Tarkenna hakuasi

Ágnes Németh (agnes.nemeth@uef.fi)

Currently, she is managing two European projects: ”CASPER: Citizen Activation in Shrinking rural areas for Place-based policies to Enhance Resilience” (Interreg Europe, 2023-2027) and ”SERIGO: Social Economy for Resilience, Inclusion and Good Life in Rural areas” (Horizon Europe, 2024-2027).

She is involved in the research project ”ESSPIN: Economic, Social and SPatial INequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends” (Horizon Europe, 2022-2025).

Her doctoral thesis dealt with issues of regional policy, relational-governance and mega-events planning. She has been involved in European research projects (European Science Foundation, FP7) in border studies focusing on cross-border cooperation processes and the social (de)construction of borders. In her post-doctoral research, she studies foreigners’ socio-economic engagement in different Finnish urban environments with the aim of producing knowledge on the local particularities and challenges of integration processes. She was managing the international project “ECoC-SME: Actions for inducing SME growth and innovation via the ECoC event and legacy” (Interreg Europe, 2019-2021).

Alexandra Simon (alexandra.simon-lopez@uef.fi)

My primary fields of research are transculturality, imagology, German writers abroad, German film and television, the European Avant-Garde, and the Apocalypse in cultural productions. I teach all areas of German language and culture courses, including text workshops, oral communication, literature and culture courses, media and business German courses.

I am Docent in Multicultural Literature and Media Studies (University of Turku), and I hold a PhD in Comparative Literature (University of Eastern Finland). My professional career and multilingual and intercultural research projects are grounded in my enthusiasm and personal life, as I have lived and worked in several European countries over the past 20 years. I studied in Germany (Düsseldorf), Spain (Salamanca) and France (Nice), worked as a lecturer in France (Nantes) and the United Kingdom (Cambridge).

Algoa Progress

ALGOA PROGRESS is a ”New Business from Research Ideas” (TUTLI) project funded by Business Finland and the European Regional Development Fund. The project aims to explore the commercial potential of an algorithm that can predict the progression of osteoarthritis. The project seeks to lay both technological and commercial foundations for a novel technology that allows individualized treatment planning for people with, e.g. osteoarthritis. The objective of this type of treatment planning would be to prevent osteoarthritis or to slow down its progression.

The project is based on long-term basic and applied research carried out by the Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage research group (http://luotain.uef.fi/) at the Department of Applied Physics, UEF, as well as on utilising these research findings in computational modelling.

Anna Widlund (annawid@uef.fi)

I mainly work as a researcher and university lecturer at the Department of Special Education at Åbo Akademi University, and this semester (2023-2024) also as a visiting researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. My research interests include students’ school well-being and motivation, with a particular focus on individual developmental trajectories of well-being (i.e., school engagement and burnout) and motivation (competence- and value-beliefs, and costs) during educational transitions, and the relations between well-being, motivational beliefs, academic performance, and future aspirations.

Anneli Vauhkonen (anneli.vauhkonen@uef.fi)

Työhyvinvointitutkimus, terveysalan koulutuksen tutkimus

Työskentelen projektitutkijana kahdessa koulutusalan hankkeessa. New Nurse Education -hankkeessa edistetään terveysalan opettajankoulutuksen yhtenäisyyttä Euroopassa. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan opettajien työhyvinvointi Suomessa -tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeessa edistetään sosiaali- ja terveysalan opettajien työhyvinvointia yksilö- ja työyhteisötason työhyvinvointiohjelmilla.

Terveystieteiden tohtoriohjelman johtoryhmän opiskelijajäsen.


Hoitotieteen laitoksen avoimeen opetukseen liittyvät tehtävät, pro gradu -tutkielmien ohjaus



Website Hoitotieteen laitos UEF

A New Agenda for Nurse Educator Education in Europe (New Nurse Educator) project

Antti Voss (antti.voss@uef.fi)

Postdoctoral researcher Antti Voss did his PhD on non-destructive testing of concrete using electrical methods, especially focusing on monitoring internal moisture distributions of cement-based structures with electrical capacitance tomography. Currently, he is working on an application that aims at detecting and quantifying environmental gas leakages utilizing remote sensing data and Bayesian state estimation approaches.