Our imaging core facility provides the instruments to image biological processes from tissues to single cells and subcellular molecular kinetics with both conventional and high-throughput methods.
Contact persons
Equipment includes Opera Phenix Plus high content confocal microscope system, Zeiss LSM 700 and LSM 800 Airyscan confocal microscopes, ISS M612 TCSPC/FLIM confocal microscope, IncuCyte S3 high-content imaging system for living cells, Leica THUNDER Imager 3D Tissue slide scanner, Novocyte Quanteon flow cytometer, and an image processing computer with Imaris 10.
Opera Phenix Plus is located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3153.
Confocal microscopes, TCSPC/FLIM microscope and slide scanner are located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3151.
IncuCyte S3 imaging platform is located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3156.
Histology laboratory is located in Snellmania Building, 3rd floor, room SN3245.
Novocyte Quanteon is located in Canthia Building, 4th floor, room CA4044/1.
NB! The doors to the imaging unit premises are locked 24/7. You can apply for a key through your unit’s or department’s key responsible person.
Janne Capra (Core Manager), janne.capra(at)uef.fi, p. 050-5165268, room SN3209.
1 itemsKeywords
Senior Researchers
Post-doctoral Researchers
Eija Rahunen
Senior Laboratory TechnicianInstitute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Minna Turunen
BioanalystInstitute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences