Visa Latvala
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Fysiikan ja matematiikan laitos, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta
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The Perron Method Associated with Finely p-harmonic Functions on Finely Open Sets
Bjorn, Anders; Bjorn, Jana; Latvala, Visa. 2025. Potential analysis. [Epub ahead of print 23 Jan 2025]: 1-25 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Convergence and local-to-global results for p-superminimizers on quasiopen sets
Björn, Anders; Björn, Jana; Latvala, Visa. 2023. Journal of differential equations. 365: 812-831 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The Dirichlet Problem for p-minimizers on Finely Open Sets in Metric Spaces
Björn, Anders; Björn, Jana; Latvala, Visa. 2022. Potential analysis. [Published: 09 May 2022]: 1-24 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The Cartan, Choquet and Kellogg properties for the fine topology on metric spaces
Björn, Anders; Björn, Jana; Latvala, Visa. 2018. Journal d analyse mathematique -
Sobolev spaces, fine gradients and quasicontinuity on quasiopen sets
Björn Anders, Björn Jana, Latvala Visa. 2016. Annales academiae scientiarum fennicae-mathematica -
Weak Harnack Estimates for Quasiminimizers with Non-Standard Growth and General Structure
Latvala Visa, Toivanen Olli. 2016. Potential analysis -
The weak Cartan property for the p-fine topology on metric spaces
Björn Anders, Björn Jana, Latvala Visa. 2015. Indiana university mathematics journal -
A variant of the Geman-McClure model for image restoration
Harjulehto Petteri, Latvala Visa, Toivanen Olli. 2013. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications -
Critical variable exponent functionals in image restoration
Harjulehto Petteri, Hästö Peter, Latvala Visa, Toivanen Olli. 2013. Applied mathematics letters -
Boundedness of solutions of the non-uniformly convex, non-standard growth Laplacian
Harjulehto Petteri, Hästö Peter, Latvala Visa. 2011. Complex variables and elliptic equations