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Mireia Gomez Budia (

Unraveling the mysteries of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) utilizing hiPSC-derived models and electrophysiological techniques like Multielectrode Arrays (MEA).

Mirella Miettinen (

I work as a Senior Researcher in environmental law at the UEF Law School. My research focuses on chemicals legislation (in particular nanomaterials and pharmaceuticals). I teach a course on circular economy and law at the UEF Law School.

Current projects

  • The impact of EU chemicals policy and legislation on green transformations in the pharmaceutical sector in the EU (PharGTrans) (the Research Council of Finland; 2023-2027)
  • Hiilimarkkinoilta lisäarvoa turvetuotannosta poistettujen alueiden jatkokäyttöön (Value from the carbon market for the next land use of peat production areas) (ArvoHiili) (Co-funded by the European Union, Just Transition Fund; 2023-2026)


We explore changes of vegetation, hydrology and peat during recent decades in aapa mires by repeated case studies and a sample of 120 aapa mires. The case studies will provide detailed information of changes and are used to develop and test remote sensing and peat-imaging methodology.

Teemu Tahvanainen (

I am interested in the role of vegetation as ecosystem structure and influence of vegetation changes on ecosystem functions. Environmental change impacts vegetation, the change of which alters environment, and the role of ecosystem in the biosphere can be shifted. My main esearch focus is in northern mires – peat accumulating wetlands.

Virpi Kaukio (

Virpi Kaukio is a researcher in environmental aesthetics, who in her PhD thesis (UEF 2013) examined the complex relationship between the environmental experiences offered by art and fiction and the environments experienced physically on site. More recently, Kaukio has been studying intangible cultural heritage and the changes in the use of mires and the cultural relationship with nature (Mire Trend research project, UEF, Kone Foundation, 2020-2023). Kaukio became interested in museums as a platform for experiential publishing during her work experience (Riihisaari – Savonlinna Museum 2019) and while studying museology (Jyväskylä Open University 2023), when she drafted sketches on the possibilities of a multisensory museum.

This project of museum as a platform for experiential publishing of research explores ways to make visible information or research processes that are challenging or impossible to publish through traditional scientific publishing channels. The study examines experiential or so-called tacit knowledge, which is difficult to verbalize and conceptualize, from the perspective of aesthetics and sensory research.

The central idea behind publishing differently is to make information more equally accessible and pluralistic. For the museum, new ways provide a means to contribute to the social debate. For researchers, the museum can offer new channels for publishing research. Because a museum operates spatially and three-dimensionally, activating all the senses, its means of presentation are more responsive to individual and community experience and live cultural heritage as a process.

The project is carried out by Virpi Kaukio at the University of Eastern Finland and funded by the Kone Foundation 2024-2025. The research will be conducted through observation and interviews with researchers, artists, museum professionals and other people involved in experimental activities in museums. The materials will be analyzed using environmental aesthetics, ethnographic and neo-materialist research methods, and art and cultural studies perspectives. In addition to scientific articles, the project will produce practical guidelines for those planning to publish experimental research in a museum.