Aytac Yurukcu
Doctoral Researcher
Karelian Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 351 6365
KM-19-11076 Finnish Government Scholarship Pool, EDUFI, “First Encounter of Two Nations in Balkans in the History of Relations between Finland and Turkey; Finnish Soldiers and War Reports During the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78”.
TM-21-11709 / Finnish Government Scholarship Pool, EDUFI, “War Propaganda and the Role of Media in Comparative Perspective: Analysing the Media Sources of the Russo-Turkish War 1877-78”.
My research interests include journalism, media, press, war correspondence, diaries and reminiscences late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Also my research area specialises in identity and nationalism, historical image studies, intellectual history, cultural history, mapping and cartography. Currently, I am a reviewer for International Journal of Cartography ICACI/IJC and I am in the Editorial Board of The World History Bulletin (2020/2022), an official publication of the World History Association.
5 items-
V.V. Barthold and Russian Orientalism in Central Asia, Journal of Balkan Libraries Union …
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Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), Pîrî Reis and Understand His World Map of 1513 29th…
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How South-Eastern Europe Map is Changing by Russian Propaganda CIEES 2018
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European War Journalist and Their Activities In The Balkan Front of the Russian-Ottoman …
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Eds. Proceedings Book, Turkey and India, Past and Emerging Ties - 2022
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Russia on the Danube: Empire, Elites, and Reform in Moldavia and Wallachia, 1812-1834
Yurukcu, Aytac. 2023. Hiperboreea. 10: 111-114 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
"Finns And Turks”, First Encounter and Cultural Interaction in Eastern Europe; Finnish Soldiers’ War Diaries on The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78
Aytaç Yürükçü. Teoksessa: Sarı, Sema Aktaş; Vatansever, Erim; Kerim, Mehmet(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of International Eastern European Studies (CIEES 2022) | Beşinci Uluslararasi Doğu Avrupa Çalişmalari Kongresi Bildiri Kitabi (CIEES 2022). s. 14-28. Platform of International Eastern European Studies A4 Conference proceedings -
1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nda Avrupalı Savaş Muhabirleri ve Balkan Cephesi’ndeki Faaliyetleri [European War Journalists and Propaganda Activities on the Balkan Front of the 1877-78 Russian-Ottoman War of the 1877-78]
Yürükçüy, Aytaç. Teoksessa: Özyetgin, A Melek; Engin, Vahdettin; Hut, Davut (toim.) , 2022. Sultan II. Abdülhamid ve Osmanlı Modernleşmesi (CİLT III). s. 317-339. Yildiz Technical University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Geçmişten günümüze Türkiye-Hindistan ilişkileri uluslararasi sempozyumu: Bildiriler
Pustu, Yunus; İmamoğlu, Uğur Cenk Deniz; Yürükçü, Aytaç. 2022. . . Turkish Historical Society C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal