2009. Exp. Biol. Med. -
Response to fasting in an unnaturally obese carnivore, the captive european polecat mustela putorius
Mustonen A-M, Puukka M, Rouvinen-Watt K, Aho J, Asikainen J, Nieminen P. 2009. Experimental biology and medicine -
Selective fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissues of the pheasant (Phasianus colchicus mongolicus) during food deprivation
Mustonen, A.-M., Käkelä, R., Asikainen, J., Nieminen, P.. 2009. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. -
A preliminary study on the seasonal body temperature rhythms of the captive mountain hare (Lepus timidus)
Nieminen P, Mustonen A-M. 2008. Cryobiology -
Comparative physiology of fatty acid mobilization and hepatic lipidosis
Nieminen, P., Rouvinen-Watt, K., Käkelä, R., and Mustonen, A.-M.. 2008. -
Deer ked, a threat to reindeer welfare?
Laaksonen S, Paakkonen T, Kortet R, Kynkäänniemi S-M, MustonenA-M, Nieminen P, Härkönen L, Solismaa M, Ylönen H, Härkönen S. 2008. -
Effects of cold exposure, exogenous melatonin and short-day treatment on the weight-regulation and body temperature of the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus)
Korhonen T, Mustonen A-M, Nieminen P, Saarela S. 2008. Regulatory Peptides -
Effects of dietary fat source and feeding intensity on the development of fatty liver in the American mink (Neovison vison)
Dick, M., Hurford, J., Sha, L., Harris, L., Mustonen, A.-M., Nieminen, P., and Rouvinen-Watt, K.. 2008. -
Effects of fasting and re-feeding on the development of hepatic lipidosis in the American mink (Neovison vison).
Pal, C., Nieminen, P., Mustonen, A.-M., and Rouvinen-Watt, K.. 2008. -
Evaluation of reproductive safety of beta-sitosterol on the American mink (Neovison vison)
Nieminen P, Pölönen I, Ikonen K, Määttänen M, Mustonen A-M. 2008. Chemosphere -
Food deprivation in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) and the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus)
Mustonen A-M, Saarela S, Nieminen P. 2008. Journal of Comparative Physiology B -
Hirvikärpänen ja sen vaikutukset hirveen ja poroon
Paakkonen T. 2008. -
Indications of hepatic and cardiac toxicity caused by subchronic Tricholoma flavovirens consumption
Nieminen P, Kärjä V, Mustonen A-M. 2008. Food and chemical toxicology -
Mobilization of body fat and alterations in liver lipid and fatty acid profiles in response to fasting and re-feeding in the American mink (Neovison vison).
Rouvinen-Watt, K., Mustonen, A.-M., Pal, C., Conway, R., and Nieminen, P.. 2008. -
Role of fatty acid synthesis in the mink fatty liver syndrome
Sha, L., Harris, L., Dick, M., Nieminen, P., Mustonen, A.-M., and Rouvinen-Watt, K. 2008. -
Deer ked - a threat to reindeer welfare?
