Jingoo Kang
Academy Research Fellow
School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 569 0155
Kang’s research interests currently span four areas: 1. the secondary large-scale data analysis to inform educational policy and practice in science education, 2. gender differences in science interest and career aspiration, 3. science teacher motivation, and 4. development and evaluation of science and environmental education programs.
Research groups
22/22 items-
Exploring the role of biospheric/egoistic values, scientific engagement, and cross-cultural effects in high school students’ willingness to take climate action
Kang, Jingoo; Tolppanen, Sakari; Kim, Heekyong; Ha, Minsu. 2024. Environmental education research. [Epub ahead of print 8 Dec 2024]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Exploring the role of science education as a catalyst for students' willingness to take climate action
Kang, Jingoo; Tolppanen, Sakari. 2024. International journal of science education. [Epub ahead of print 23 Aug 2024]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Relationship between science teachers’ teaching motivations and career development aspirations
Kang, Jingoo; Viljaranta, Jaana; George, Sindu; Jäppinen, Ilpo. 2024. European journal of teacher education. [Epub ahead of print 05 Feb 2024]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Secondary school teachers’ interest and self-efficacy in implementing STEM education in the science curriculum
Asilevi, Mirjam Ndaimehafo; Havu-Nuutinen, Sari; Kang, Jingoo. 2024. European journal of science and mathematics education. 12: 297-311 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Willingness to mitigate climate change: the role of knowledge, trust, and engagement
Larrain, Antonia; Freire, Paulina; Cofré, Hernán; Andaur, Ana; Tolppanen, Sakari; Kang, Jingoo; Grez, Joaquín; Gómez, Marisol; Vergara, Claudia; Rojas, María Teresa; Arenas, Andoni. 2024. Environmental education research. [Epub ahead of print 04 Aug 2024]: 1-12 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Career entry motivations and teaching perceptions of science preservice teachers: a comparison of trends between Finland and South Korea
Kang, Jingoo; Kim, Heekyong; Lee, Bongwoo; Tolppanen, Sakari; Viljaranta, Jaana; George, Sindu. 2023. International journal of science education. 2024; 46: 1559-1577 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Climate Competencies of Finnish Gifted and Average-Ability High School Students
Tolppanen, Sakari; Kang, Jingoo; Tirri, Kirsi. 2023. Education sciences. 13: . 840 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Changes in students’ knowledge, values, worldview, and willingness to take mitigative climate action after attending a course on holistic climate change education
Tolppanen, Sakari; Kang, Jingoo; Riuttanen, Laura. 2022. Journal of cleaner production. 373: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Gender and STEM career aspiration
Kang, Jingoo. Teoksessa: Tierney, Robert J; Rizvi, Fazal; Ercikan, Kadriye(toim.) , 2022. International Encyclopedia of Education. s. 344-348. Elsevier A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Gendered Science Practice at Secondary School and its Effects on Science Motivations
Kang, Jingoo. 2022. International journal of science and mathematics education. [Published online: 15 October 2022]: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research