Laaksonen S;Paakkonen T;Kortet R;Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Härkönen L;Solismaa M;Kaitala A;Ylönen H;Aho J;Härkönen S. 2007. -
Deer ked project - a broadly-based interdisciplinary research project in Finland
Kaitala A;Härkönen S;Laaksonen S;Niemelä P;Nieminen P;Ylönen H. 2007. -
Different fatty acid composition in central and peripheral adipose tissues of the American mink (Mustela vison)
Mustonen A-M;Käkelä R;Nieminen P. 2007. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Fasting in the American marten (Martes americana): a physiological model of the adaptations of a lean-bodied animal
Nieminen P;Rouvinen-Watt K;Saarela S;Mustonen A-M. 2007. J Comp Physiol B -
Haematology and clinical chemistry of moose in deer ked-infested and deer ked-free regions
Paakkonen T;Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M;Laaksonen S;Aho J;Roininen H;Niemelä P;Asikainen J;Ruusila V. 2007. -
Lipid metabolism in the adipose tissues of a carnivore, the raccoon dog, during prolonged fasting
Mustonen A-M;Käkelä R;Käkelä A;Pyykönen T;Aho J;Nieminen P. 2007. Exp. Biol. Med. -
Magnetic resonance imaging and its applications in morphological studies of pinnipeds
Usenius T;Mustonen A-M;Usenius J-P;Hyvärinen H;Sipilä T;Koskela JT;Nieminen P. 2007. Annales zoologici Fennici -
Seasonal rhythms of body temperature in the free-ranging raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) with special emphasis on winter sleep
Mustonen A-M;Asikainen J;Kauhala K;Paakkonen T;Nieminen P. 2007. Chronobiol Int -
Selective seasonal fatty acid accumulation and mobilization in the wild raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Mustonen A-M;Asikainen J;Aho J;Nieminen P. 2007. Lipids -
Toxicity of the Tricholoma equestre complex and similar effects by other mushroom genera
Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M;Kirsi M;Kärjä V. 2007. -
Uniform fatty acid mobilization from anatomically distinct fat depots in the sable (Martes zibellina)
Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M. 2007. Lipids -
Adaptations to fasting in a terrestrial mustelid, the sable (Martes zibellina)
Mustonen A-M;Puukka M;Saarela S;Paakkonen T;Aho J;Nieminen P. 2006. -
Effects of dietary genistein on mouse reproduction, weight regulation and postnatal development
Ryökkynen;Ari;Kukkonen;J.V.K. and Nieminen;P.. 2006. Animal Reproduction Science -
Endocrine and metabolic alterations in the mink (Mustela vison) due to chronic phytoestrogen exposure
Ryökkynen A;Mustonen A-M;Pyykönen T;Nieminen P. 2006. Chemosphere -
Fatty acid composition in the central and peripheral adipose tissues of the sable (Martes zibellina)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P. 2006. Journal of Thermal Biology -
Fatty acid profiles and relative mobilization during fasting in adipose tissue depots of the American marten (Martes americana)
Nieminen P;Rouvinen-Watt K;Collins D;Grant J;Mustonen A-M. 2006. Lipids -
Human ghrelin modifies lipid metabolism of the common frog Rana temporaria
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P. 2006. Folia Zoologica -
Hyperthermia and increased physical activity in the fasting American mink Mustela vison
Physiological adaptations to fasting in an actively wintering canid, the arctic blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
Mustonen A-M;Pyykönen T;Puukka M;Asikainen J;Hänninen S;Mononen J;Nieminen P. 2006. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY. PART A. COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY -
Selective fatty acid mobilization in the American mink (Mustela vison) during food deprivation
Nieminen P;Käkelä R;Pyykönen T;Mustonen A-M. 2006. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B -
Suspected myotoxicity of edible wild mushrooms
Nieminen P;Kirsi M;Mustonen A-M. 2006. Experimental Biology and Medicine -
Voiko ruokasienikin olla myrkyllinen?
Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M. 2006. Terve Elämä -
Adaptations to fasting in the American mink (Mustela vison): carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
Anne-Mari Mustonen;Teija Pyykönen;Tommi Paakkonen;Ari Ryökkynen;Juha Asikainen;Jari Aho;Jaakko Mononen;Petteri Nieminen. 2005. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Adaptations to fasting in the American mink: nitrogen metabolism
Mustonen A-M;Puukka M;Pyykönen T;Nieminen P. 2005. J. Comp. Physiol. B -
Adiponectin and peptide YY in the fasting blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
Mustonen A-M;Pyykönen T;Asikainen J;Mononen J;Nieminen P. 2005. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Circannual leptin and ghrelin levels of the Blue fox (Alopex lagopus) in reference to seasonal rhythms of body mass, adiposity and food intake
Culinary-Medicinal Mushrooms Affecting the Development of Adipose Tissue in Rats and Depending on the Growth Conditions for Their B-glucan Production
H. Mäkelä;R. Linnakoski;H. Puhakka;P. Nieminen;A.-M. Mustonen;M. Vornanen;J. Ahlholm;M. Kirsi;and A. Pappinen. 2005. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms -
Endocrinologic adaptations to wintertime fasting in the male American mink (Mustela vison)
Mustonen A-M;Saarela S;Pyykönen T;Nieminen P. 2005. Exp. Biol. Med. -
Increased plasma creatine kinase activities triggered by edible wild mushrooms
Petteri Nieminen;Anne-Mari Mustonen;Markku Kirsi. 2005. Food and chemical toxicology -
Lentomelun vaikutus sinikettujen lisääntymiseen
Pyykönen T;Mononen J;Ahola L;Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M. 2005. Turkistalous -
Multigenerational exposure to phytosterols in the mouse
Ari Ryökkynen;Ulla-Riitta Käyhkö;Anne-Mari Mustonen;Jussi V.K. Kukkonen;Petteri Nieminen. 2005. Reproductive Toxicology -
Phytoestrogens alter the reproductive organ development in the mink (Mustela vison)
Ari Ryökkynen;Petteri Nieminen;Anne-Mari Mustonen;Teija Pyykönen;Juha Asikainen;Sari Hänninen;Jaakko Mononen;Jussi V.K. Kukkonen. 2005. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology -
The Effects of Oat and the Most Commonly Cultivated Mushrooms on the Plasma Biochemistry of the Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
H. Mäkelä;R. Linnakoski;P. Nieminen;A.-M. Mustonen;M. Vornanen;J. Ahlholm;M. Kirsi and A. Pappinen. 2005. -
Thermoregulatory adaptations of the overwintering captive raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Nieminen P;Pyykönen T;Paakkonen T;Hohtola E;Aho J;Cittová-Kontu M;Asikainen J;Monojen J;Mustonen A-M. 2005. J. Exp. Zool. Part A -
Two-generation genistein exposure on the mouse
Ryökkynen;A.;Kukkonen;J.K.V.;Nieminen;P.. 2005. -
Continuous melatonin treatment and fasting in the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) - vernal body weight regulation and reproduction
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Asikainen J;Saarela S;Kukkonen JVK;Hyvärinen H. 2004. Zoological Science -
Effects of fasting and exogenous melatonin on annual rhythms in the blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
Nieminen;P.;Pyykönen;T.;Asikainen;J.;Mononen;J.;and Mustonen;A-M. 2004. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Effects of peripheral ghrelin on the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of the tundra vole (Mucrotus oeconomus)
Nieminen;P.;Mustonen A-M. 2004. General and Comparative Endocrinology -
Effects of season, food deprivation and re-feeding on leptin, ghrelin and growth hormone in arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) on Svalbard, Norway
Fuglei E;Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P. 2004. Journal of Comparative Physiology B -
Endocrine response to fasting in the overwintering captive raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Physiological adaptations of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) to seasonal fasting - Fat and nitrogen metabolism and influence of continuous melatonin treatment.
Mustonen A.-M.;Nieminen P.;Puukka M.;Asikainen J.;Saarela S.;Karonen S.-L.;Kukkonen J.V.K. and Hyvärinen H.. 2004. J. Comp. Physiol. B -
Postmetamorphic Xenopus laevis shows decreased plasma triiodothyronine concentrations and phosphorylase activity due to subacute phytosterol exposure.
Koponen P.S.;Nieminen P.;Mustonen A.-M. and Kukkonen J.V.K.. 2004. Chemosphere -
Reproduction of the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) with dietary phytosterol supplement.
Nieminen P.;Mustonen A.-M.;Päiväläinen P. and Kukkonen J.V.K.. 2004. Food Chem. Toxicol. -
Seasonal physiology of the wild raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Asikainen;J.;Mustonen;A.-M.;Hyvärinen;H. and Nieminen;P.. 2004. Zoological Science -
Detection, analysis and interactions of plasma ghrelin, leptin and growth hormone in the mink (Mustela vison)
Ryökkynen A;Mustonen A-M;Pyykönen T;Hänninen S;Asikainen J;Kukkonen JVK;Mononen J;Nieminen P. 2003. Zoological Science -
Dietary phytosterol supplement and mink reproduction
Ryökkynen;A.;Nieminen;P.;Mustonen;A-M;Pyykönen;T.;Hänninen;S.;Asikainen;J.;Mononen;J.;and Kukkonen;J.V.K.. 2003. -
Dietary phytosterol supplement increases the probability of reproduction and modifies sex steroid concentrations of voles.
Nieminen P.;Kukkonen J.V.K.;Mustonen A. and Päiväläinen P.. 2003. -
Effects of Aroclor 1242 and different fish-based diets on vitamins A1 (retinol) and A2 (3,4-didehydroretinol), and their fatty acyl esters in mink plasma
Käkelä A;Käkelä R;Hyvärinen H;Nieminen P. 2003. Environmental research -
Effects of a five-month phytoestrogen exposure on plasma lipids and testosterone in the mink (Mustela vison).
Ryökkynen A.;Mustonen A-M.;Nieminen P.;Pyykönen T.;Hänninen S.;Asikainen J.;Mononen J.;Kukkonen J.V.K.. 2003. -
Effects of moult, age, and sex on the accummulation of heavy metals in the otter (Lutra lutra) in Finalnd
Hyvärinen H;Tyni P;Nieminen P. 2003. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology -
Effects of phytosterols on the endocrinology and metabolism of the female raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
Nieminen;P.;Mustonen;A-M;Asikainen;J.;Lindström-Seppä;P;Kärkkäinen;V.;Kukkonen;J.V.K.. 2003. Journal of toxicology and environmental health: part a: current issues -
Exposure to phytosterols and effects on reproduction in mammalian species
13. Nieminen;P.;Mustonen;A.-M.;Ryökkynen;A.;Päiväläinen;P.;Asikainen;J.;Mononen;J.;Pyykönen;T.;Hänninen;S.;Kukkonen;J.V.K.. 2003. -
Fasting reduces plasma leptin- and ghrelin-immunoreactive peptide concentrations of the burbot (Lota lota) at 2 C but not at 10 C
Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M;Hyvärinen H. 2003. Zoological Science -
Hormonit ohjaavat supikoiran säästöliekille talven tullessa
Mustonen;A-M;Asikainen;J.;and Nieminen P.. 2003. Turkistalous -
Phytosterols affect endocrinology and metabolism of the field vole (Microtus agrestis).
Nieminen P.;Mustonen A.-M.;Lindström-Seppä P.;Kärkkäinen V.;Mussalo-Rauhamaa H.;Kukkonen J.V.K.. 2003. Exp. Biol. Med. -
Seasonal reproductive endocrine profile of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) - effects of melatonin and food deprivation
Seasonal reproductive endocrine profile of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides): Effects of melatonin and food deprivation
Asikainen;J.;Mustonen;A-M;Hyvärinen;H.;and Nieminen;P.. 2003. -
The blue fox (Alopex lagopus) as a model of canid starvation
Mustonen;A-M;Pyykönen;T.;Asikainen;J.;Hänninen;S.;Mononen;J.;and Nieminen;P.. 2003. -
Bisphenol A affects endocrine physiology and biotransformation activities of the field vole (Microtus agrestis)
Nieminen P;Lindström-Seppä P;Mustonen A-M;Mussalo-Rauhamaa H;Kukkonen JVK. 2002. Gen. Comp. Endocr. -
Bisphenol A affects endocrine physiology and biotransformation enzyme activities of the field vole (Microtus agrestis)
Nieminen Petteri;Lindström-Seppä Pirjo;Mustonen Anne-Mari;Mussalo-Rauhamaa Helena;Kukkonen Jussi V.K.. 2002. Gen. Comp. Endocr. -
Effects of bisphenol A and Phytosterols on the European polecat (Mustela putorius) and the field vole (Microtus agrestis)
Nieminen;P.. 2002. -
Effects of continuous light and melatonin treatment on energy metabolism of the rat
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2002. J Endocrinol Invest -
Effects of low-dose leptin and gender on the energy metabolism of the mouse (Mus musculus)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2002. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr -
Hormonit vievät supikoiran talviunille
Nieminen;P.;Mustonen A-M;Asikainen;J.. 2002. SUOMEN LUONTO -
In vivo effects of bisphenol A on the polecat (Mustela putorius)
Nieminen P. Lindström-Seppä P;Juntunen M;Asikainen;J.;Mustonen A-M;Karonen S-L;Mussalo-Rauhamaa H;Kukkonen JVK. 2002. J Toxicol Environ Health part A -
In vivo effects of bisphenol A on the polecat (Mustela putorius).
Nieminen Petteri;Lindsröm-Seppä Pirjo;Juntunen Minna;Asikainen Juha;Mustonen Anne-Mari;Karonen Sirkka-Liisa;Mussalo-Rauhamaa Helena;Kukkonen Jussi V.K.. 2002. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health -
Leptin, ghrelin and energy metabolism of the spawning burbot (Lota lota L.)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2002. J Exp Zool -
Liver and plasma lipids of the spawning burbot (Lota lota)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2002. J Fish Biol -
Melatonin and the wintering strategy of the tundra vole, Microtus oeconomus
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2002. Zool Sci -
Phytosterols act as endocrine and metabolic distruptors in the European polecat (Mustela putorius).
Nieminen Petteri;Mustonen Anne-Mari;Lindström-Seppä Pirjo;Asikainen Juha;Mussalo-Rauhamaa Helena;Kukkonen Jussi V.K.. 2002. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. -
Seasonal weight regulation of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) ? interactions between melatonin, leptin, ghrelin and growth hormone
Nieminen P;Mustonen A-M;Asikainen J;Hyvärinen H. 2002. J Biol Rhythms -
Effects of seasonality and fasting on the body mass and plasma growth hormone concentrations of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and the blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H;Asikainen J. 2001. Z Naturforsch -
Effects of seasonality and fasting on the plasma leptin and thyroxin levels of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and the blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
Nieminen P;Asikainen J;Hyvärinen H. 2001. J Exp Zool -
Exogenous melatonin affects lipids and enzyme activities in mink (Mustela vison) liver
Nieminen P;Käkelä R;Mustonen A-M;Hyvärinen H;Asikainen J. 2001. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. -
Leptiini - rasvakudoksen viestinviejä
Nieminen;P.;Mustonen A-M. 2001. Luonnon tutkija -
Leptiini - uusi hormoni turkiseläinten painonsäätelyssä
Nieminen;P.;Mustonen A-M. 2001. Turkistalous -
Preliminary evidence that pharmacologic melatonin treatment decreases rat ghrelin levels
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H. 2001. Endocrine -
Exogenous melatonin elevates plasma leptin and thyroxine concentrations of the mink (Mustela vison)
Mustonen A-M;Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H;Asikainen J. 2000. Z Naturforsch -
Plasma leptin and thyroxine of mink (Mustela vison) vary with gender, diet and subchronic exposure to PCBs
Petteri Nieminen;Heikki Hyvärinen;Reijo Käkelä;Juha Asikainen. 2000. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a: molecular and integrative physiology -
Plasma leptin and thyroxine of mink (Mustela vison) vary with gender, diet and subchronic exposure to PCBs
Nieminen P;Hyvärinen H;Käkelä R;Asikainen J. 2000. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. -
Seasonality of leptin leptin levels in the BAT of the common shrew (Sorex araneus)
Nieminen P.;Hyvärinen H.. 2000. Z Naturforsch -
Survival of the fattest - leptin, melatonin, thyroxine and the seasonal adaptation of mammals
Nieminen;P.. 2000. University of Joensuu, PhD Dissertations in Biology